Mari Sandoz
Title: Mari
Sandoz Collection
Creator: Sandoz, Mari,
Dates: 1864-1976 (bulk 1931-1966)
Quantity: 199 boxes (186 linear feet)
Collection Number: MS 0080
Access and Use: For information on access or copyright, please see our guidelines or email
Historical Records Statement: Please see our statement on historical records and
Other Finding Aids: For a complete list of Sandoz materials available via microfilm, please
see the Mari Sandoz Collection, which provides access to
the microfilm indexing.Container List:
Box 8]. Correspondence, 1945, Dec.-1947, Sept. [Microfilm Reel MS00014]Item Mari Sandoz to Fishing & Hunting
Club, WJZ, New York City, 1945, Dec.
5 [frame 14.6]Regarding fishing, salting fish.
Item Louise Snapp, Lincoln Bookstore to Mari
Sandoz, 1945, Dec.
7 [frame 14.8-9]Regarding copies of Old
Jules in demand; airbase in Lincoln is
closing; Ruth Pike.
Item Mari Sandoz to Rose Van
Vleet, 1945, Dec.
9 [frame 14.13]Regarding mayors convention in New York City,
Paul Martis' brother visited "Harvey."
Item Frontier Press Company to Mari
Sandoz, 1945, Dec.
12 [frame 14.14-15]Regarding American Indian information,
Item Mari Sandoz to Helen Hays
(Hank), 1945, Dec.
13 [frame 14.16-17]Regarding visit of the Martis to New York City;
art shows; Ben Abramson; Leonard Thiessen plays;
Minneapolis, MN.
Item Mari Sandoz to Jim Van Liew, 1945, Dec.
13 [frame 14.18]Regarding Terence Duren; folk song radio program;
news of their common friends from Nebraska.
Item Eleanor Hinman to Mari
Sandoz, 1945, Dec.
15 [frame 14.19-20]Regarding Hinman's job at the Army & Navy
Hospital in Hot Springs, Arkansas; combat and
service men; New York School of Social Work.
Item Lenore (Fitzell) Taylor to Mari
Sandoz, 1945, Dec.
16 [frame 14.23]Regarding sailing on a service ship; the Taylor's
Mexico adventures.
Item "Doc" Watson Bidwell to Mari
Sandoz, 1945, Dec.
17 [frame 14.24-25]Regarding release from the service, painting
(Art) abstracts; Weldon Kees; High Plains Colorado
Item Mari Sandoz to Terence Duren, 1945, Dec.
18 [frame 14.27]Regarding visit with McPharlin; art, Dorothy
Item Mari Sandoz to "Doc" Watson
Bidwell, 1945, Dec.
19 [frame 14.29-30]Regarding a reply to his letter; art &
artists; non object art; Fay Bainter and "The Next
Half Hour."
Item Terence Duren to Mari Sandoz, 1945, Dec.
22 [frame 14.31-34]Regarding his art; he explains his painting
Item "Doc" Bidwell to Mari Sandoz, 1945 [frame 14.48-51]Regarding Slim Dugger, a service man in the army
with Bidwell; life in the staging area; V.J.
Item Ed Fitzgerald to Mari Sandoz, 1945 [frame 14.52]Regarding wrestling matches in New York City.
Item Mari Sandoz to Ed Fitzgerald, 1945 [frame 14.77-78]Regarding wrestling matches.
Item Lucille & Allan Sloan to Mari
Sandoz, 1945 [frame 14.84]Regarding the soldier vote; Green-Lucas-Worley
Item Irma Suchy to Mari Sandoz, 1945 [frame 14.85-88]Regarding army life among women; the WACS.
Item Mari Sandoz to Dorothy & Dick, WOR
Radio, 1945, Jan.
12 [frame 14.99]Regarding recipe for creamed spinach and "green
Item Mari Sandoz to Ralph
Coniston, 1945, Jan.
13 [frame 14.101]Regarding confidential source; health issues.
Item Western Reserve University to Mari Sandoz
, 1945, Jan.
15 [frame 14.106]Regarding Eleanor Hinman's application for
Item Mari Sandoz to Hollace Roberts, Western
Reserve University, 1945, Jan.
17 [frame 14.108-109]Regarding Mari's letter of recommendation for
Eleanor Hinman.
Item Eleanor Hinman to Mari
Sandoz, 1945, Jan.
20 [frame 14.112-114]Regarding her application to New York School of
Social Work; going to school on G.I. bill; leaving
the army.
Item Mari Sandoz to John P. Lewis, 1946, Jan.
25 [frame 14.127]Regarding anti-semitism in the Village, New York
Item Ed McLean to Mari Sandoz, 1946, Jan.
26 [frame 14.130-131]Regarding American Indian issues; religion, work,
etc.; children's books.
Item Mari Sandoz to Walter
Wightman, 1946, Jan.
27 [frame 14.132]Regarding Old Jules;
Spade Ranch; Sandhills life.
Item Terence Duren to Mari Sandoz, 1946, Jan.
28 [frame 14.133-135]Regarding art; painting.
Item Mari Sandoz to Ed McLean, 1946, Jan.
28 [frame 14.137]Regarding possible markets for children's
Item Senator J. Fred Toman (Montana) to Mari
Sandoz, 1946, Jan.
