Mari Sandoz
Title: Mari
Sandoz Collection
Creator: Sandoz, Mari,
Dates: 1864-1976 (bulk 1931-1966)
Quantity: 199 boxes (186 linear feet)
Collection Number: MS 0080
Access and Use: For information on access or copyright, please see our guidelines or email
Historical Records Statement: Please see our statement on historical records and
Other Finding Aids: For a complete list of Sandoz materials available via microfilm, please
see the Mari Sandoz Collection, which provides access to
the microfilm indexing.Container List:
Box 6. Correspondence, 1942, Oct.-1944, Feb. [Microfilm Reel MS00012]Item Fred Ballard to Mari Sandoz, 1942, Oct.
2 [frame 12.7]Regarding "Stage-Door Canteen;" entertainment of
soldiers in New York City during World War II.
Item "Art" G. Vetter to Mari Sandoz from the
Veterans Hospital in Hot Springs, South
Dakota, undated [frame 12.16-19]Regarding being quarantined; "Indian boys" on the
Item Mari Sandoz to Stuart Rose, 1942, Oct.
24 [frame 12.42]Regarding Oglala women leaders of bands after
Crazy Horse's death and among those returning from
Sitting Bull in Canada; Big Road's band.
Item Mari Sandoz to Celia Sandoz, 1942, Nov.
3 [frame 12.57]Regarding family, Sandhill social activities in
Item Stuart Rose to Mari Sandoz, 1942, Nov.
5 [frame 12.59]Regarding manuscript rejection an indian
Item Mari Sandoz to Stuart Rose, 1942, Nov.
6 [frame 12.60]Regarding response about rejection, Indian point
of view; the reviewing of Crazy Horse; she's thinking of reviving
her Cheyenne
Item National Archives in Washington, D.C. to
Mari Sandoz, 1942, Nov.
7 [frame 12.62]Regarding request that she send them a list of
her books and articles for which she used
information found in their archives. They also
desire copies of her books and articles.
Item Art Vetter to Mari Sandoz, 1942, Nov.
10 [frame 12.68-69]Regarding Chauncy Thomas memorial; Fort
Item Mari Sandoz to Paul Hoffman, 1942, Nov.
12 [frame 12.74]Regarding impending move from Denver to New York;
other plans for the future.
Item Mari Sandoz to Raymond
Latrom, 1942, Nov.
20 [frame 12.85]Regarding interesting observations about racial
divisiveness in army life of 1942; Crazy Horse; Fort Bliss;
the Yellowstone
Item Florence Crawford to Mari
Sandoz, 1942, Nov.
21 [frame 12.87]Regarding Major General Lee mentioned in Crazy Horse.
Item Axton Clark to Mari Sandoz, 1942, Nov.
22 [frame 12.88]Regarding his feelings about the Crazy Horse book.
Item Fred Van De Water to Mr. de la
Bueno, 1942, Nov.
23 [frame 12.92]Regarding praise for Crazy
Item Axton Clark to Mari Sandoz, 1942, Nov.
26 [frame 12.97-99]Regarding "a vivid reality for the reader about
Crazy Horse;"
authentic insight for Indian feelings; Mary Austin
Item Mari Sandoz to Florence
Crawford, 1942, Nov.
28 [frame 12.105]Regarding Major General Lee material; also
memoirs query.
Item Notes about the Railroad strike of
1877, [frame 12.107-108]
Item H.P. Feld to Mari Sandoz, 1942, Dec.
1 [frame 12.113-119]Regarding Ellison Orr and archaeology in
northeast Iowa.
Item Wallace Stegner to Mari
Sandoz, 1942, Dec.
2 [frame 12.121]Regarding his review of Crazy Horse.
Item Edgar Gottschalk to Mari
Sandoz, 1942, Dec.
5 [frame 12.126-127]Regarding New York
Herald review of Crazy Horse.
Item Paul Hoffman to Mari Sandoz, 1942, Dec.
10 [frame 12.131-132]Regarding his leaving Knopf.
Item Dick Vetter to Mari Sandoz, 1942, Dec.
