Samuel Avery, Speeches, Chancellor Records
Title: Samuel Avery, Speeches,
Chancellor Records
Creator: Avery, Samuel, 1865-1936
Dates: 1910-1933
Quantity: 1
box (0.2 linear feet)
Collection Number: RG 05-10-02
Language: English
Restrictions: None
Access and Use: For information on access or copyright, please see our guidelines or email
Historical Records Statement: Please see our statement on historical records and materials.
Preferred Citation: Samuel Avery, Speeches, Chancellor Records (RG 05-10-02). Archives & Special
Collections, University of Nebraska–Lincoln Libraries.
Formats: Microfilm
Samuel Avery served as Chancellor of the University from 1908-1928. He attended the
University of Nebraska and received a B.A. in 1892, and his M.A. in 1894. He studied for his
Ph.D. in Heidelberg, receiving his diploma in 1896. Avery began teaching at the University
in 1897 as an adjunct professor of chemistry. From 1899-1901 he taught at the University of
Idaho. He returned to Nebraska in 1901, teaching classes on organic analytical chemistry and
agricultural chemistry. In 1905, he became Professor of Chemistry. While born in Illinois,
within a year of his birth the Avery family moved to Saline County, Nebraska. Avery died on
January 25, 1936, in Lincoln, Nebraska.
For more information, please visit the Office of the Chancellor, Samuel Avery.
Scope and Content:
This record group includes speeches written and presented by Avery during his term as
University of Nebraska chancellor along with associated articles and memos. The majority of
items are typescripts and typescript carbons. Most of the speeches were given at the
university or in Nebraska, unless otherwise noted. The titles listed for each item are those
created by Avery or supplied from the first line of the speech.
Avery, Samuel, 1865-1936
University of Nebraska (Lincoln campus). Office of the
University of Nebraska (Lincoln campus) --
Universities and colleges -- Administration --
College administrators -- Nebraska
University of Nebraska (Lincoln campus) -- Administration --
History -- Sources
Container List:
Box 1. Folder 1. Speeches, addresses, 1910-1925Item 1.Addresses by Chancellor Avery, contributed by May B. Bennett
AveryItem 1."The Use of Intoxicants by Students of Two
Universities," 1910, Mar. 27
Item 2."The Growth of the Univeristy of Nebraska During
the Administration of Dr. Andrews," 1911, May 12
Item 3."The Chancellor's Report to the
Alumni," 1916, June 6
Item 4."The Progress of the University During the Past
Decade," 1919, Sept. 23
Item 5."The University of Nebraska, Past, Present and
Future," 1921, Oct. 17
Item 6."Summary of the Year," 1922, June 3
Item 7."The Veteran Professor," 1923, Nov. 1
Item 8."Summary of the School Year 1924-25 to Alumni
Association," 1925, May 30
Item 2."The University of Nebraska has received from the
federal government one million and a quarter dollars for the support of agricultural
and mechanical college.," 1913, Jan. 16
Item 3."At a meeting of the Board of Regents on October
12, 1912, Dr. George E. Condra was made Professor of Geography and Conservation and
Head of the Department of Geography and Conservation....," 1913?
Item 4."In order to correct any misunderstanding of the
official position of the University in regard to... House Roll
345," 1913?
Item 5."Chancellor Avery of the State University is in
receipt of a letter from Secretary of State Bryan....," 1913-1915
Box 1. Folder 2. Speeches, addresses, 1914-1917Item 1."During my entire administration I have so often
expressed the thought that one of the greatest immediate needs of the University is
an adequate physical plant....," 1914, Oct. 20
Item 2."Since occupying my present
position....," 1914, Nov. 16
Item 3."Anything of Mine That the Government Needs, It Can
Have," 1914?
Item 4."Comments on Letter of Mr. Coupland, retiring
Regent of the University, to the Members of the Legislature," 1914?
Item 5."All who wish the students well wish to
see....," 1915, Mar. 15
Item 6."In almost every State
University....," 1915, Apr. 1
Item 7."Among the men by whom the University of Nebraska
has been most ably represented....," 1915, June
Item 8.Nebraska Farmer, "My early days were spent on the
farm, and until I was twenty-five I worked on the farm....," 1915, Aug.