31 [frame 14.142]Regarding Percy Sandoz photograph.
Item Van Vleet Ranch to Mari
Sandoz, 1946, Jan. [frame 14.143]Regarding release of movie short "Arabians in the
Item Mari Sandoz to "Doc" Bidwell, 1946, Feb.
5 [frame 14.145]Regarding the G.I. bill; veteran situation.
Item Mari Sandoz to Dorothy & Dick, WOR
Radio, 1946, Feb.
13 [frame 14.160]Regarding folk sayings about buying horses,
steaks & cattle business.
Item Eleanor Hinman to Mari
Sandoz, 1946, Feb.
17 [frame 14.163-166]Regarding her application to New York School for
Social Work; her work at the Army hospital.
Item Mari Sandoz to Van Vleets, 1946, Feb.
18 [frame 14.167-168]Regarding a concern of a summer visit to the
Ranch; "Arabians in the Rockies" movie.
Item Mari Sandoz to Senator J. Fred Toman,
Montana, 1946, Feb.
19 [frame 14.170]Regarding Knox Co. region; Martindales of the
Niobrara region.
Item E. Peret to Mari Sandoz, 1946, Feb.
20 [frame 14.171-172]Regarding Crazy Horse queries.
Item Mari Sandoz to Eleanor
Hinman, 1946, Feb.
20 [frame 14.173]Regarding her letter of the 17th; civilian life;
a trip to Mexico; books out of print;
unemployment; anti-semitism.
Item Helen Hayes to Mari Sandoz, 1946, Feb.
25 [frame 14.178-179]Regarding Lincoln social scene; funerals; art
scene in Lincoln.
Item Mari Sandoz to E. Peret, 1946, Feb.
26 [frame 14.180-181]Regarding Crazy Horse; Lakota; Pine Ridge; M.I.
Item Ralph Collins, Indiana University
Writer's Conference to Mari Sandoz, 1946, Mar.
2 [frame 14.192]Regarding her to join the staff of the
Conference; "run" a fiction workshop.
Item Ralph Collins to Mari Sandoz, 1946, Mar.
9 [frame 14.198]Regarding more information on the conference;
other authors attending; she accepts.
Item Eleanor Hinman to Mari
Sandoz, 1946, Mar.
9 [frame 14.199-206]Regarding Hinman's situation; her work with
returned P.O.W.'s survivors of Bataan, Corregidor;
interesting behaviors among these men; Eva Hahn, a
Viennese survivor of Hitler's prisons works with
these men.
Item Society for the Prevention of World War
II to Mari Sandoz, 1946, Mar.
11 [frame 14.209]Regarding plans for meeting.
Item Mari Sandoz to Eleanor
Hinman, 1946, Mar.
14 [frame 14.209-210]Regarding her reply to Hinmans letter of March
9th; Veteran's situations, etc.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mamie
Meredith, 1946, Mar.
24 [frame 14.218]Regarding Veteran's situation; Sandoz's life in
New York City.
Item Terence Duren to Mari Sandoz, 1946, Mar.
28 [frame 14.232-234]Regarding Sandoz's visit and his painting; radio
interview; parties in Omaha.
Item Louise Pound to Mari Sandoz, 1946, Mar.
31 [frame 14.236]Regarding folklore; articles; old Nebraska folk
Item Mari Sandoz to Ralph Collins, 1946, Apr.
4 [frame 14.247]Regarding the writers responsibility to
Item Mari Sandoz to Louise Pound, 1946, Apr.
4 [frame 14.249]Reply to her letter of March 31, 1946; folk
Item Mari Sandoz to Louise Pound, 1946, Apr.
5 [frame 14.252]Regarding how the saying "corny" came about.
Item Mari Sandoz to Editorial Offices of The New
Republic, 1946, Apr.
12 [frame 14.262-263]Regarding F.D.R.; a Sandoz governess.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mirage Flats Irrigation
Project, 1946, Apr.
15 [frame 14.266]Regarding Senator Morris; water for the region of
Mirage Flats.
Item Nat Tolman, Soil Conservation Service to
Mari Sandoz, 1946, Apr.
19 [frame 14.270]Regarding Mirage Flats project.
Item Mari Sandoz to the Shays, 1946, Apr.
22 [frame 14.272]Regarding their hopes for a grant from
Guggenheim; American Indian; Helen Blish & Bad
Heart Bull manuscript; fellowship application.
Item Helen Hayes to Mari Sandoz, 1946, Apr.
25 [frame 14.277-278]Regarding Eleanor Hinman; Mamie Meredith; Dr.
Item Mari Sandoz to Helen Hayes, 1946, Apr.
29 [frame 14.279]Regarding trying to finish The Tom Walker.
Item "Doc" Watson Bidwell to Mari
Sandoz, 1946, May
12 [frame 14.290-291]Regarding his art show; anti-war propaganda;
"losing" the peace.
Item Elaine Lewis, New York Folklore Society
to Mari Sandoz, 1946, May
14 [frame 14.293]Regarding folk cures.
Item Mari Sandoz to Elaine Lewis, 1946, May
17 [frame 14.297-298]Regarding folk cures; Indian folk cures
(Cherokee); treating fractures.
