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Mari Sandoz Collection

Title: Mari Sandoz Collection

Creator: Sandoz, Mari, 1896-1966

Dates: 1864-1976 (bulk 1931-1966)

Quantity: 199 boxes (186 linear feet)

Collection Number: MS 0080

Access and Use: For information on access or copyright, please see our guidelines or email archives@unl.edu.

Historical Records Statement: Please see our statement on historical records and materials.

Other Finding Aids: For a complete list of Sandoz materials available via microfilm, please see the Mari Sandoz Collection, which provides access to the microfilm indexing.Container List: Box 1. Correspondence, 1901-1934 [Microfilm Reel MS0004]

This reel contains numerous rejection notices for Sandoz's early work.

Item Jules A. Sandoz to Professor Barbour, 1901, Mar. 2 [frame 4.4]

Regarding prehistoric animal tooth; giant beaver bones.

Item Jules A. Sandoz to Professor Barbour, 1901, Mar. 10, 1902, Aug. 1 [frame 4.5-6]

Regarding prehistoric animal remains to be sent to Lincoln.

Item Harper & Brothers Publishing to Marie Macumber, 1926, June 7 [frame 4.14]

Regarding "Fearbitten."

Item Harper & Brothers Publishing to Marie Macumber, 1926,July 16 [frame 4.19]

Regarding "Fearbitten" wins a prize.

Item Mari Sandoz to Robert M. Baldwin, 1928, Feb. 23 [frame 4.59]

Regarding biographical note about Sandoz.

Item Genius Publishing Corporation to Marie Macumber, 1928, Aug. 13 [frame 4.63-66]

Regarding her manuscript, its publishing possibilities .

Item Mari Sandoz to Editorial Offices of The Genius, 1928, Aug. 26 [frame 4.67]

Regarding investing in the company.

Item Mari Sandoz to August Lenniger, 1928, Aug. 30 [frame 4.68]

Regarding needing a literary agent; her works in progress.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mr. Fredrick Allen, Harper's Magazine 1928, Oct. 1 [frame 4.72]

Regarding writing of the city instead of the Sandhills.

Item Mari Sandoz to Editorial Offices, Dial Magazine, 1928, Oct. 1 [frame 4.73]

Regarding "The Smart Man."

Item Mari Sandoz to Omaha World Herald, 1928, Nov. 22 [frame 4.75]

Regarding "Sandhills Homes", an article Sandoz submitted for the magazine section.

Item Mari Sandoz to Editor, Stratford Magazine, 1929, Jan. 1 [frame 4.80]

Regarding a short piece, "The Woman in Grey."

Item Mari Sandoz to Lowery Wimberly, 1929, Feb. 5 [frame 4.85]

Regarding getting published; Prairie Schooner.

Item Will James to Mari Sandoz, 1929, May 20 [frame 4.96]

Regarding her criticism of elements in one of his stories.

Item Mari Sandoz to Editorial Offices, The Atlantic Monthly, 1929, June 3 [frame 4.99]

Regarding "Fearbitten."

Item Margaret Christie (Publicity Service) to Mari Sandoz, 1929, June 27 [frame 4.105-106]

Regarding a writing name; "Fearbitten;" "The Smart Man;" writing plays.

Item Mari Sandoz to Margaret Christie, 1929, June 29 [frame 4.108]

Regarding sending stories in for publication consideration; a possible trip to New York.

Item Mari Sandoz to Margaret Christie, 1929, July 11 [frame 4.112]

Regarding revising "Fearbitten."

Item Mari Sandoz to Margaret Christie, 1929, Sept. 5 [frame 4.122-127]

Regarding Sandoz's trip to the Sandhills; "What Makes Teachers Cranky" .

Item Margaret Christie to Mari Sandoz, 1929, Oct. 5 [frame 4.133-134]

Regarding Sandoz's work; works in progress.

Item Margaret Christie to Mari Sandoz, 1929, Oct. 8 [frame 4.135]

Regarding "why did you write this desperate tragedy?"

Item Mari Sandoz to Margaret Christie, 1929, Oct. 12 [frame 4.136]

Regarding the violent reaction to "Victorie?"

Item Mari Sandoz to Margaret Christie, 1929, Oct. 27 [frame 4.141]

Regarding working on a novel; Remarque's All Quite on the Western Front.

Item Mari Sandoz to Margaret Christie, undated [frame 4.142-143]

Regarding ideas for stories.

Item Mari Sandoz to "My Dear Lady" (Opal Paap?), 1929, Nov. 3 [frame 4.147-149]

Regarding books and novels Sandoz is reading presently.

Item Margaret Christie to Mari Sandoz, 1929, Nov. 13 [frame 4.152]

Regarding midwest novels.

Item Mari Sandoz to Ross Santee, 1929, Nov. 20 [frame 4.156]

Regarding Santee's Cowboy.