10 [frame 12.133-135]Regarding his whereabouts and movements as far as
being in the Army; entering into Africa; World War
Item Mari Sandoz to Paul Hoffman, 1942, Dec.
11 [frame 12.137-140]Regarding the problem that bookstores are out of
Crazy Horse; her
response to his leaving Knopf.
Item Elaine Goodale Eastman to Mari
Sandoz, 1942, Dec.
15 [frame 12.148]Regarding her review of Crazy Horse.
Item Frank A. Manny to Mari
Sandoz, 1942, Dec.
15 [frame 12.149-150]Regarding Father De Smet's Indian guide in the
early 19th century, a son of Meriwether Lewis.
Item M.I. McCreight to Mari
Sandoz, 1942, Dec.
19 [frame 12.159]Regarding praise for Crazy
Horse; his ownership of the Springfield
rifle said to belong to Crazy Horse.
Item Mrs. Joe Starzl to Mari
Sandoz, 1942, Dec.
19 [frame 12.160-163]Regarding Old Jules
and Sandhills familys (Dormans).
Item Fred Ballard to Mari Sandoz
(postcard), undated [frame 12.164]Regarding Stage Door Canteen/Dorothy
McGuire/Gypsy Rose Lee.
Item W.W. Arrasmith to Mari
Sandoz, 1942, Dec.
21 [frame 12.167]Regarding Old
Jules/History of Wyoming, author Cotant's
Item de la Bueno to Mari Sandoz, 1942, Dec.
22 [frame 12.170]Regarding publicity dates.
Item Mari Sandoz to de la Bueno, 1942, Dec.
26 [frame 12.171]Reply to above, Slogum
Item S.L. Gaylord to Mari Sandoz, 1942, Dec.
27 [frame 12.172]Regarding Crazy
Horse and his life in the Sandhills/Pine
Ridge area.
Item Helen Hayes to Willa Cather, undated [frame 12.187-190]Several letters from Helen Hayes: Lincoln social
scene; common friends and aquaintances.
Item Mari Sandoz to Frank Johnson, 1943, Jan.
2 [frame 12.205]Regarding Cozad materials.
Item E. Gottschalk to Mari Sandoz, 1943, Jan.
6 [frame 12.210-211]Regarding Crazy
Horse compared to Gone With the Wind.
Item Several fan letters in this
file., 1943 [frame 12.220, 222, 225]Many letters regarding Dawson County
Item Mari Sandoz to Frank Johnson, 1943, Jan.
10 [frame 12.233]Regarding Cozad materials.
Item Mari Sandoz to Howard Koch, 1943, Jan.
10 [frame 12.234]Regarding Cozad materials.
Item Bayard H. Paine, Nebraska Supreme Court
Justice to Mari Sandoz, 1943, Jan.
11 [frame 12.244]Regarding research in Lexington, Cozad; "Early"
Nebraska books.
Item May C. Shraker to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Jan.
11 [frame 12.245]Regarding history of Dawson County.
Item S.L. Gaylord to Mari Sandoz, 1943, Jan.
16 [frame 12.261]Regarding Crazy
Item Earle Forrest to Mari Sandoz, 1943, Jan.
17 [frame 12.263]Regarding daughter of Crazy
Horse; Maggie Reynolds, sister of Charlie
Item Mrs. R.W. Settle to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Jan.
17 [frame 12.266]Regarding Ann Gray, wife of Chief Wild Horse
Item Mrs. Lennie Alcorn Stevens to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Jan.
17 [frame 12.267]Regarding Old Northern Nebraska, historical
works; Crawford, NE.
Item Bob Bightal to Gretchen Lee , 1943, Jan.
18 [frame 12.269]Regarding Mari Sandoz's works; being a
Item George Philip, Department of Justice,
U.S. Attorney/South Dakota to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Jan.
19 [frame 12.273]Regarding Crazy Horse questions, Pine Ridge;
Larrabee family.
Item Korzak Ziolkowski to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Jan.
20 [frame 12.275-276]Regarding Crazy Horse monument in the Black
Item Harrison B. French to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Jan.