Item Mari Sandoz to Dr. Ralph
Crossman, 1946, May
20 [frame 14.300]Regarding Post War Society; newspapers &
Item Robert Young, Chesapeake & Ohio
Railway to Mari Sandoz, 1946, May
21 [frame 14.303]Regarding railroad travel.
Item Ed MacLean to Mari Sandoz, 1946, May
28 [frame 14.312]Regarding his children's books; Frank Shively;
Colorado visitors.
Item Dr. Ralph Crossman to Mari
Sandoz, 1946, May
29 [frame 14.313]Regarding The Colorado
Editor; journalism.
Item Senator J. Fred Toman to Mari
Sandoz, 1946, May
30 [frame 14.314-315]Regarding Crazy
Horse; site of the Reynolds fight; Custer
rumors; Powder River queries.
Item Mari Sandoz to Ed MacLean, 1946, June
8 [frame 14.328]Regarding children's books; Shively; her work on
The Tom Walker.
Item Terence Duren to Mari Sandoz, 1946, June
16 [frame 14.324-325]Regarding his coming art shows.
Item Eleanor Hinmant to Mari
Sandoz, 1946, June
16 [frame 14.326-331]Regarding Hinman back in Lincoln; Hinman's V.A.
job; the Ferrills; Denver; working with Lincoln
Item "Doc" Watson Bidwell to Mari
Sandoz, 1946, June
19 [frame 14.338-339]Regarding art and painting.
Item Jesse Tvrs to Mari Sandoz, 1946, June
20 [frame 14.340-341]Regarding military life in post-war; Kobe, Japan;
condition of the city & people.
Item Mari Sandoz to "Doc" Watson
Bidwell, 1946, June
22 [frame 14.344-345]Regarding art, painting; political changes in
Nebraska; Atomic Control Committee.
Item Mari Sandoz to six State
Senators, 1946, June
30 [frame 14.350-355]Senators asking that they support O.P.A. in the
Trans-Missouri region; politics. These letters are
addressed to 1) Howard Buffett 2) Hugh R. Butler
3) Carl T. Curtis 4) A.L. Miller 5) Karl Stefan 6)
Kenneth S. Wherry.
Item Carl T. Curtis to Mari
Sandoz, 1946, July
2 [frame 14.358]Reply to her letter; O.P.A. situation.
Item A.L. Miller to Mari Sandoz, 1946, July
2 [frame 14.360]Reply to her letter; O.P.A. extension; political
leadership in Congress.
Item Karl Stefan to Mari Sandoz, 1946, July
2 [frame 14.361]Reply to her letter.
Item W.A. Stolley to Mari Sandoz, 1946, July
3 [frame 14.363]Regarding Grand Island settlement of 1857.
Item Mari Sandoz to Ed Weeks, Atlantic
Monthly, 1946, July
6 [frame 14.367]Regarding The Tom
Walker is sent to the publisher.
Item Senator J. Fred Toman to Mari
Sandoz, 1946, July
7 [frame 14.369]Regarding Mr. C.P. Berry and his life in Knox
County; Indian troubles.
Item Mari Sandoz to "Doc" Watson
Bidwell, 1946, July
8 [frame 14.371]Regarding hardships of an artist; her publishing
problems with Old
Item Kenneth Wherry to Mari
Sandoz, 1946, July
9 [frame 14.372]Reply to Sandoz letter.
Item Elizabeth Brennan to Mari
Sandoz, 1946, July
11 [frame 14.374-375]Regarding writing of fiction and poetry; writing
of the pioneer days; asks about entering
Item Mari Sandoz to Warren Espy Bower,
Department of English, New York
University, 1946, July
28 [frame 14.390]Regarding veterans as students; student
Item Mari Sandoz to Elizabeth
Brennan, 1946, July
31 [frame 14.393]Regarding publishing; prizes; poetry of the
pioneer times.
Item Mari Sandoz to Harold Ober, 1946, Aug.
4 [frame 14.397]Regarding Atlantic
accepts The Tom
Item Mari Sandoz to Harold Ober, 1946, Aug.
5 [frame 14.401]Regarding publishing contracts; The Tom Walker; her start
on a horse story; Arabians.
Item "Doc" Watson Bidwell to Mari
Sandoz, 1946, Aug.
6 [frame 14.402-403]Regarding Caroline Bancroft is injured; painting;
returning to school. Newspaper clipping
Item Mari Sandoz to Arthur Wang, Thomas Y.
Crowell Company, 1946, Aug.
6 [frame 14.405]Regarding The Devil is a
Lonely Man; Chauncey Thomas; the
"pleasure-hero" tales.
Item Lenore & Caroline (J. Alvin Fitzell)
to Mari Sandoz, 1946, Aug.
12 [frame 14.407]Regarding details of Caroline Bancroft's
Item Mari Sandoz to Harold Ober, 1946, Aug.
14 [frame 14.409]Regarding The Tom
Walker contracts with publisher.
Item Mari Sandoz to Ed Weeks, Atlantic
Monthly,, 1946, Aug.
15 [frame 14.411]Regarding revisions with The Tom Walker; libel cases.
Item Mari Sandoz to Ed Weeks, Atlantic
Monthly,, 1946, Aug.
23 [frame 14.413]Regarding revision with The
Tom Walker; previous publishing problems.
This letter was "never sent."
Item George M. Joyce to Mari
Sandoz, 1946, Aug.