Item Mari Sandoz to Marget Christie, 1929, Dec. 8 [frame 4.159]

Regarding burning of short stories.

Item Eleanor Hinman to Mari Sandoz, undated [frame 4.166-167]

Regarding "Victorie;" Sandoz's writing ability.

Item No Name, undated [frame 4.168-169]

Regarding criticism of "Victorie."

Item Mari Sandoz to Margaret Christie, 1930, Jan. 2 [frame 4.178]

Regarding "The Kinkaider Comes and Goes."

Item A.E. Sheldon to The North American Review, 1930, Jan. 2 [frame 4.180]

Regarding Mari Sandoz.

Item Mari Sandoz to Margaret Christie, 1930, Jan. 6 [frame 4.182]

Regarding a teaching job in Nevada.

Item Mari Sandoz to Eleanor Hinman, 1930, Jan. 10 [frame 4.183]

Regarding banking problems; financial problems; disinterest in material things.

Item Mari Sandoz to Margaret Christie, 1930, Jan. 18 [frame 4.185]

Regarding Jules Sandoz photograph.

Item Mari Sandoz to Margaret Christie, 1930, Feb. 3 [frame 4.191]

Regarding "Youth Rides Into the Wind."

Item Mari Sandoz to The Country Gentleman, 1930, Feb. 14 [frame 4.194-195]

Regarding an article about Jules Sandoz; growing fruit on the plains; Sandhills life.

Item Mari Sandoz to Margaret Christie, 1930, Feb. 16 [frame 4.196]

Regarding Sandoz's article accepted.

Item Mari Sandoz to Margaret Christie, 1930, Feb. 17 [frame 4.197]

Regarding The Country Gentleman article about Jules Sandoz.

Item Mari Sandoz to the Sandoz Family, 1930, Feb. 20 [frame 4.200]

Regarding fashions of the day.

Item Margaret Christie to Mari Sandoz, 1930, Feb. 21 [frame 4.202]

Regarding Sandoz's fiction writings; editing one's own work.

Item Joseph Fehr to Mari Sandoz, 1930, Feb. 25 [frame 4.204-205]

Regarding Swiss family heritage.

Item Mari Sandoz to Margaret Christie, 1930, Mar. 9 [frame 4.214]

Regarding writing with subtlety; Sandhills sagas.

Item Mari Sandoz to Editorial Department, Pictorial Review, 1930, Mar. 15 [frame 4.216-217]

Regarding "I am Through With Love", an article; the myth of romantic love.

Item Margaret Christie to Mari Sandoz, 1930, Mar. 18 [frame 4.218]

Reply to Sandoz's letter of March 9; writing with subtlety.

Item Margaret Christie to Mari Sandoz, 1930, Mar. 22 [frame 4.219-220]

Regarding "Twin Mills of the Gods."

Item Mari Sandoz to Margaret Christie, 1930, Mar. 27 [frame 4.223]

Regarding "Twin Mills of the Gods;" "Judas."

Item Mari Sandoz to "My dear Pete", 1930, Mar. 29 [frame 4.224]

Regarding a marriage proposal.

Item Mari Sandoz to Joseph Fehr, 1930, Apr. 1 [frame 4.226]

Regarding writing fiction.

Item Margaret Christie to Mari Sandoz, 1930, Apr. 11 [frame 4.228]

Regarding a story of Sandoz's father.

Item Mari Sandoz to Margaret Christie, 1930, Apr. 17 [frame 4.229]

Regarding "Endor;" "DeCara;" "Old Jules;" sheaf of notes.

Item Mari Sandoz to Rushville Standard, 1930, May 8 [frame 4.235]

Regarding an article on Jules Sandoz in North American Review.

Item Similar letters to the one mentioned above [frame 4.236-238] Item Mari Sandoz to Editorial Offices, National Geographic Magazine, 1930, May 19 [frame 4.239]

Regarding Sandoz's qualifications to write about the Sandhills.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mr. Modisett (Rushville, Nebraska), 1930, May 22 [frame 4.240-241]

Regarding a missed meeting in Lincoln with Mr. Broome; Lincoln's capital building.

Item Mari Sandoz to Margaret Christie, 1930, June 6 [frame 4.245]

Regarding termination of their professional relationship.

Item Mari Sandoz to Editorial Office, Harper's Magazine, 1930, June 19 [frame 4.247]

Regarding Nebraska panhandle.

Item Mari Sandoz to Kenneth Wilcox Payne, Editorial Director, North American Review, 1930, June 21 [frame 4.248-249]

Regarding "Stalking the Ghost of Crazy Horse;" Pine Ridge and Rosebud Reservations.

Item Kenneth Wilcox Payne, Editorial Director ( North American Review) to Mari Sandoz, 1930, June 24 [frame 4.250]

Reply to Sandoz's letter of June 21, 1930.