25 [frame 12.289-290]Regarding writing of book, Crazy Horse as inspiration.
Item Mari Sandoz to New
York Times, 1943, Feb.
4 [frame 12.304-305]Regarding Lyman Beecher Stowe: Isolationism & the Making of
Item Zoe Tunniclef to Mari Sandoz, 1943, Feb.
6 [frame 12.306-310]Regarding Crazy
Horse and Indian point of view/Indians in
New York State, Joseph Brandt, Indians in
Item Jim Van Liew to Mari Sandoz, 1943, Feb.
6 [frame 12.311-312]Regarding Crazy
Horse, compares Sandoz to Hemingway
Item Alice Wienmann to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Feb.
10 [frame 12.314-315]Regarding Old Jules;
being a refugee from Germany, German books.
Item Mari Sandoz to Curtis Brown, 1943, Feb.
12 [frame 12.317]Regarding Old Jules;
Irving Thalberg; marketing problems; agents for
literary works.
Item Mari Sandoz to Roy Handley, 1943, Feb.
16 [frame 12.323]Regarding Cozad, people and places.
Item Lucille Beck, The League of Nations to
Mari Sandoz, 1943, Feb.
19 [frame 12.334]Regarding Sandoz letter to the New York Times; post war
Item Roberts Mann, Forest Preserve District to
Mari Sandoz, 1943, Feb.
24 [frame 12.337-339]Regarding praise for Crazy
Horse and delightful phrase; specific
passages Mann enjoyed included.
Item Dora Marie Mengers to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Feb.
24 [frame 12.341-344]Regarding Menger's dissertation, suicide of Elsie
Houston, granddaughter of Sam Houston (she was a
Item Mamie Merideth, Writer's
Conference/University of Colorado to Mari Sandoz
, 1943, Feb.
27 [frame 12.351]Regarding death of Eric Knight.
Item William Robert Sopris to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Feb.
28 [frame 12.354-355]] [reel 12.357-358]Regarding asking Mari Sandoz about his family
history; Red Cloud; St. Vrain, The Bents &
Bent's fort.
Item Mari Sandoz to Short Story Department of
Curtis Brown, Inc., 1943, Mar.
4 [frame 12.363]Regarding three short story's "Martha",
"Peachstone Basket" and "Moochmouth."
Item Mari Sandoz to Van den Bark, 1943, Mar.
6 [frame 12.366]Regarding work for Knopfs, her new home in New
York City.
Item Mari Sandoz to "Doc" Watson
Bidwell, 1943, Mar.
6 [frame 12.367]Regarding her new New York City life.
Item Mari Sandoz to Harold
Conklin, 1943, Mar.
7 [frame 12.368]Regarding war arrows/hunting arrows she defends
herself against his criticism about her knowledge
of arrow making.
Item Mari Sandoz to William Robert
Sopris, 1943, Mar.
7 [frame 12.369-370]Reply to his letter and how he can get help.
Item Mari Sandoz to Roberts Mann, 1943, Mar.
8 [frame 12.372]Reply to his letter about Crazy Horse and the language used;
charcoal burners on the frontier.
Item Mari Sandoz to Harrison B.
French, 1943, Mar.
9 [frame 12.375]Regarding her attempts to help him get his book
Item Mari Sandoz to "Judge" Louis
Lightner, 1943, Mar.
9 [frame 12.376-377]Regarding her explanation of "discrepancies" in
Crazy Horse; book by
General Miles/War Department Archives.
Item Fred Ballard to Mari Sandoz, 1943, Mar.
10 [frame 12.379-380]Regarding his mother's death.
Item Harold Conklin to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Mar.
10 [frame 12.382-383]Regarding more on arrow making and his
Item William Robert Sopris to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Mar.
12 [frame 12.386-387]Regarding more on Red Cloud, St. Vrains, Bents,
Item Harrison B. French to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Mar.
15 [frame 12.388-389]Regarding more on his Indian writings/Robert
Item Jack Maszoras to Mari Sandoz, 1943, Mar.
15 [frame 12.390-391]Regarding publishing problems/Alaskan
Item Delaphine Benson to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Mar.