27 [frame 14.418-419]Regarding his paintings of famous Indian
Item Mari Sandoz to George M.
Joyce, 1946, Aug.
30 [frame 14.424]Regarding a photograph of Crazy Horse; the books
Crazy Horse; Black Elk Speaks; Wooden Leg; and American.
Item Mari Sandoz to Elizabeth McKee, Atlantic
Press, 1946, Aug.
30 [frame 14.425]Regarding rejection of The
Tom Walker. This letter never mailed.
Item Mari Sandoz to Harold Ober, 1946, Aug.
30 [frame 14.426]Regarding The Tom
Item Harrison B. French to Mari
Sandoz, 1946, Sept.
2 [frame 14.428]Regarding Sandoz's writing, specifically Old Jules, Slogum House and Crazy Horse, which he calls
"something of a writer's Bible."
Item C.A. Kroening to Mari Sandoz, 1946, Sept.
6 [frame 14.429]Regarding Old Jules;
a visit to the West.
Item Mari Sandoz to C.A. Kroening, 1946, Sept.
11 [frame 14.432]Regarding Walter Reed, Sandhills, Sioux country
and the trip to the West.
Item Mari Sandoz to Marlin
Firearms, 1946, Sept.
16 [frame 14.438]Regarding Marlin rifles and their reputation.
Item Audrey Wood to Mari Sandoz, 1946, Sept.
19 [frame 14.443]Regarding Old Jules
movie rights; possibilities of making a film.
Item Marguerite Johanson to Mari
Sandoz, 1946, Oct.
18 [frame 14.463-464]Regarding writing; short stories.
Item Mari Sandoz to Marguerite
Johansen, 1946, Nov.
3 [frame 14.469-472]Regarding writing-fiction and narrative;
"cleverness;" unity; mentions Capital City, Crazy Horse.
Item Mari Sandoz to The Stegers, 1946, Nov.
9 [frame 14.477]Regarding Helen Hayes; Fred Daniels; Christian
Scientists; electric shock therapy.
Item Mari Sandoz to W.A. Stolley, 1946, Nov.
9 [frame 14.478-479]Regarding The West; life in New York City.
Item Ed McLean to Mari Sandoz, 1946, Nov.
10 [frame 14.480]Regarding children's literature; Indians;
publishing rejections.
Item Mari Sandoz to Senator J. Fred
Toman, 1946, Nov.
10 [frame 14.482-483]Regarding Connor-Walker expedition of 1865; the
Sandhills; the Reynolds fight; river names; maps;
Powder river sites; Custer-fight survivors.
Item Mari Sandoz to Helen Hayes, 1946, Nov.
15 [frame 14.494-495]Regarding Fred Daniels; art shows; Helen Tyler;
Leonard Theissen; Tyler Buchenau.
Item Orin Stepanek to Mari Sandoz, 1946, Nov.
17 [frame 14.498-500]Regarding University of Nebraska; Gustavson;
Capital City; local
Item Austin Corcoran (?) to Mari
Sandoz, 1946, Nov.
25 [frame 14.504]Regarding Old Jules;
Sandhills families.
Item Gustav Bernau to Mari Sandoz, 1946, Nov.
30 [frame 14.508]Regarding Prague (Czechoslavakia) publishers
interested in Old
Jules in translation.
Item Mari Sandoz to Elaine L.
Lewis, 1946, Dec.
2 [frame 14.511]Regarding Indian music; Guggenheim
Item Helen Dresser to Mari Sandoz, 1946, Dec.
4 [frame 14.513-514]Regarding Crazy
Item Harold Ober to Mari Sandoz, 1946, Dec.
4 [frame 14.515]Regarding The Tom
Walker manuscript not clear in the present
Item Art Vetter to Mari Sandoz, 1946, Dec.
4 [frame 14.517-518]Regarding Newspaper clipping about Sandhills and
Item Mari Sandoz to Ed Aswell, Harper &
Brothers Publishing, 1946, Dec.
7 [frame 14.519]Regarding Sandoz sending The Tom Walker manuscript to them.
Item Mari Sandoz to Elaine & Jim Van
Liew, 1946, Dec.
13 [frame 14.528]Regarding French traders and Indians; beaver
skins traded for whiskey.
Item Mari Sandoz to Austin
Corcoran, 1946, Dec.
16 [frame 14.534]Regarding Sandhills families; life in the
Sandhills; Johansens; Surbers.
Item Ruby Butler to Mari Sandoz, 1946, Dec.
17 [frame 14.535]Regarding writer's conferences; realism.
Item Austin Corcoran to Mari
Sandoz, 1946, Dec.
19 [frame 14.539-540]Regarding his life in New Mexico; Omar Barker;
Item Mari Sandoz to Birdena E.
Donaldson, 1946, Dec.
20 [frame 14.541]Regarding writer's conferences; Sandoz's future
plans for books; the Sheldons of Lincoln.
Item Mari Sandoz to Harold Ober, 1946, Dec.
20 [frame 14.542]Regarding foreign sales of Old Jules.
Item W.A. Stolley to Mari Sandoz, 1946, Dec.
20 [frame 14.543-544]Regarding Northwestern Nebraska; Old Jules; hunting; life in
New York City.
Item Mari Sandoz to Gustav Bernau,
Czechoslovakia, 1946, Dec.