Item Editorial Offices, National Geographic Magazine to Mari Sandoz, 1930, June 25 [frame 4.251]

Reply to Sandoz's letter of May 19, 1930 regarding Nebraska Sandhills.

Item Helen Blish to Eleanor Hinman, 1930, June 30 [frame 4.254]

Regarding Crazy Horse; He Dog.

Item Mari Sandoz to Editorial Offices, Saturday Evening Post, 1930, July 28 [frame 4.257-259]]

Regarding "Stalking the Ghost of Crazy Horse;" Sandoz and Hinman's trip to "Sioux Country;" outline of an article about Crazy Horse.

Item Saturday Evening Post to Mari Sandoz, 1930, July 31 [frame 4.264]

Regarding a rejection of the idea for an article.

Item Mari Sandoz to William Chenery, Editor, Colliers, 1930, Aug. 4 [frame 4.265-266]

Regarding an idea for an article called "The Man at the Curb."

Item Colliers: The National Weekly to Mari Sandoz, 1930, Aug. 8 [frame 4.270]

Regarding rejection of the article idea.

Item Mari Sandoz to Liberty Magazine, 1930, Aug. 11 [frame 4.271]

Regarding plagiarism in the August 16th issue.

Item Allie Sandoz (cousin) to Mari Sandoz, 1930, Aug. 27 [frame 4.280-282]

Regarding coming to Lincoln; entering Union College; Sandhills life.

Item Mari Sandoz to Editorial Offices, American Magazine, 1930, Aug. 30 [frame 4.284-286]

Regarding "Stalking the Ghost of Crazy Horse."

Item Mari Sandoz to Ellery Sedgewick, Editor Atlantic Monthly, 1930, Aug. 30 [frame 4.287-288]

Regarding Sandoz's idea for "The Grubline Rider."

Item Mari Sandoz to Editorial Office, The Forum, 1930, Aug. 30 [frame 4.289]

Regarding "The Judas of Simmons Flat."

Item Mari Sandoz to Book Editorial, Harper Brothers, 1930, Aug. 31 [frame 4.292]

Regarding Sandoz's "first novel" about a woman Ungirt Runner.

Item Universal Scenario Company to Mari Sandoz, 1930, Sept. 6 [frame 4.299-300]

Regarding Sandoz's "DeCara of the Twin Mills."

Item Universal Scenario Company to Mari Sandoz, 1930, Sept. 25 [frame 4.312]

Regarding Sandoz's "DeCara of the Twin Mills."

Item Harper & Brothers to Mari Sandoz, 1930, Nov. 14 [frame 4.327]

Regarding Ungirt Runner rejected.

Item Mari Sandoz to Book Editorial, Dodd, Mead Company, 1930, Nov. 18 [frame 4.328]

Regarding The Ungirt Runner submission.

Item Mari Sandoz to University of New Mexico, 1930, Nov. 26 [frame 4.329]

Regarding art classes offered in summer session.

Item Mari Sandoz to Scribners Magazine, 1930, Dec. 8 [frame 4.333-334]

Regarding author Elizabeth Willis.

Item Mari Sandoz to King Feature Syndicate, 1930, Dec. 10 [frame 4.336]

Regarding Sandoz's idea for an article about New Mexico.

Item Paul Marti to Mari Sandoz, undated [frame 4.344-346]

Regarding a letter written from McCook, Nebraska; "rooming mates."

Item Mari Sandoz to Mr.Sweetzer, 1931, Jan. 2 [frame 4.348]

Regarding art and artists .

Item Mari Sandoz to Miss Baumgarten, 1931, Jan. 3 [frame 4.349]

Regarding Sandoz seeking literary representation.

Item Miss Baumgarten, Brandt & Brandt to Mari Sandoz, 1931, Jan. 6 [frame 4.351]

Regarding terms of representation.

Item Dodd, Mead & Company to Mari Sandoz, 1931, Jan. 12 [frame 4.362]

Regarding rejection of Ungirt Runner.

Item Mari Sandoz to Miss Baumgarten, Brandt & Brandt, 1931, Jan. 16 [frame 4.364]

Regarding Ungirt Runner.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mr. E.E. Sturgeon, 1931, Jan. 17 [frame 4.365]

Regarding request for information about Sheridan, Box Butte and Cherry Counties in Nebraska; Mirage Irrigation Company; Hay Springs, Nebraska.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mr. Mayes, Rushville Standard, 1931, Jan. 20 [frame 4.367]

Regarding a request for information of Northwest Nebraska in the late 1800's; questionnaire.

Item Mari Sandoz to John H. Jones, 1931, Jan. 23 [frame 4.372]

Regarding a request for information of Northwest Nebraska; questionnaire.

Item Mari Sandoz to Charles Sears, 1931, Jan. 23 [frame 4.373]

Regarding a request for information of Northwest Nebraska; questionnaire.

Item Mari Sandoz to Book Editorial, Charles Scribners & Sons, 1931, Jan. 28 [frame 4.377]

Regarding Ungirt Runner; writing progress on Old Jules.