17 [frame 12.392-394]Regarding early settlers at Verdigre,
Item Mrs. Burton Brigham, The American Red
Cross at Sheridan, Nebraska to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Mar.
18 [frame 12.395-396]Regarding the Red Cross Station at
Alliance/soldiers there need reading material.
Item Mari Sandoz to E. Rosenthal, Alfred
Knopf, 1943, Mar.
19 [frame 12.399]Regarding destruction of Crazy Horse manuscript.
Item Mari Sandoz to George Leighton, Harpers
Magazine, 1943, Mar.
21 [frame 12.402]Regarding proposed interview with Elizabeth
Item "Doc" Watson Bidwell to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Mar.
22 [frame 12.403-408]Regarding measles, army life in Florida; WAACS,
WACS, Negro soldiers and their treatment.
Item Mari Sandoz to Harrison B.
French, 1943, Mar.
22 [frame 12.410-412]Regarding her critical comments on his Indian
book Crow Chief,
historical information on Crow tribe, her feelings
about facts and fiction.
Item Mari Sandoz to E. Jeffery, 1943, Mar.
22 [frame 12.413]Regarding map problems and Crazy Horse.
Item Mari Sandoz to R. Sopris, 1943, Mar.
22 [frame 12.414]Regarding Indian health problems, illness and
recovery. Smallpox and Red Cloud people.
Item Mari Sandoz to Julia
McGillicudy, 1943, Mar.
23 [frame 12.421]Regarding a McGillicudy diary at a Denver
bookstore from 1876; Crook's campaign.
Item Mari Sandoz to Wallace
Stegner, 1943, Mar.
23 [frame 12.423]Regarding her move to New York, shooting a
Item Mari Sandoz to Jim Van Liew, 1943, Mar.
23 [frame 12.424]Regarding dinner at the Knopfs, H.L. Mencken; she
also talks about J. Collier, Indian affairs;
director in 1930s and 1940s.
Item Mari Sandoz to Earle R.
Forrest, 1943, Mar.
25 [frame 12.430-431]Regarding answers to his questions about Crazy
Horse's daughter; the many men named Crazy Horse;
Charlie Reynolds - scout for Custer. Importance of
the Ricker interviews.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mr. George
Philip, 1943, Mar.
25 [frame 12.432]Regarding Crazy Horse burial/Larrabee women/Crazy
Horse descendents.
Item Mari Sandoz to Korzak
Ziolkowski, 1943, Mar.
25 [frame 12.434]Regarding Crazy Horse memorial in the Black
Item Mari Sandoz to Elaine Goodale
Eastman, 1943, Mar.
26 [frame 12.436]Regarding Eastman's review of Crazy Horse; a play about
Crazy Horse.
Item Mari Sandoz to M.S.L.
Gaylord, 1943, Mar.
26 [frame 12.437]Regarding old days around Red Cloud agency,
DeBarthe's "romantic" Frank
Grouard - the Goings of Pine Ridge and
Cliffords of Pine Ridge.
Item Mari Sandoz to Frank Manny, 1943, Mar.
26 [frame 12.441]Regarding John DeSmet, son of Meriwether
Item Mari Sandoz to Mrs.
Tunnicleff, 1943, Mar.
26 [frame 12.442]Regarding Sandoz attempts to answer some of her
Indian questions. New Ulm massacre, Minnesota.
Sandoz also gives her the names of books to read
about Indians.
Item Jackson Demary to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Mar.
28 [frame 12.444-449]Regarding old New York City; visits to cities and
towns on the plains also mentions several authors
- Willa Cather among them.
Item John P. Everett to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Mar.
29 [frame 12.450]Regarding Logan Fontanelle; Lynn, NE; Tecumseh,
Nebraska; accounts of the Little Big Horn
Item W.W. Arrasmith to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Mar.
31 [frame 12.462-463]Regarding Crazy
Horse and Indian point of view. Also World
War II training bases, veteran of World War I.
Item Harrison B. French to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Mar.
31 [frame 12.464-465]Regarding his views of her criticism of Crow Chief; the problems or
writing mixing biography history and
Item Annie Malone to Mari Sandoz, 1943, Mar.
