Robert and Doris Kurth Cather
Title: Robert and Doris
Kurth Cather Collection
Collector: Kurth, Robert
Collector: Kurth, Doris
Dates: 1897-1975, bulk 1927-1950
Quantity: 1 box (0.2 linear
Collection Number: MS 0076
Language: English
Restrictions: None
Access and Use: For information on access or copyright, please see our guidelines
or email
Historical Records Statement: Please see our statement on historical records and materials.
Preferred Citation: Robert and Doris Kurth Cather Collection (MS 0076). Archives & Special
Collections, University of Nebraska–Lincoln Libraries.
Alternative Format: None
Robert Kurth grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska. He received his undergraduate degree in
1950 and his M.D. degree in 1953 from the University of Nebraska College of
Medicine. He and his wife Doris became interested in the life and works of Willa
Cather in 1975 and spent nearly twenty-five years acquiring Catheriana.
Scope and Content:
The Kurth collection contains correspondence to and about Willa Cather, including
letters from Anna Pavelka, after whom Cather modeled the protagonist of My Antonia. The Pavelka letters describe farm life in
rural Nebraska. The collection includes Cather's article "Victoria's Ancestors: The
House of Hanover" as it appeared in Home Monthly,
photographs of Willa Cather and places in New Mexico, and typescripts about Willa
Cather written by George N. Kates and E. H. Brewster. The list of renewals for
Cather's stories and poetry include title of Cather's work, the title of the
magazine the work was published in, the original publication date, and the date for
application for renewal. The majority of postcards in the collection are of places
in New Mexico. A postcard of Van Gogh's "La Chambre A Arles" includes the comment
"so lovely" written in Cather's hand and on another postcard, captioned
"Haute-Savoie - Combloux et le Mont-Blanc," Edith Lewis noted that Cather stayed
Kurth, Robert H.
Kurth, Doris
Cather, Willa, 1873-1947
Pavelka, Anna Sadilek, 869-1955
Kates, George N. (George Norbert), 1895-
Brewster, E. H
Seymour, Gabriel, 1958-
Lewis, Edith
De Ville, John B
Lin, Yutang, 1895-1976
Farm life -- Nebraska
Container List:
Box 1. Folder 1. Correspondence, 1927-1967, undated
Box 1. Folder 2. Cather, "Victoria's
Ancestors...," The Home Monthly, Vol.
VI, No. II 1897, June
Box 1. Folder 3. Renewal lists, Willa Cather stories, 1931, 1934
Box 1. Folder 4. Typescript, George N. Kates,"Willa Cather
in Europe..."
Box 1. Folder 5. Edited typescript, Brewster, E. H.,"For
Willa Cather - Living"
Box 1. Folder 6. Exhibit catalog, Seymour, Gabriel,"Willa
Cather's Red Cloud...,"Jefferson Market Courthouse, 1975
Box 1. Folder 7. Typescript, Yutang, Lin,"My Country and My
People," 1956, April 10
Box 1. Folder 8. Poetry manuscripts,"Venetian Boat Mans
Box 1. Folder 9. Menus from cruise ships, 1930
Box 1. Folder 10. Photographs, postcards, John B. de Ville
Box 1. Folder 11. Postcards, New Mexico and other locations
Box 1. Folder 12. Photographs, Willa Cather, New Mexico
Box 1. Folder 12. Newpaper clippings, 1986-1987
Related Material and Resources: The Robert and Doris Kurth collection of unique, limited, and first edition Cather
novels is also located in the Archives & Special Collections of the University
of Nebraska–Lincoln Libraries. These books can be located through the
University Libraries on-line catalog. |