Mari Sandoz Collection
Title: Mari Sandoz
Creator: Sandoz, Mari, 1896-1966
Dates: 1864-1976 (bulk
Quantity: 199
boxes (186 linear feet)
Collection Number: MS
Access and Use: For information on access or copyright, please see our guidelines or email
Historical Records Statement: Please see our statement on historical records and materials.
Other Finding Aids: For a complete list of Sandoz materials available via microfilm, please
see the Mari Sandoz Collection, which provides access to
the microfilm indexing.Series 4: Correspondence and Personal Files, "O" [Microfilm Reel MS00002]Oakes, Annie May
O'Beirne-Ranelagh, Elaine Lambert Lewis
Ober, Harold -- Authors' Representative
Ober, Nelson
O'Brien, Audrey
O'Brien, Edward J.
O'Connell, Frank B.
O'Connell, J.B.
O'Dell, Bonnie Lee
O'Dwyer, Mrs.
Offergeld, Robert -- Look
Office of War Information
Ogallala, Nebraska, Chamber of Commerce
Ogden, Archie G. -- Atlantic Monthly Press
Ogden, Archie G. -- Bobbs-Merrill Company
Ogden, Archie G. -- Executive Director, Council on Books in Wartime, Incorporated
Ogden, Archie G. -- Appleton, Century, and Crofts
Ogden, Archie G.
Ogden, Arthur -- Alfred A. Knopf, Incorporated
Ogden, Johanna
Oiler, Charlie
O'Keefe, Marie Glantz (Mrs. James I.)
O'Kelly, ?
O'Kelly, Bill
O'Kieffe, Charles Dewitt
Oklahoma State Historical Society
O'Koon, Miss
Old Jules
Oldfather, C.H. -- Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of
Oldfather, Margaret M.
Oldfield, Barney
Olds, Alex M.
O'Leary, Mary
Olenslager, George -- American Broadcast Company
Oliff, Ruth A. (Mrs. H.E.)
Olitski, Jules
Oliver, Beatrice
Oliver, Charles
Oliver, Paul
Olney, Austin G. -- Houghton Mifflin Company
Olson, C.N.
Olson, Mrs. George A.
Olson, J.R.
Olson, James C. -- Nebraska State Historical Society
Olsson, Averill
Olsson, Loren G.
Omaha, Nebraska, Chamber of Commerce
Omaha, Nebraska, Sunday World Herald
Omaha, Nebraska, Woman's Press Club
Omaha, Nebraska, World Herald
Omaha, Nebraska, Writer's Club
O'Mahoney, Joseh C. -- United States Senate
O'Meara, Alfred, Jr.
O'Meara, Bets or Betts (Mrs. Alfred)
O'Neil, Perry
O'Neil, Priscilla Sandoz -- Author's cousin
O'Neill, Arnell
O'Neill, Catharine P.
Orman, C.R. Van see also Van Orman, C.R.
Orme, Fern Hubbard -- Nebraska State Senator
Orr, Frank C.
Orr, Winnett H.
Orsech, George
O'Ruorte, Bill
Osborn, Nora J. (Mrs. Emmett)
Oshiki, Kaz
Oshom, Gehas A.
Osier, John W.
Oster, Vivien Simmons
Osterhout, Lyle C.
Ostrander, Celia -- Author's niece
Ostrander, Orville
O'Sullivan, Eugene -- U.S. Representative, Nebraska
Otis, Elizabeth R. -- McIntosh and Otis
O'Toole, Margaret
Otte, Mrs. John B.
Otten, Bernice
Ottinger, Maurice
Ottoman, Edward B.
Ottoson, Howard W.
Outdoor Nebraska
Overcash, Esther
Overman, Mrs. Betty
Overman, Mrs. Milton
Oviatt, Mabelle
Owens, Meroe J.