24 [frame 14.545]Regarding Old Jules
in translation.
Item "Doc" Watson Bidwell to Mari
Sandoz, 1946, Feb. [frame 14.551-552]Regarding his art; Denver; dramas.
Item "Doc" Watson Bidwell to Mari
Sandoz, undated [frame 14.553-556]Regarding Christmas greetings and weather
conditions at Denver.
Item Helen Hayes to Mari Sandoz, [frame 14.560-564]Regarding Quebec trip; Lincoln social scenes;
Phil Smith; common friends and acquaintances.
Item A listing from Regional Ameircan
Folklore, undated [frame 14.573-575]3 pages.
Item Rose Van Vleet to Mari
Sandoz, undated [frame 14.577-579]Regarding Caroline Bancroft recuperation; visit
with Minister of Iraq.
Item Atlantic Monthly Press to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, Jan.
3 [frame 14.585]Regarding Capital
City a reminder they will not print
Item Mari Sandoz to Houghton
Mifflin, 1947, Jan.
7 [frame 14.586]Regarding fellowship award for Thomas
Item Mari Sandoz to Ed Aswell,
Harper's, 1947, Jan.
8 [frame 14.587]Regarding sending The Tom
Walker; she tells of her Arabian story.
Item Elaine Lewis to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Jan.
10 [frame 14.590]Regarding upcoming Folklore Conference in New
Item Louise Pound to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Jan.
14 [frame 14.591]Regarding Wisconsin Writers Conference.
Item Mari Sandoz to "Doc" Watson
Bidwell, 1947, Jan.
14 [frame 14.595-596]Regarding Capital
City; painting and art.
Item Mari Sandoz to Harold Ober, 1947, Jan.
14 [frame 14.599]Regarding foreign sales of her books; problems
with publishers; mentions Capital City, Slogum House, Old Jules.
Item Mari Sandoz to Louise Pound, 1947, Jan.
14 [frame 14.600]Regarding Wisconsin Writer's Conference; Moses
Stocking Tales; folklore.
Item Mari Sandoz to Olga Cosgriff, 1947, Jan.
15 [frame 14.601]Regarding Writer's Conference in Wisconsin; Crazy Horse.
Item Ruby Butler to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Jan.
21 [frame 14.604-606]Regarding Crazy
Horse; Indians and writing of them.
Item Mari Sandoz to Editorial Offices of Tomorrow
magazine, 1947, Jan.
21 [frame 14.606]Regarding The Ku Klux Klan; facists;
anti-semitism in the Universities; Georgia's
Item Mari Sandoz to J. Chambrun, 1947, Jan.
22 [frame 14.607]Regarding a new demand for Capital City, should they reprint?
Item Ed Aswell, Harper's to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, Jan.
24 [frame 14.609]Regarding problems with The
Tom Walker.
Item Mari Sandoz to Ed Aswell, 1947, Jan.
25 [frame 14.612]Regarding The Tom
Item Mari Sandoz to Helen Hayes, 1947, Jan.
26 [frame 14.615-616]Regarding life in New York City; Terence Duren's
art show; Dale Nichols; her future plans.
Item Mari Sandoz to J. Chambrun, 1947, Jan.
27 [frame 14.617]Regarding reprint of Capital City; publishers; The Tom Walker.
Item J. Chambrun to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Feb.
7 [frame 14.632]Regarding The Tom
Item Mari Sandoz to J. Chambrun, 1947, Feb.
10 [frame 14.633]Regarding The Tom
Walker; problems at Harpers; Professor
Fling; Old Jules.
Item Mari Sandoz to Van Vleets, 1947, Feb.
10 [frame 14.634]Regarding a horse show program; material for her
novelette about Arabian horses.
Item Van Vleets to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Feb.
14 [frame 14.639]Regarding lawsuits; "Sons of Courage."
Item Mari Sandoz to W.O.R. Radio, Dorothy
& Dick, 1947, Feb.
17 [frame 14.640]Regarding the arts and critics; "newspaper talk;"
Item Joseph Balmer to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Feb.
18 [frame 14.641-642]Regarding Crazy
Horse; mentions S. Vestal; Brinninstool;
Grinnell; Dr. Sheldon.
Item Mari Sandoz to Joseph Balmer, 1947, Feb.
21 [frame 14.646-647]Regarding Oglalas; Red Cloud; Crazy Horse.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mr. Warren Bower, New York
University, 1947, Feb.
22 [frame 14.649]Regarding Writer's Workshop for servicemen and
veterans; Miss Sharon; Miss Boyce
Item Mr. Warren Bower to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, Feb.
24 [frame 14.651]Reply to her letter.
Item Ed Aswell, Harper's & Brother to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, Feb.
25 [frame 14.653-654]Regarding The Tom
Walker; he rejects it.
Item J. Chambrun to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Feb.
26 [frame 14.655]Regarding The Tom
Walker; Dial Press.
Item Caroline Bancroft to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, Feb.
27 [frame 14.660]Regarding her recovery; Central City.
Item E.A. Brinninstool to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, Feb.
27 [frame 14.664]Regarding a misidentified photograph said to be
Bill Cody and Sittingbull.
Item Shary Sharon to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Feb.
28 [frame 14.666]Regarding the Veteran's Author's Workshop.