Item 9."The University Week Association is establishing
University Week....," 1915, Sept.
Item 10."Our National Chemical Industry Round
Table," 1915, Nov. 1
Item 11."Starting out in 1870 by giving a few courses in
the classics and the liberal arts, the University of Nebraska has widened its
usefulness to the people of this state....," 1915?
Item 12."The Nebraskan originally started as a private
enterprise," 1916, Jan. 12
Item 13."Chancellor Samuel Avery of the University of
Nebraska....," 1916, May 6
Item 14."The University honors the memory of the Chancellor
Emeritus," 1916, Sept. 5
Item 15."Real friends of the University will hesitate
before endorsing the bill of Representative Taylor to abolish the Board of
Regents....," 1917, Feb. 6
Item 16."The Society of Innocents by declaring itself in
favor of the establishment of a Student Council....," 1917, Feb. 7
Item 17."A morning paper closes an editorial with this
sentence....," 1917, Feb. 22
Item 18."That so inoffensive a body as the Senate of the
University of Nebraska....," 1917, Feb. 26
Item 19."Your report this morning asked me by what
authority I offered the use during the war of the mechanical engineering
laboratories....," 1917, Apr. 4
Item 20."Twenty-eight citizens of Ericson, Nebraska, have
solemnly denounced the attitude of the Chancellor...for supporting President
Wilson....," 1917, Apr. 6
Item 21."Chancellor Avery, when asked this moring as to the
immediate effect the war would have on the University....," 1917, Apr. 7
Item 22."The University Senate met at 10:15 in the faculty
room of the Temple...," 1917, Apr. 14
Item 23."Acting in harmony with the wishes of the federal
government....," 1917, June 4
Item 24."Chancellor Avery has issued the following
statement in regard to the Regents' action in taking over the control of the
athletic finances....," 1917, June 22
Item 25."The University and the
Legislature," 1917, June 25
Item 26."Chancellor Avery returned last night from Fort
Snelling....," 1917, July 10
Item 27."Dean Stout has been appointed a Major in the
United States Reserve Army....," 1917, July 17
Item 28."Services the University has Rendered to the
Federal Government Since the Beginning of the War," 1917, July
Item 29."The University and the War," 1917, Sept. 18
Item 30."The University officials desiring to serve the
county in every possible way during war...," 1917, Oct. 5
Item 31."Athletics in War Times," 1917, Nov. 26
Item 32."Chancellor Avery on the President's
Message," 1917, Dec. 5
Item 33."The splendid success of the Red Triangle drive
encourages hope that the coming Red Cross membership....," 1917, Dec. 15
Item 34."Chancellor Avery of the inclined
to smile at the statements of German professors that the war will be won...through
the shutting off of potash supplies.," 1917?
Item 35."The meeting I attended in Washington was a joint
conference of the National Association of State Universities and the Association of
Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations....," 1917?
Item 36."To Maintain Military Instruction as a Required
Subject is a Moral Obligation of the University of Nebraska to the Government of the
United States," 1917?
Item 37."Military Drill in the
University," 1917?
Item 38."When a peaceful government like the United States
attempts to raise a large army....," 1917?
Item 39."The items published in an Omaha paper as a
dispatch from Lincoln to the effect that Professor Fling....," 1917-1918?
Item 40."Wheatless and Meatless Days; Economy in Sugar and
Fats," 1917-1918?
Box 1. Folder 3. Speeches, addresses, 1918-1933Item 1."War Services of the University," 1918, May 11
Item 2."The Board of Regents has spent ten days in hearing
evidence upon the charges of disloyalty....," 1918, June 18
Item 3."The Palladian have again been disturbed by a
rumor....," 1919, Feb. 19
Item 4."Proposed Reorganization in the University of
Nebraska," 1919, Apr. 14
Item 5."from my knowledge of the sentiment of the people
of the state....," 1919, Apr. 22
Item 6."As previously announced, the University will close
for the holidays....," 1919, Dec. 17
Item 7."The Chancellor, the Senate, and the Board of
Regents....present facilitations to General John Joseph
Pershing....," 1920?
Item 8."My opinion having been asked on the desirability
of the organization of a Ku Klux Klan in the University....," 1921, Sept. 19
Item 9."Dr. John H. Finley, Associated Editor of the New
York Times, has been secured as commencement orator....," 1921?