Item J.T. Link to Mari Sandoz , 1931, Feb. 11 [frame 4.387]

Regarding letters of Old Jules Sandoz.

Item Mari Sandoz to Charles Scribners & Sons, 1931, Mar. 10 [frame 4.396]

Regarding Sandoz's response to their rejection of Ungirt Runner.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mr. Volta Torrey, Omaha World Herald, 1931, Mar. 23 [frame 4.397]

Regarding information stemming from Sandoz's writing the biography of her father, Old Jules.

Item Benjamin Botkin to Mari Sandoz, 1931, Mar. 24 [frame 4.399-400]

Regarding an article for Folk-Say; invitation to his home for dinner.

Item Benjamin Botkin to Mari Sandoz, 1931, Mar. 26 [frame 4.402]

Regarding "Sandhill Hop;" writing of folk-cures and folk-lore.

Item Mari Sandoz to A.R. Modisett, 1931, Apr. 1 [frame 4.405]

Regarding Flora Sandoz in Minnesota; tuberculosis.

Item Mari Sandoz to Editorial Office, Colliers, 1931, Apr. 4 [frame 4.409]

Regarding amateur detectives.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mr. Smith, Credit Manager, Gold's Department Store, 1931, Apr. 23 [frame 4.420]

Regarding outstanding bills.

Item Mari Sandoz to Contest Editor, Scribners Magazine, 1931, May 6 [frame 4.423]

Regarding submission of a biographical narrative of her father, Old Jules.

Item Mari Sandoz to Book Editorial, Houghton-Mifflin, 1931, May 21 [frame 4.424]

Regarding Murky River; Jules Sandoz.

Item Mari Sandoz to H.L. Mencken, Editor, The American Mercury, 1931, May 28 [frame 4.425]

Regarding "Victorie;" Joseph Conrad; taste in literature; Poles; Bohemians.

Item Mari Sandoz to Editorial Offices, Scribners Magazine, 1931, June 2 [frame 4.428]

Regarding "White Meteor;" spirits at Deer Hill in Northwest Nebraska.

Item Mari Sandoz to Book Editorial, Simon & Schuster, 1931, June 25 [frame 4.434]

Regarding Murky River; Jules Sandoz.

Item Clifton Fadiman (Simon & Schuster) to Mari Sandoz, 1931, July 17 [frame 4.441]

Regarding rejection of Murky River.

Item Mari Sandoz to The New York Times, Sunday Editor, 1931, July 21 [frame 4.444]

Regarding rabies; mad dogs.

Item Mari Sandoz to Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1931, July 24 [frame 4.446-447]

Regarding Black Hills settlement; Pine Ridge reservation; John Colhoff.

Item Mari Sandoz John Collier, American Indian Defense Association, 1931, July 27 [frame 4.452]

Regarding Black Hills Treaty of 1868; Pine Ridge reservation; public is uninformed.

Item United States Department of Interior to Mari Sandoz, 1931, August 1 [frame 4.462]

Regarding Black Hills settlement; Sioux Nation; $700,000,000 lawsuit pending.

Item Mari Sandoz to Ralph H. Case & C.C. Calhoun, 1931, Aug. 10 [frame 4.466]

Regarding Black Hills claim; lawsuit.

Item Benjamin Botkin to Mari Sandoz, 1931, Sept. 4 [frame 4.470]

Regarding Folk-Say article; spelling of particular terms; Grub-line sketches.

Item Mari Sandoz to H.L. Mencken, 1931, Sept. 4 [frame 4.471]

Regarding "The Jeeter Wedding" and recent articles in The American Mercury.

Item Mari Sandoz to Charles W. Bryan, 1931, Sept. 5 [frame 4.472]

Regarding Folk-Say, explanations of particular terms and spellings; H.L. Mencken's rejections.

Item Mari Sandoz to Willa Cather, 1931, Oct. 10 [frame 4.496]

RegardingShadows on the Rock.

Item Willa Cather to Mari Sandoz , 1931, Oct. 20 [frame 4.498]

Regarding cordial letter .

Item Mari Sandoz to William DeWitt, Managing Editor, North American Review, 1931, Oct. 26 [frame 4.500]

Regarding Black Hills lawsuit.

Item Celia Peters-Reid to Mari Sandoz, 1931, Nov. 18 [frame 4.502]

Regarding childhood in the Sandhills country.

Item Mari Sandoz to David E. Smiley, Editor, North American Newspaper Alliance, 1931, Dec. 7 [frame 4.507]

Regarding Jules Sandoz; Bartlett Richards; Spade Ranch.

Item Mari Sandoz to Dr. Miles Handley, American Dialect Society, 1932, Jan. 7 [frame 4.511-513]

Regarding specific terms old-timers used in the Sandhills.