31 [frame 12.468-473]Regarding her Sandhills visit; Beartail Butte;
her visit to Arizona and Mexico.
Item E.P. Wilson, Sioux Memorial Association
to Mari Sandoz, 1943, Mar.
31 [frame 12.474]Regarding a Crazy Horse monument on site of this
updated last campsite.
Item Charlie Nines to Mari Sandoz, 1943, Mar.
31 [frame 12.475-476]Regarding his experiences in interviewing the
Pine Ridge Indians other historical collections
he's familiar with. This man was an interpreter
and worked with Wissler and Walker anthropologists
at Pine Ridge, South Dakota.
Item Thomas G. Perrins to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Mar.
31 [frame 12.477]Regarding praise for Crazy
Horse and Sandoz's use of language.
Item George Philip to Mari Sandoz, 1943, Apr.
2 [frame 12.481]Regarding Scotty Philip; William (Bill) Larvie,
brother-in-law of Crazy Horse.
Item Mari Sandoz to Miss Haggard, Curtis Brown
Ltd., 1943, Apr.
2 [frame 12.482]Regarding another version of "Moochmouth" that
Sandoz is working on.
Item "Boss" Van Vleet to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Apr.
5 [frame 12.486]Regarding his meeting friends of Sandoz's.
Invitation to the ranch in Colorado.
Item Mari Sandoz to Helen Hayes, 1943, Apr.
7 [frame 12.493-494]Regarding artists and art. Capital at Lincoln,
rationing; war-time New York City; her Italian
neighborhood in New York City, New York notables;
jealous women.
Item Ruth Pike to Mari Sandoz, 1943, Apr.
10 [frame 12.497-498]Regarding her job at the Office of Censorship
during World War II. (San Antonio, TX); Van den
Bark and Texas A&M; Texan attitudes from a
Nebraskan's point of view.
Item Mari Sandoz to New York World
Telegram, 1943, Apr.
13 [frame 12.502]Regarding Senator Truman's moral rearmament.
Item Roy Handley to Mari Sandoz, 1943, Apr.
20 [frame 12.505-507]Regarding John Cozad, Tom Higley; writing
Item Charlie Nines to Mari Sandoz, 1943, Apr.
20 [frame 12.508-509]Regarding the "Norden;" Dr. Wissler; Charlie
Russell paintings; Fr. Busch (priest) at Pine
Item Julia McGillicudy to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Apr.
28 [frame 12.515-516]Regarding the McGillicudy diary Mari Sandoz wrote
her about. Crook's 1876 expedition.
Item Wallace Hodge, Missouri House of
Representatives to Mari Sandoz, 1943, Apr.
29 [frame 12.518-519]Regarding his recollections of old-time Nebraska;
prison records of old-time Missouri (1836);
Bertillon method.
Item Mari Sandoz to Julia
McGillicudy, 1943, Apr.
29 [frame 12.520]Regarding more on the McGillicudy diary; mentions
Charley Nines from Pine Ridge.
Item Mari Sandoz to John P.
Everrett, 1943, Apr.
30 [frame 12.522]Regarding Frank Grouard; Logan Fontanelle
Item Mari Sandoz to Edith Haggard, 1943, Apr.
30 [frame 12.522]Regarding Sandoz giving up on short stories.
Item Mari Sandoz to M. Philip, 1943, Apr.
30 [frame 12.524]Regarding the Larrabee girl; factions on Pine
Ridge among the Oglala; mixed bloods.
Item Caroline Bancroft to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, May 1 [frame 12.526-528]Regarding World War II; Mari's award; Rudy
Marland law suit; the Van Vleets.
Item Mari Sandoz to the Van
Vleets, 1943, May 2 [frame 12.530-531]Regarding Sandoz's work; Arabian horse; Agnes
Item Mari Sandoz to Harold
Conklin, 1943, May 4 [frame 12.534]Regarding more on arrows and arrow making;
Bad-Heart Bull paintings.