Item Joseph Balmer to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Mar.
1 [frame 14.668-669]Regarding Oglalas, Crazy
Horse; criticism; mentions Wissler; HeDog;
Neihardt; American GI's in Switzerland.
Item Mari Sandoz to E.A.
Brinninstool, 1947, Mar.
3 [frame 14.675-676]Reply to his letter; Wyoming Pageant photograph; Joe DeBarthe;
Grouard; Sitting Bull the Oglala also known as
Sitting Bull the Good.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mamie
Meredith, 1947, Mar.
4 [frame 14.677-678]Regarding movies and plays; cattlemen; Tyler
Item E.A. Brinninstool to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, Mar.
5 [frame 14.679-680]Regarding daughter of major General Jesse Lee;
Philo Clark; L.C. Leedy of Rapid City; Bob
Ellison; I Fought With
Custer; W.A. Graham; Frank Grouard.
Item H.H. Corey, Hormel Company to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, Mar.
5 [frame 14.682-683]Regarding Old Jules;
University of Nebraska football in 1916; Hormel
Annual Wage plan.
Item George Weis to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Mar.
5 [frame 14.684]Regarding Veteran's Author's Workshop; writing
Item Mari Sandoz to George Weis, 1947, Mar.
6 [frame 14.687]Regarding writing and books that may help.
Item J. Chambrun to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Mar.
15 [frame 14.689]Regarding contract for the The Tom Walker with Dial Press.
Item MacMillan Company to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, Mar.
26 [frame 14.703]Payment for a reading report regarding B.F.
Skinner's The Sun is But a
Morning Star.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mamie
Meredith, 1947, Mar.
26 [frame 14.704]Regarding The Tom
Walker and publishing problems; the results
of World Wars.
Item Mari Sandoz to H.H. Corey, Hormel
Company, 1947, Mar.
27 [frame 14.708]Regarding people of the Trans-Missouri Region;
Item Mari Sandoz to Lowry
Wimberly, 1947, Mar.
27 [frame 14.710]Regarding Prairie
Item Charles Morton, Atlantic Monthly Press to
Mari Sandoz, 1947, Mar.
28 [frame 14.715]Regarding Maytag Company; cheese.
Item Mari Sandoz to Charles Morton, Atlantic
Monthly Press, 1947, Mar.
28 [frame 14.716]Regarding Maytag Company; Capital City.
Item Fred Ballard to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Mar.
30 [frame 14.720]Regarding stamp collecting; Joseph Pulitzer.
Item Lowry Wimberly to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, Mar.
31 [frame 14.722]Regarding article for Prairie Schooner.
Item Mari Sandoz to Lowry
Wimberly, 1947, Apr.
2 [frame 14.724-725]Regarding "Martha of the Yellow Braids."
Item Mari Sandoz to Hughes, Massie &
Company, 1947, Apr.
7 [frame 14.730]Regarding overseas and foreign sales of her
Item Everrett Hurlhurt to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, Apr.
8 [frame 14.731-732]Regarding statements made by William L. Shirer in
C.B.S. broadcast.
Item Edward R. Murrow to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, Apr.
10 [frame 14.738-739]Regarding free speech, censorship.
Item Carol Sears, University of Nebraska,
Alumni Club of New York City to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, Apr.
10 [frame 14.741]Regarding Chancellor Gustavson.
Item Mari Sandoz to Fred Ballard, 1947, Apr.
11 [frame 14.742]Regarding New York City life; Pulitzer; Cather;
Dreiser; Hemingway; Faulkner; Oniell; "The Iceman
Cometh;" The Tom
Item Mari Sandoz to Terence Duren, 1947, Apr.
12 [frame 14.743]Regarding his art and Nebraska scences; Sidnee
Item Mari Sandoz to Jim Van Liew, 1947, Apr.
12 [frame 14.745-746]Regarding a Sitting Bull book; writing;
Wisconsin; Arabian horse novelette; The Tom Walker.
Item Elaine Lewis to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Apr.
16 [frame 14.747]Regarding Guggenheim award.
Item Terence Duren to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Apr.
19 [frame 14.750-756]Regarding his art; their Lincoln acquaintances;
art magazines; publicity; enclosed clippings.
Item Mari Sandoz to "Information Please" Radio
program, WCAB New York City, 1947, Apr.
19 [frame 14.757]Regarding the word "corny."
Item R.P. Reid to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Apr.
22 [frame 14.761-763]Regarding Slogum
House special edition.
Item Mari Sandoz to J. Chambrun, 1947, Apr.
22 [frame 14.764]Regarding Arabian horse story and The American Magazine.
Item Gustav Bernau to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Apr.
24 [frame 14.769]Regarding Czech editions of her books.
Item Mari Sandoz to Little, Brown &
Company, 1947, Apr.
25 [frame 14.770]Regarding Special Edition of Slogum House.
Item Fred Ballard to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Apr.
26 [frame 14.771-772]Regarding A Tree Grows in
Brooklyn; "The Iceman Cometh;" O. Henry;
Ballards work in progress.
Item Jim Van Liew to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Apr.
26 [frame 14.775]Regarding her work; Crazy
Horse; his writing; short stories.
Item Mari Sandoz to Dial Press, 1947, Apr.