Item Mari Sandoz to Frank Dodd, Dodd, Mead & Company, 1932, Jan. 28 [frame 4.517]

Regarding American novels; Old Jules; titles of books.

Item Mari Sandoz to Banjamin Boktin, 1932, Feb. 6 [frame 4.520]

Regarding Folk-Say; Prairie Schooner; courses Sandoz is taking at University of Nebraska, Dorothy Thomas; Van den Bark; books in progress.

Item Ben Botkin to Mari Sandoz, 1932, Feb. 12 [frame 4.521]

Regarding Folk-Say; response to her letter of February 6, 1932.

Item Ben Botkin to Mari Sandoz, 1932, Mar. 18 [frame 4.525]

Regarding Old Jules; Prairie Schooner; trip to Montana.

Item Mari Sandoz to Benjamin Botkin, 1932, April [frame 4.529]

Regarding Sandoz's busy schedule; Wimberly "scandal;" Prairie Schooner; fragments of Old Jules.

Item Benjamin Botkin to Mari Sandoz , 1932, May 16 [frame 4.532]

Regarding Folk-Say and Old Jules; regional writers.

Item Mari Sandoz to Benjamin Botkin , 1932, May 18 [frame 4.530]

Regarding publishing a fragment from Old Jules manuscript.

Item Mari Sandoz to Farrar & Rinehart, 1932, July 12 [frame 4.538-539]

Regarding her trying to get portions of Old Jules published; synopsis of the manuscript .

Item Mari Sandoz to Mr. George Lorimer, Editor( Saturday Evening Post) , 1932, July 23 [frame 4.540-541]

Regarding "Little Big Man's Heart is Bad;" an article about the Sioux; Billy Garnett; Little Bat Garnier; Ricker Collection; Lakota words.

Item Mari Sandoz to Editorial Offices, Harper's Magazine , 1932, July 29 [frame 4.543]

Regarding Sioux; figures and characters of the South Dakota and Northern Nebraska borders; Ricker Collection.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mr. Phillip Rose, Editor, The Country Gentleman Magazine, 1932, Aug. 23 [frame 4.546-547]

Regarding national growth; characters and figures on the frontier; Sioux; Ricker Collection; Black Hills; treaties.

Item Mari Sandoz to Editorial Office, Atlantic Monthly, 1932, Oct. 5 [frame 4.553]

Regarding authenticity of Old Jules; historical sensibility; Ricker Collection; A.E. Sheldon; literary values; writing of Old Jules; people of the Nebraska frontier.

Item Ben Botkin to Mari Sandoz, 1932, Oct. 11 [frame 4.557]

Regarding fragments of Old Jules not published in Folk-Say.

Item Mari Sandoz to Ben Botkin , 1932, Oct. 15 [frame 4.560]

Regarding Folk-Say omission of Old Jules fragment.

Item Mari Sandoz to Editorial Offices, Harper's Monthly, 1932, Oct. 19 [frame 4.561-567]

Regarding Boyds article: "Sex in Biographies" fruedianism; sex as a "formative and determing factor in life."

Item The Atlantic Monthly Press to Mari Sandoz, 1932, Oct. 24 [frame 4.568]

Regarding status of her submissions to the magazine.

Item C.C. Calhoun (Law Offices) to Mari Sandoz, 1932, Nov. 9 [frame 4.570]

Regarding court claims of the Sioux; Black Hills.

Item Mari Sandoz to C.C. Calhoun, 1932, Nov. 17 [frame 4.571-573]

Regarding court case of the Sioux; names of many people involved; interviews given at Pine Ridge; plans for a book about the man afraid of His Horses family

Item Mari Sandoz to Edwin C. Hill, "Human Side of the News" (a radio program), 1932, Dec. 2 [frame 4.576-577]

Regarding Custer battle; Standing Bear; Red Cloud.

Item Ruth Mors to Lincoln Sunday Journal, 1933, Jan. 19 [frame 4.584]

Regarding Jules Sandoz.

Item Mari Sandoz to Editorial Offices, Alfred Knopf, 1933, Feb. 11 [frame 4.588]

Regarding unknown authors; beginning writers.

Item Mari Sandoz H.L. Mencken, Editor Atlantic Monthly, 1933, Feb. 13 [frame 4.590-592]

Regarding opera of the American Indian; He Dog; Black Elk; Crazy Horse.

Item H.L. Mencken, Editor Atlantic Monthly to Mari Sandoz, 1933, Feb. 16 [frame 4.593]

Response to Sandoz's suggestion of an American Indian Opera.

Item American Nature Association (Richard Westwood) to Mari Sandoz, 1933, Mar. 9 [frame 4.600]

Regarding article "Musky" accepted.

Item North American Review to Mari Sandoz, 1933, Mar. 22 [frame 4.603]

Regarding "Pieces to a Quilt" accepted.

Item The Atlantic Monthly to Mari Sandoz, 1933, May 5 [frame 4.612]

Regarding Old Jules rejected.