Item George Philip to Mari Sandoz, 1943, May 5 [frame 12.536-538]Copy of a letter to George from William Bordeaux.
Regarding William J. Bordeaux; Billy Larrabee.
Item Dorothy Ziolkowski to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, May 7 [frame 12.542-543]Regarding Crazy Horse memorial, Blackhills; Chief
Standing Bear invitation to visit.
Item Mrs. George Burton, American Red Cross to
Mari Sandoz, 1943, May
10 [frame 12.546]Regarding thanks for sending books; Aldrich,
Item Helen Hayes to Mari Sandoz, 1943, May
10 [frame 12.547-552]Regarding events in Lincoln; common friends.
Item Mari Sandoz to Dorothy
Ziolkowski, 1943, May
11 [frame 12.553]Regarding the meeting with Standing Bear; Crazy
Horse monument.
Item Joe de Yong to Mari Sandoz, 1943, May
13 [frame 12.554-562]Regarding Mari's "Indian" name (Mouse's lodge);
also talks of Charlie Russell, Grinnell,
Linderman; How he came to live in Hollywood;
Hollywood treatment of Indians; his predictions
for Crazy Horse and
Hollywood production of it one day; next letter,
his meeting with Frank Goings and Little Soldier
in California.
Item Chief Henry Standing Bear to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, May
16 [frame 12.563]Regarding thanks for Crazy
Item M.I. McCreight to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, May
19 [frame 12.568]Regarding Crazy Horse carbine -- death of Chauncy
Thomas, writings of Thomas.
Item Mari Sandoz to J.R. de la Torre
Bueno, 1943, May
25 [frame 12.573]Regarding a correction in Crazy Horse about Charley Reynolds.
Item Louise Pound to Mari Sandoz, 1943, May
27 [frame 12.578]Regarding Antoine Barrada.
Item Elaine Goodale Eastman to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, May
29 [frame 12.579-580]Regarding Indian affairs of the present (1943);
John Collier.
Item Mari Sandoz to Louise Pound, 1943, June
2 [frame 12.583-585]Regarding Nebraska strong men; Barrada.
Item Frank Ballard to Mari Sandoz
, 1943, June
9 [frame 12.592]Regarding Crazy
Item Mari Sandoz to Letters, PM (A magazine or
radio show), 1943, June
10 [frame 12.595]Regarding WAACS, WACS, and immorality.
Item Dorothy Switzer to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, June
17 [frame 12.605-609]Regarding Crazy
Horse; writing fiction.
Item Mari Sandoz to Ed Weeks, Atlantic
Monthly, 1943, June
23 [frame 12.610]Regarding war effort and racial strife.
Item Helen Hayes to Mari Sandoz, 1943, June
30 [frame 12.611-614]Regarding news from Lincoln, June, 1943; common
friends and aquaintances.
Item Mrs. Lennie Stevens to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, July
6 [frame 12.621-624]Regarding writing Nebraska; World War II; Panama
Canal; railroads.
Item Wallace B. Hodge, Missouri House of Rep.
to Mari Sandoz, 1943, July
8 [frame 12.625]Regarding Shenauts family; P.O.W.s; Nebraska
Item Mamie Meredith to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, July
13 [frame 12.628-630]Regarding news from Nebraska; Nebraska
agriculture; also literary agents.
Item Emily Schossberger to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, July
17 [frame 12.631]Regarding Prairie
Schooner author; Sandoz's "The Vine",
"Peachstone Basket."
Item Emily Schossberger to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, July
23 [frame 12.641]Regarding Prairie
Schooner author; Sandoz's "The Vine",
"Peachstone Basket."
Item Betty Brown Baker to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, July
25 [frame 12.642]Regarding Crazy
Horse; R Bar Ranch in Montana; Custer;
battlefield and geography of Hanging Woman
Item Lowry Wimberly to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, July
27 [frame 12.645]Regarding "Peachstone Basket."
Item Mari Sandoz to Emily
Schossberger, 1943, July [frame 12.654-655]Regarding "The Vine" and Prairie Schooner; "Peachstone Basket."
Item Mari Sandoz to Emily
Schossberger, 1943, Aug.