Item 10."The University in Retrenchment," 1922, Feb. 24
Item 11."The Saturday papers contained headlines as
follows....," 1922, Feb. 28
Item 12."On this spot facing the scene of General
Pershing's first independent command....," 1922, Apr. 15
Item 13."Boosters vs Knockers," 1922, May 2
Item 14."An Appreciation of Mr. C. E.
Chowins," 1922, June 17
Item 15."Speaking on behalf of the Regents of The
University....the Alumni Association has taken over the memorial
building...," 1922, June 26
Item 16."The Newspapers and the People," 1922, Oct. 14
Item 17."A Personal Appreciation of Professor
Dann," 1922, Dec. 6
Item 18."An Associated Press dispatch from Chicago Monday
morning states that Professor Joshi of Baroda College, India, has announced that he
is considering a year's exchange....," 1922?
Item 19."The Chancellor of the University of
Nebraska...begs to voice to Joseph Jacques Césaire
Joffre....," 1922?
Item 20."With great pleasure I accepted the invitation of
the Officers of the Grand Army of the Republic....," 1922?
Item 21."The grand old man of the University has left
us," 1923, Jan. 23
Item 22."An Appreciation of the Services of Dr. Hall as
Regent of the University," 1923, Mar. 14
Item 23."We Dedicate Today the Memorial
Stadium," 1923, Oct. 20
Item 24."The Financial Relation of Certain Special
Activities to the Chancellor of the University," 1923?
Item 25."Statement of my recollection of Wilbur O.
Ayer," 1924, Feb. 12
Item 26."Max Westerman entered the service of the
Univeristy...," 1924, Sept. 26
Item 27."The discussions of athletics in university is
timely," 1924, Dec. 18
Item 28."Address at Review of Regiment," 1925, Dec. 7
Item 29."Northwestern University requested the Chancellor
and the Regents of the University of Nebraska to withhold any statement on the
resignation of Dean Cutter and his appointment....," 1925?
Item 30."I first met Dr. Lees in the fall of
'90," 1926, Feb. 4
Item 31."Sweetness and Politics," 1926, Feb. 18
Item 32."The only thing that I can to what was published
yesterday....," 1926, May 18
Item 33."Miller Moore Fogg was born January 15, 1868, at
Kingwood, New Jersey," 1926, May 21
Item 34."Servant of the Public, E.P.
Brown," 1932, Dec. 30
Item 35."William Gunn Whitmore A Farmer Who Believed in
Scientific Agriculture," 1933, Jan. 2
Box 1. Folder 4. Speeches, addresses, undatedItem 1."Address of Welcome to Farmers Institute
Item 2."Dr. Andrews as a College
Item 3."Attacks having been made on the University
Administration in connection with the appointment of the new Dean of
Item 4."Certain stories have been circulated in regard to
the Chancellor's blood relationship or connection by marriage...."
Item 5."A complete college of agriculture shall be
established on the campus of the University Farm." undated
Item 6."Constitutional lawyers have advised me that since
the constitution of the state recognized the University of Nebraska as an
Item 7."Explanation of the University
Item 8."For many years students and patrons of the
institution have complained that the text book business...."
Item 9."The Funds of the First and Second Morrill
Item 10."I have just returned from a trip to Washington on
official business and find a report of the Red Triangle campaign awaiting
me." undated
Item 11."Leaves of Absence for
Item 12."Memorial Services for Doctor
Item 13."As a number of cases of
Item 14."An open attack having been made in the public
press involving.... teaching force...."
Item 15."The poisoness effect of alcoholic
Item 16."Press dispatched in the daily papers of the 29th
inst., announce that the faculty of the University College of Agriculture....have
voted to abolish foreign languages as an entrance requirement."
Item 17."Professor William Francis Dann has had a most
interesting career..."
Item 18."....the rooms of the Palladian and Union Literary
Societies were given to these organizations...."
Item 19."Save the Old Oil from Your
Item 20."So much has been well said in regard to the life
and work of Professor Brown...."
Item 21."What Proportion of Their Expenses do University of
Nebraska Students Earn?" V. Royce West
Item 24-25.Fragments, notes