Item Mari Sandoz to The Atlantic Monthly, 1933, May 8 [frame 4.613]

Regarding Old Jules manuscript; Sandoz's response to the rejection.

Item Mari Sandoz to Alfred A. Knopfs, Publisher, 1933, May 9 [frame 4.614]

Regarding manuscript of Old Jules sent for possible publication.

Item Alfred A. Knopfs, Publisher to Mari Sandoz, 1933, May 19 [frame 4.621]

Regarding Old Jules rejected.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mr. Hanighen, Dodd, Mead & Company, 1933, May 31 [frame 4.627-629]

Regarding Oren Stepanek's suggestion that Sandoz write and send Old Jules for possible publication.

Item Mari Sandoz to King Features, Incorporated, 1933, June 8 [frame 4.634-635]

Regarding job request; Sandoz's background.

Item Dodd, Mead & Company to Mari Sandoz, 1933, June 7 [frame 4.637]

Regarding Old Jules.

Item Mari Sandoz to Nebraska Credit Company, 1933, July 12 [frame 4.650]

Regarding paying debts.

Item Mari Sandoz to Ledger Syndicate, 1933, July 15 [frame 4.652]

Regarding job request; Sandoz's background.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mamie Meredith, 1933, July 17 [frame 4.657]

Regarding Sandhills news; rejection slips; Dr. Royal.

Item Mari Sandoz to Howard Erickson, 1933, July 24 [frame 4.661]

RegardingSon of the Earth; language in writing; praise for the book.

Item Howard Erickson to Mari Sandoz, 1933, July 28 [frame 4.662]

Response to Sandoz's letter of July 24, 1933.

Item Mari Sandoz to Editorial Offices, The Forum and Century, 1933, Aug. 25 [frame 4.668-669]

Regarding "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner.

Item The Forum to Mari Sandoz, 1933, Aug. 31 [frame 4.670]

Response to Sandoz letter of August 25, 1933.

Item Mari Sandoz to Eleanor Hinman, 1933, Sept. 12 [frame 4.674-675]

Regarding Sandoz to leave Lincoln and live in the Ellsworth, Nebraska Sandhills.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mr. Hanighen (Dodd, Mead & Company) , 1933, Sept. 30 [frame 4.676]

Regarding Old Jules manuscript .

Item Helen Hayes to Mari Sandoz, 1933, Oct. 8 [frame 4.678-679]

Regarding Mr. Hanighen; Pan Sterling; Quill; news of Lincoln.

Item University of Nebraska Agriculture College to Mari Sandoz, 1933, Oct. 9 [frame 4.680-681-685]

Regarding animal and livestock diseases. Pamphlets enclosed with letter.

Item James Van Liew to Mari Sandoz, 1933, Oct. 15 [frame 4.691]

Regarding his writings; publishing problems; job offers.

Item Dorothy Thomas to Mari Sandoz, 1933, Oct. 17 [frame 4.695]

Regarding Mr. Hanighen; H.L. Mencken; encouragement for writing.

Item Eleanor Hinman to Mari Sandoz, 1933, Oct. 23 [frame 4.696]

Regarding winter in the Sandhills; a job for Sandoz from Mr. Filley.

Item Telegram from Eleanor Hinman to Mari Sandoz, 1933, Nov. 2 [frame 4.700]

Regarding "come to Lincoln."

Item Mari Sandoz to Eleanor Hinman, 1933, November 5 [frame 4.701]

Regarding Sandoz's refusal to return to Lincoln.

Item Mari Sandoz to Eleanor Hinman, 1933, Nov. 7 [frame 4.702]

Regarding Sandoz's perception of herself as a failed writer; Lincoln, Nebraska.

Item Mari Sandoz to James Van Liew , 1933, Nov. 9 [frame 4.709]

Regarding a copy of Esquire; Van Lew's writing; the status of Sandoz's writing; branding cattle .

Item Mari Sandoz to Frank Williams, Editor, State Journal (Lincoln), 1933, Nov. 9 [frame 4.710-711]

Regarding life in the Sandhills; the effects of the depression; financial situation; apple crop in the Sandhills.

Item Helen Hayes to Mari Sandoz, 1933, Nov. 11 [frame 4.712-713]

Regarding Lincoln social scene; common friends and aquaintances.

Item Frank Hanighen to Mari Sandoz, 1933, Nov. 17 [frame 4.717-718]

Regarding rejection of Old Jules manuscript; suggestions for revision.

Item Eleanor Hinman to Mari Sandoz, 1933, Nov. 18 [frame 4.719]

Regarding their friendship; Hinman's "novel."

Item Mari Sandoz to Frank Hanighen, 1933, Nov. 21 [frame 4.721-722]

Regarding Sandoz's response to Hanighen's suggestions; Old Jules manuscript first mention of Slogum House.