2 [frame 12.659]Regarding editorial squabble.
Item Mari Sandoz to Lowry
Wimberly, 1943, Aug.
2 [frame 12.660]Regarding Prairie
Item Mari Sandoz to Rocky Mountain
News, 1943, Aug.
3 [frame 12.661]Regarding Wild Bill Hickok; glamourizing killers;
Hickok's eye disease.
Item Mrs. Helen Todd to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Aug.
8 [frame 12.665-666]Regarding Irish colony at O'Neill, Nebraska.
Item Arthur G. Vetter to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Aug.
11 [frame 12.669-670]Regarding Chauncey Thomas memorial.
Item Jackson Demary to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Aug.
22 [frame 12.674-675]Regarding Crazy
Horse; history of the West.
Item Bennett Cerf to Mari Sandoz, 1943, Aug.
25 [frame 12.676]Regarding note - publishing; William De
Item Mari Sandoz to E.
Schossberger, 1943, Sept.
3 [frame 12.684]Regarding fighting for her books and what she
says in them; Old
Item Little, Brown & Company to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Sept.
8 [frame 12.685]Regarding war time edition of Old Jules.
Item "Boss" Van Vleet to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Sept.
8 [frame 12.687-688]Regarding photographs and newsreels of the
Item Mari Sandoz to Little, Brown &
Company, 1943, Sept.
9 [frame 12.689]Regarding Old Jules;
wartime edition.
Item E. Schossberger to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Sept.
14 [frame 12.693]Regarding Prairie Schooner
Item M.L. Halpin to Mari Sandoz, 1943, Sept.
20 [frame 12.695-696]Regarding his farming experience in Nebraska.
Item Julia McGillicudy to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Sept.
20 [frame 12.697]Regarding Mari's visit to Washington.
Item Mari Sandoz to Helen Hayes, 1943, Sept.
21 [frame 12.698]Regarding New York City and life there; Tyler
Buchenau; Harvey McCaleb.
Item Mari Sandoz to the Editor of New York Times, 1943, Sept.
26 [frame 12.705-706]Regarding steer joke; clipping included.
Item Mari Sandoz to Helen Hayes, 1943, Sept.
28 [frame 12.709]Regarding Prairie
Schooner; Jim Van Liew; art shows in New
York City; apartments in New York City.
Item Mari Sandoz to New
York Times Book Review, 1943, Oct.
2 [frame 12.713]Regarding acidic letter about She Came to the Valley.
Item Mari Sandoz to New
York Times Book Review, 1943, Oct.
17 [frame 12.725]Regarding comments about book reviews; The Locusts; Sophus Keith
Item Mari Sandoz to Edward Weeks, Atlantic, 1943, Oct.
24 [frame 12.734]Regarding story of Van Vleets of Colorado
"Colorado Afloat."
Item Mari Sandoz to W.O.R. (radio
station), 1943, Oct.
28 [frame 12.735]Regarding interesting note that reveals much
about her sense of humor.
Item Lauren Waldorf to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Nov.
3 [frame 12.738]Regarding asks about rights to Mari Sandoz books
for movie industry.
Item Florence Lennon to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Nov.
9 [frame 12.740-741]Card which states that her biography has been
accepted for publication Sandoz had helped.
Item Kenneth Kendall to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Nov.
18 [frame 12.750]A soldier's letter.
Item Burr & McCaughen to Mari
Sandoz, 1943, Nov.
18 [frame 12.751]Art importers, offering a Frederic Remington to
Sandoz for sale "The Attack on Crazy Horse."
Item Mari Sandoz to Paul R. Beath, 1943, Nov.
20 [frame 12.752]Regarding Nebraska; folklore.
Item Mari Sandoz to Florence
Lennon, 1943, Nov.
20 [frame 12.753]Regarding congratulations on the book.
Item Mari Sandoz to John W. McCain,
Jr., 1943, Nov.
20 [frame 12.754]Regarding American writing.
Item Paul R. Beath to Mari Sandoz, 1943, Nov.