28 [frame 14.777]Regarding editorial changes to The Tom Walker.
Item J. Chambrun to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Apr.
30 [frame 14.778]Regarding "Sit Your Saddle Solid."
Item Richard K. Polimer to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, May 1 [frame 14.783]Regarding Slogum
House movie rights.
Item Mari Sandoz to Gustav Bernau, 1947, May 1 [frame 14.785]Regarding Capital
City; paper shortages; Slogum House; Crazy Horse.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mamie
Meredith, 1947, May 1 [frame 14.788]Regarding Cather-Canfield story; The Tom Walker; Gustavson;
Nebraskans in New York City.
Item Mari Sandoz to J. Chambrun, 1947, May 2 [frame 14.789]Regarding European rights to Sandoz's books.
Item Mari Sandoz to Dial Press
Publicity, 1947, May 2 [frame 14.790]Regarding photographs of Sandoz.
Item Mari Sandoz to E.A.
Brininstool, 1947, May 3 [frame 14.791-792]Regarding The Tom
Walker; the mislabled photograph; Virginia
Trenholm-Maude Lee Rethers; Sitting Bull the Good;
Bordeauxs; Janises; Ecoffeys; He Dog; Ellison's
Indian collection; Crook; Grouard; events at Pine
Item Mari Sandoz to Rose Van
Vleet, 1947, May 3 [frame 14.793]Regarding upcoming visit to the ranch; "Denver
Item Mari Sandoz to Audrey Wood, 1947, May 7 [frame 14.798]Regarding Old
Item Mari Sandoz to Doubleday, 1947, May 9 [frame 14.800]Regarding new writers; Wisconsin.
Item Mari Sandoz to
Appleton-Century, 1947, May 9 [frame 14.801]Regarding new writers; Wisconsin.
Item Walter Bradbury, Doubleday to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, May
12 [frame 14.804]Regarding new writers; serious American Fictions;
This is the Year by
Feike Feikema.
Item Little, Brown & Company to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, May
12 [frame 14.805]Regarding Slogum
Item Mari Sandoz to Helen Hayes, 1947, May
12 [frame 14.807-808]Regarding summer schedule for Sandoz; The Tom Walker; dining in
the Village; Boston.
Item Jane Lawson, D. Appleton-Century Company
to Mari Sandoz, 1947, May
13 [frame 14.810]Regarding interest in serious American
Item Mari Sandoz to J. Chambrun, 1947, May
14 [frame 14.814]Regarding foreign sales of Sandoz books;
Item Margaret Turner, Prairie Schooner to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, May
14 [frame 14.818]Regarding "Martha of the Yellow Braids" to appear
in Summer 1947 issue.
Item Mari Sandoz to Ruth Robinson, 1947, May
15 [frame 14.820]Regarding the Writer's Institute in Wisconsin;
helping Robinson come for instruction.
Item Eleanor Roosevelt, American Association
for United Nations to Mari Sandoz, 1947, May
19 [frame 14.832]Regarding aid to Greece situation of United
Item Ruth Robinson to Mari Sandoz, 1947, May
20 [frame 14.834]Regarding Wisconsin Writer's Institute; she's
allowed in.
Item Mari Sandoz to Pegeen & Ed
Fitzgerald, W.J.Z. Radio, 1947, May
24 [frame 14.835]Regarding migraines and cures.
Item Philip Ewald, Reynal & Hitchcock
Publishers to Mari Sandoz, 1947, May
27 [frame 14.839]Regarding Weldon Kees' new volume of poetry,
The Fall of the
Item Duncan Emrich, Library of Congress to
Mari Sandoz, 1947, May
28 [frame 14.840]Regarding the Cordelling Songs of the Missouri;
Item Pegeen Fitzgerald, W.J.Z. Radio to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, May
28 [frame 14.841]Regarding migraines; Dr. Otto Meyer.
Item Mari Sandoz to "Public Pulse" Omaha World Herald
Editors, 1947, May
31 [frame 14.847-848]Regarding Missouri Cordelling songs; Old
Item Mari Sandoz to Mamie
Meredith, 1947, June
4 [frame 14.850]Regarding films and movies; Cordelling songs;
Item R.V. Hunkins, Lead Public Schools to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, June
8 [frame 14.860]Regarding books for reading classes; Crazy Horse; writing about
the Plains.
Item Mari Sandoz to Burt Hoffman, 1947, June
9 [frame 14.861]Regarding Sandoz's plans for the summer fo 1947;
autographing books.
Item Mari Sandoz to Alfred Knopf, 1947, June
12 [frame 14.865]Regarding the Hunkins letter; books written from
Sandoz's Crazy Horse
Item Mari Sandoz to J. Chambrun, 1947, June
17 [frame 14.869]Regarding Masoud;
the novelette about Arabian horses.
Item Mari Sandoz to George Joel, The Dial
Press, 1947, June
17 [frame 14.870]Regarding Masoud.
Item Mari Sandoz to Van Vleets, 1947, June
17 [frame 14.871]Regarding Masoud.
Item Mari Sandoz to Van Vleets, 1947, June
18 [frame 14.874]Regarding Albert Woodard; a navy-man; World War
II; Mormon.