Item Mari Sandoz to Editorial Offices, Longman, Greens & Company , 1933, Dec. 2 [frame 4.726-727]

Regarding Old Jules manuscript; Slogum House synopsis .

Item Mari Sandoz to Tyler Buchenau, 1933, Dec. 6 [frame 4.729-732]

Regarding Sandhills life; building a shack; Slogum House; Mr. Hanighen; sending out manuscripts; plays; family reunion; country dance; New York; conversation; music; hunting.

Item Mari Sandoz to Eleanor Hinman, 1933, Dec. 6 [frame 4.734-735]

Regarding Sandoz family reunion; building a shack; Slogum House; Tom Milligan, an old cowboy; sending out manuscripts.

Item Mari Sandoz to Anne Longren, 1933, Dec. 6 [frame 4.736]

Regarding Sandhills life .

Item Mari Sandoz to Helen Hayes, 1933, Dec. 9 [frame 4.737-739]

Regarding Sandoz's Sandhills life; rabbit hunting; Thanksgiving reunion; country dance; weather in the Sandhills.

Item Mari Sandoz to Miss Lulu Wolford, State House, Nebraska, 1933, Dec. 14 [frame 4.741-742]

Regarding job application; Dr. Sheldon of Nebraska State Historical Society; background.

Item Mari Sandoz to A.E. Sheldon, 1933, Dec. 16 [frame 4.743]

Regarding job application; fowl in the Sandhills.

Item Mari Sandoz to Vance Thomas, Employment Agency, 1933, Dec. 16 [frame 4.745-746]

Regarding job with C.W.A.; qualifications; background.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mamie Meredith, 1933, Dec. 18 [frame 4.748-749]

Regarding returning to Lincoln; job prospects; Sandhills life; Slogum House; "Bachelor Stork Party."

Item Vance Thomas (Department of Labor) to Mari Sandoz , 1933, Dec. 18 [frame 4.751]

Regarding job application.

Item Mari Sandoz to Paul Copsy , 1933, Dec. 20 [frame 4.753-754]

Regarding Tom Milligan; Bachelor ranch; history of Northwestern Nebraska; old cattle days; murders of Ray & Champion; cattlemen conflicts.

Item Mari Sandoz to A.E. Sheldon , 1933, Dec. 20 [frame 4.755]

Regarding job application; Johnson County wars.

Item Tyler Buchenau to Mari Sandoz, 1933, Dec. 21 [frame 4.760-761]

Regarding literary criticism; Dodd & Mead; music students; being resourceful.

Item Vance Thomas (Department of Labor) to Mari Sandoz, 1933, Dec. 26 [frame 4.765]

Regarding job application; returning to Lincoln.

Item Tyler Buchenau to Mari Sandoz, 1933 [frame 4.769-771]

Regarding Thanksgiving in New York City.

Item Eleanor Hinman to Mari Sandoz, 1933 [frame 4.772-783]

Regarding loan of money; encouragement for writing; how writing and farming parallel one another; self-knowledge; patience; perseverence.

Item Mamie Meredith to Mari Sandoz, 1933 [frame 4.784-790]

Regarding Lincoln events; Sandoz's writing.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mamie Meredith, 1933 [frame 4.793]

Regarding a talk given by Sandoz; mentions Willa Cather.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mamie Meredith, 1933 [frame 4.794]

Regarding writing for posterity; Meredith's hospital stay; children of the future.

Item Mari Sandoz to Tyler Buchenau (Buck), 1934, Jan. 15 [frame 4.802]

Regarding Sandoz sends a manuscript to be shopped around in New York City.

Item Mari Sandoz to Saturday Evening Post, 1934, Jan. 28 [frame 4.805]

Regarding "The River Polack."

Item Mari Sandoz to Tyler Buchenau, 1934, Feb. 1 [frame 4.807-809]

Regarding the Capital building; returning to Lincoln; Slogum House; friends and aquaintances in Lincoln.

Item Tyler Buchenau to Mari Sandoz, 1934 [frame 4.817-818]

Reply to Sandoz's letter of February 1, 1934.

Item Mari Sandoz to Tyler Buchenau, 1934, Feb. [frame 4.819-820]

Regarding job; New York City; writers; James Van Liew; Dorothy Thomas; Marjorie Bayley; Thoman Mann; reading books; art exhibits; amusements.

Item Mari Sandoz to Tyler Buchenau, 1934, Mar. 1 [frame 4.822]

Regarding job prospects; Gertrude Stein's Opera; The Art of the Novel; news of common friends.

Item Jack Conroy, The Anvil to Mari Sandoz, 1934, Mar. 8 [frame 4.826]

Regarding article rejection; The Disinherited.

Item Mari Sandoz to Jack Conroy, 1934, Mar. 13 [frame 4.827]

Regarding "Bridal Suite;" The Disinherited; unrest in Europe.