25 [frame 12.757]Regarding Dawson County, Lexington, Nebraska,
Item Mari Sandoz to Helen Hayes, 1943, Nov.
29 [frame 12.764-765]Regarding Sheldon's death and miscellaneous
happenings in New York City.
Item Mari Sandoz to Bill del la
Bueno, 1943, Dec.
3 [frame 12.769]Regarding novel is almost complete.
Item Tchanta Tanka to Mari Sandoz, 1943, Dec.
10 [frame 12.781-782]Regarding a card with poem of Indian involvements
in World War II.
Item Mari Sandoz to Clifton
Fadiman, 1943, Dec.
18 [frame 12.795]Regarding her opinion of his review of The Moon is Down.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mrs. Porter, 1943, Dec.
24 [frame 12.800]Regarding Lauritzen's book and writing.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mr. Vigilate, 1943, Dec.
27 [frame 12.803]Regarding Alfred Jacob Miller's sketches found in
Item Mrs. Porter to Mari Sandoz
(Card), 1943, Dec.
27 [frame 12.812]Regarding Alfred Jacob Miller's sketches.
Item "Doc" Watson Bidwell to Mari
Sandoz, undated [frame 12.825-826]Regarding Army happenings in 1943.
Item Roy Handley to Mari Sandoz, undated [frame 12.841-847]A long letter and family history about Cozad,
Nebraska homestead.
Item Helen Hayes to Mari Sandoz, undated [frame 12.849-852]Regarding Lincoln's social scene; blacks in the
Item Helen Hayes to Mari Sandoz, undated [frame 12.853-854]Regarding Lincoln social scene; Italians in
Sicily; World War II.
Item Helen Hayes to Mari Sandoz, undated [frame 12.855-856]Regarding Lincoln social scene; Italians in
Sicily; World War II.
Item Helen Hayes to Mari Sandoz, undated [frame 12.857-865]Regarding blackouts; art in Nebraska.
Item Julia McGillicudy to Mari
Sandoz, undated [frame 12.879-880]Regarding more about Agent Valentine
McGillicudy's "lost" diary.
Item Mamie Meredith to Mari
Sandoz, undated [frame 12.886-908]Several letters, very difficult handwriting to
Item Nancy Nye to Mari Sandoz, undated [frame 12.911-914]Regarding Crazy
Horse and the power of the book on her - a
young girl's point of view.
Item Mari Sandoz to Helen Hayes, undated [frame 12.923]Regarding Hayes' impending New York City
Item Mari Sandoz to Mamie
Merideth, undated [frame 12.924-925]Regarding Crazy
Horse; visit from Indian soldiers; Roberta
Sandoz, Sandoz women; Edith Grobman, Leonard
Item Mari Sandoz to Richard Vetter, Co. "C"
1st Amphibian Brigade, undated [frame 12.927]Regarding life in New York City; news of Chauncy
Thomas memory; Nebraskans in World War II.
Item Mari Sandoz to Selective Service, New
York City Headquarters, undated [frame 12.932]Regarding finding servicemen; unsolicited
Item Mari Sandoz to Editorial Offices, Harpers
Magazine, 1944, Jan.
5 [frame 12.945-948]Regarding the shortness of public memory, Charles
Lindbergh; voting; public reminders.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mamie
Meredith, 1944, Jan.
11 [frame 12.955]Regarding publication of the Alfred J. Miller
paintings/pictures; the Sir William Stewart
journals; a flyer - bomber named Crazy Horse;
Item Mari Sandoz to Betty Van
Vleet, 1944, Jan.
12 [frame 12.957]Regarding "Colorado Afloat;" Sandoz's comments,
she speaks of "salting in" details; taking out
trite phrases.
Item Louis Roubideaux to Mari
Sandoz, 1944, Jan.
26 [frame 12.971-972]Regarding Crazy
Horse; tells of his relationship to Crazy
Item Little, Brown to Mari Sandoz, 1944, Feb.
5 [frame 12.976]Regarding Slogum
House into armed services edition.
Item Sgt. Martin F. Schmitt to Mari
Sandoz, 1944, Feb.
19 [frame 12.985]Regarding General Crook's biography.