Item E.C. Beck to Terence Duren, 1947, June
19 [frame 14.875]Regarding Missouri river ballards; Mari
Item Alfred Knopf to Mari Sandoz, 1947, June
19 [frame 14.877]Regarding the Hunkin's book about Crazy
Item Terence Duren to Mari Sandoz, 1947, June
23 [frame 14.881-883]Regarding Missouri Cordelling songs; folklore;
E.C. Beck art work in magazines.
Item Van Vleets to Mari Sandoz, 1947, June
25 [frame 14.885]Regarding Masoud;
Item Clarissa Bucklin-Smith to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, June
26 [frame 14.888-890]Regarding Sandoz's writing; "Marie Macumber
Item Van Vleets to Mari Sandoz, 1947, June
30 [frame 14.891]Regarding Masoud;
Mary Chase's "Harvey."
Item Mari Sandoz to Dwight
Griswold, 1947, July
6 [frame 14.893]Regarding Greek aid; The
Tom Walker.
Item Gustav Bernau to Mari Sandoz, 1947, July
8 [frame 14.895]Regarding Sandoz's books in foreign sales.
Item Lenore Taylor to Mari Sandoz, 1947, July
8 [frame 14.898]Regarding Masoud;
happenings at the Van Vleet's ranch in
Item Mamie Meredith to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, July
9 [frame 14.899-900]Regarding Sheldon bequest to University of
Nebraska; Selected Writings
of Louise Pound.
Item J. Chambrun to Mari Sandoz, 1947, July
16 [frame 14.905]Regarding foreign editions of Sandoz's books.
Item Hughes Massie & Company to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, July
16 [frame 14.908]Regarding payment for foreign sales of Sandoz
Item Mari Sandoz to Ivan Stone, Professor of
Government, Beloit College, 1947, July
17 [frame 14.909]Regarding a writer's responsibility in modern
society; study of the trans-Missouri region.
Item G. Hotz to Mari Sandoz, 1947, July
18 [frame 14.910]Regarding Plains Indians; Crazy Horse.
Item Ivan M. Stone to Mari Sandoz, 1947, July
20 [frame 14.913-914]Regarding Sandoz speaking at Beloit College.
Item Tom Bledsoe to Mari Sandoz, 1947, July
29 [frame 14.924]Regarding his writing; the apartments at 23
Barrow Street bought out; legal rights.
Item Margery Johansen to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, July
29 [frame 14.925]Regarding How to Describe
and Narrate Visually.
Item Ed McLean to Mari Sandoz, 1947, July
30 [frame 14.928]Regarding his first book is published.
Item Burt Hoffman, Dial Press to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, Aug.
7 [frame 14.937]Regarding publication date of The Tom Walker; advance
Item "Doc" Watson Bidwell to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, Aug.
12 [frame 14.942-945]Regarding his trip to Iowa State University;
Item Dial Press to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Aug.
25 [frame 14.957]Regarding letter of July 8, 1947; copyright
protection of works in Canada.
Item Richard Grantham to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, Sept.
1 [frame 14.967]Regarding review of The Tom
Walker in Philadelphia Inquirer.
Item "Doc" Watson Bidwell to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, Sept.
2 [frame 14.968-971]Regarding The Tom
Item Mamie Meredith to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, Sept.
2 [frame 14.972-974]Regarding reviews of The
Tom Walker; Denver
Post; happenings at the University of
Nebraska; the arts.
Item Joe Rogers to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Sept.
8 [frame 14.981]Regarding The Tom
Item Telegrams to and from Dial
Press, 1947, Sept.
11 [frame 14.986-988]Regarding The Tom
Walker shipments to Lincoln.
Item Mari Sandoz to J. Chambrun, 1947, Sept.
12 [frame 14.991]Regarding The Tom
Walker; bookstores are shorted copies.
Item Mari Sandoz to Dial Press, 1947, Sept.
12 [frame 14.992]Regarding The Tom
Walker; bookstores don't have enough
Item Will G. Robinson to Mari
Sandoz, 1947, Sept.
12 [frame 14.993-996]Regarding a possible photograph of Crazy Horse;
Helen Larrabee; Zoe Utterback; Julie White.
Item J. Chambrun to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Sept.
15 [frame 14.998]Regarding royalties check for The Tom Walker.
Item Mari Sandoz to Beth A.
Brennan, 1947, Sept.
19 [frame 14.1004]Regarding poetry; conflict on the frontier; types
of paper to use.
Item Fred Ballard to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Sept.
20 [frame 14.1005]Regarding "giving...American Indians a square
deal" broadcast; Senator Langer; Robert
Item Sibyl Davis to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Sept.
22 [frame 14.1009]Regarding Sandoz family; Percy Sandoz; Geneva
Item Paul Cutter to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Sept.
24 [frame 14.1014-1017]Regarding The Tom
Walker criticism of the book; he dares her
to answer the letter.
Item Helen Hayes to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Sept.
24 [frame 14.1018]Regarding Sandoz's recent visit; Mary McCarthy;
Leonard Thiessen.
Item Fred Ballard to Mari Sandoz, 1947, Sept.
26 [frame 14.1019]Regarding Variety;
Slogum House; Ethel
Barrmore; Old
Item Mari Sandoz to Burt Hoffman & George
Joel, 1947, Sept.
28 [frame 14.1020-1021]Regarding Masoud;
origin of the word "tom-walker."