Item Mari Sandoz to Tyler Buchenau, 1934, Mar. 19 [frame 4.833-835]

Regarding working in New York City; the Strachey school; Communism in Europe; recent news of Sandoz's life in Lincoln.

Item Mari Sandoz to Jack Conroy, 1934, Mar. 23 [frame 4.839-840]

Regarding a visitor, friend of Conroy's; European ltierature.

Item "Lulu" Hudson (Simeon, Nebraska) to Mari Sandoz, 1934, Mar. 26 [frame 4.841]

Regarding borrowing materials; Cherry County, Nebraska.

Item Mari Sandoz to The Forum, 1934, Apr. 3 [frame 4.843-844]

Regarding Sandoz's Sandhills "visit;" Nebraska Agriculture Hall of Achievement and Jules Sandoz; speech and folk mores of the Sandhills.

Item Mari Sandoz to "Lulu" Hudson, 1934, Apr. 4 [frame 4.845]

Regarding "Bachelor Stock Party;" Jules Sandoz; Trail drivers and cattlemen.

Item Mari Sandoz to Tyler Buchenau , 1934, Apr. 30 [frame 4.847]

Regarding Kafka; a manuscript belonging to Sandoz.

Item Mari Sandoz to McGraw-Hill, Publishers, 1934, May 18 [frame 4.851]

Regarding Tyler Buchenau.

Item Mari Sandoz to Alfred A. Knopf, 1934, May 26 [frame 4.854]

Regarding Friends of Borzoi Books; Bunin.

Item Mari Sandoz to A.T. Hill, 1934, June 1 [frame 4.856]

Regarding archeology in Nebraska.

Item A.T. Hill to Mari Sandoz, 1934, June 6 [frame 4.859]

Response to Sandoz letter of June 1, 1934.

Item Mari Sandoz to The Whitemans, 1934, July 3 [frame 4.868]

Regarding Nebraska State Historical Society project, "Land Systems and Land Policy in Nebraska;" Spade Ranch.

Item Mari Sandoz to Pan Sterling, 1934, July 4 [frame 4.869]

Regarding Sterlin's stories; writing as avocation.

Item Mari Sandoz to Caxton Press, 1934, Aug. 6 [frame 4.882-883]

Regarding manuscript of Old Jules sent as Wind Blows on the Running Water.

Item Caxton Press to Mari Sandoz, 1934, Aug. 11 [frame 4.886-887]

Regarding manuscript received.

Item Mari Sandoz to A.E. Sheldon, 1934, Aug. 11 [frame 4.889-890]

Regarding weather in Lincoln; Nebraska State Historical Society work and visitors.

Item Caxton Press to Mari Sandoz, 1934, Oct. 9 [frame 4.902]

Regarding interest in the manuscript Wind Blows on the Running Water still being considered.

Item Caxton Press to Mari Sandoz, 1934, Nov. 1 [frame 4.913-915]

Regarding manuscript to be brought out; terms of publication; Sandoz to "help" pay costs of Publication.

Item Mari Sandoz tyo Caxton Press, 1934, Nov. 5 [frame 4.916]

Regarding asking for the manuscript to be returned.

Item Caxton Press to Mari Sandoz, 1934, Nov. 13 [frame 4.917]

Regarding publishing policy of Caxton; revisions.

Item Mari Sandoz to Caxton Press, 1934, Nov. 19 [frame 4.919-921]

Response to their letter of November 13, 1934.

Item Mari Sandoz to Caxton Press, 1934, Nov. 26 [frame 4.927]

Regarding criticism of the manuscript Wind Blows on the Running Water, Old Jules.

Item Caxton Press to Mari Sandoz, 1934, Nov. 30 [frame 4.929]

Regarding manuscript returned to Sandoz.

Item Alfred Storch to Mari Sandoz, 1934, Dec. 6 [frame 4.933]

Regarding Jules Sandoz; request for a biography of Jules Sandoz.

Item Mari Sandoz to Atlantic Monthly Press, 1934, Dec. 12 [frame 4.935]

Regarding a request to re-submit the Old Jules manuscript.

Item Mari Sandoz to Jessica Tower, Appleton-Century, 1934, Dec. 12 [frame 4.936]

Regarding Sandoz again sends out the Old Jules manuscript.

Item Mari Sandoz to Editorial Offices, Harper's Magazine, 1934, Dec. 26 [frame 4.939]

Regarding Harper's magazine; Dorothy Thomas; how the magazine has changed.

Item Tyler Buchenau to Mari Sandoz , undated [frame 4.943]

Regarding arguement between Buchenau and Sandoz .

Item Eleanor Hinman to Mari Sandoz, 1934(?) [frame 4.944-945]

Regarding plenty coups; Washakie; questions about people at Pine Ridge; Crazy Horse.

Item Mari Sandoz to Registrar, University of Nebraska, 1934(?) [frame 4.948]

Regarding request for information about graduating from the University.

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