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Mari Sandoz Collection

Title: Mari Sandoz Collection

Creator: Sandoz, Mari, 1896-1966

Dates: 1864-1976 (bulk 1931-1966)

Quantity: 199 boxes (186 linear feet)

Collection Number: MS 0080

Access and Use: For information on access or copyright, please see our guidelines or email archives@unl.edu.

Historical Records Statement: Please see our statement on historical records and materials.

Other Finding Aids: For a complete list of Sandoz materials available via microfilm, please see the Mari Sandoz Collection, which provides access to the microfilm indexing.Container List: Box 11. Correspondence 1952, Feb.-Dec. [Microfilm Reel MS00019]Item Mari Sandoz to Cynthia Huenink, 1952, Feb. 8 [frame 19.17]]

Regarding Huenink's writing; publishing possibilities.

Item Charles N. Heckelmann, Popular Library, Inc. to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Feb. 13 [frame 19.21]

Regarding company interested in reprinting Slogum House.

Item E. Helen Lang to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Feb. 13 [frame 19.24]

Regarding request that Sandoz write a story of Lang's ancestors.

Item Mari Sandoz to E. Helen Lang, 1952, Feb. 16 [frame 19.27]

Regarding reply to Lang's request; encourages her to write the story of her ancestors herself.

Item Maurice Frink to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Feb. 17 [frame 19.28]

Regarding Frink's new job in College of Journalism at University of Colorado; people he has met in the West.

Item Elaine Lewis to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Feb. 19 [frame 19.32]

Regarding Lewis's life in Ireland.

Item Mari Sandoz to Maurice Frink, 1952, Feb. 23 [frame 19.42]

Regarding reply to Frink's letter of February 17, 1952; Frink's activities in the West.

Item Helen Hayes to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Feb. 26 [frame 19.48-51]

Regarding Hayes's job at the newspaper; news of common friends and acquaintances in Lincoln.

Item Mari Sandoz to Dr. Alexander Lesser, Association on American Indian Affairs, 1952, Feb. 29 [frame 19.54]

Regarding "No Indians Allowed" signs in Gordon, Nebraska; Pine Ridge.

Item Mari Sandoz to James Larsh, 1952, Mar. 1 [frame 19.59]

Regarding Indian writings; Crazy Horse; Sioux, Cheyennes; Sandoz's work with the Ricker Collection.

Item Mari Sandoz to Russell Dollarhide, 1952, Mar. 9 [frame 19.65]

Regarding a Mirage, Nebraska stamp dated 1886.

Item John Cappon to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Mar. 11 [frame 19.67-68]

Regarding newsletter for Wisconsin writers' group; church publication; John G. Neihardt and A.B. Guthrie mentioned.

Item Dixie Lee Dillman to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Mar. 16 [frame 19.76-78]

Regarding social work on the Reservation; Dillman requests information about obtaining a job.

Item E. Bluth, German Publisher to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Mar. 18 [frame 19.85]

Regarding German rights to The Tom Walker and Crazy Horse query.

Item Mari Sandoz to Dixie Lee Dillman, 1952, Mar. 24 [frame 19.102]

Regarding working with the Indians; conditions on Pine Ridge and at Lame Deer, Montana.

Item Mari Sandoz to Elizabeth Otis, McIntosh & Otis, 1952, Mar. 28 [frame 19.107]

Regarding letter from E. Bluth see frame 85; international rights to Sandoz's works.

Item Dudley White to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Apr. 1 [frame 19.115]

Regarding Sacagawea's gravesite; monument to her.

Item Mari Sandoz to David Randolph, WNYC Radio, 1952, Apr. 2 [frame 19.116]

Regarding folk music.

Item George MacPherson, Sr. to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Apr. 4 [frame 19.121]

Regarding Cheyenne research; Dull Knife; Little Wolf; surrender to Miles 1879; Cheyenne history.

Item Mari Sandoz to Dudley White, 1952, Apr. 4 [frame 19.122]

Regarding reply to Dudley White's letter of April 1, 1952; purported Crazy Horse; an inauthentic book by Hans.

Item Mari Sandoz to Elizabeth Otis, 1952, Apr. 6 [frame 19.129]

Regarding Sandoz ready to send Cheyenne Autumn out to prospective publishers; consideration of university presses.

Item Dudley White to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Apr. 9 [frame 19.135]

Regarding "old timers" Dudley White knew in late 19th Century.

Item Mari Sandoz to Ed Aswell, McGraw-Hill, 1952, Apr. 12 [frame 19.137]

Regarding Cheyenne Autumn submitted for consideration; points about the book.

Item Mari Sandoz to Clara Smith and the Quill Club, University of Nebraska's writing group, 1952, Apr. 12 [frame 19.139]

Regarding Sandoz recalls her years as a "Quiller;" what she is doing presently.

Item J.G. Hopkins, Charles Scribners to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Apr. 18 [frame 19.147]

Regarding request to use excerpt of Old Jules in a study about artists of the Old West by Taft.

Item Thomas Bledsoe to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Apr. 20 [frame 19.153-154]

Regarding Bledsoe's novel, publishing problems.

Item Mari Sandoz to M.C. Scanlon, 1952, Apr. 21 [frame 19.159]

Regarding Blackfoot Indians of upper Missouri River.

Item Van Vleet to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Apr. 21 [frame 19.160-161]

Regarding buying horses from Indonesia; Carl Raswan.

Item Mari Sandoz to J.G. Hopkins, Charles Scribners, 1952, Apr. 22 [frame 19.166]

Regarding permission to use excerpt of Old Jules.

Item Mari Sandoz to Van Vleet, 1952, Apr. 23 [frame 19.172]

Regarding Reader's Digest articles; Caroline Bancroft; Carl Raswan.

Item W.E. Sexton to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Apr. 23 [frame 19.173-183]

Regarding Driftwood Hotel: letter and article.

Item S.A. Mory to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Apr. 24 [frame 19.185]

Regarding family from Berne, Switzerland; immigration.

Item Mrs. John Vierck to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Apr. 24 [frame 19.192-193]

Regarding renewing an old friendship; Vierck recalls her Sandhills days near the Spade ranch.

Item Caroline Sauer, McIntosh & Otis to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Apr. 25 [frame 19.194-195]

Regarding Capital City; Czechoslovakia.

Item Several fan letters, 1952, Apr. 27 [frame 19.202-207]

Regarding "What the Sioux Taught Me" from Reader's Digest.

Item Mari Sandoz to Ann Marie Draegmiller, 1952, Apr. 28 [frame 19.211]

Regarding Sandoz families.

Item Mari Sandoz to S.A. Mory, 1952, Apr. 29 [frame 19.215]

Regarding Sandoz family; Sandos family in Berne, Switzerland.

Item Mari Sandoz to Dorothy and Dick, WOR Radio, 1952, Apr. 30 [frame 19.221]

Regarding "gandy dancers."

Item A.M. Jones to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Apr. [frame 19.223]

Regarding story of a captive white boy among the Sioux; Jack Red Cloud.

Item Mari Sandoz to A.M. Jones, 1952, May 1 [frame 19.236]

Regarding Jack Red Cloud; captivity stories.

Item Mari Sandoz to Elizabeth Otis, 1952, May 1 [frame 19.240]

Regarding reader response to the Sioux article in Reader's Digest, "What the Sioux Taught Me."

Item H.E. Hammerquist to Mari Sandoz, 1952, May 2 [frame 19.243-246]

Regarding Hammerquist's family history; Pine Ridge, Rapid City; Sioux "troubles" of 1890-1891; roundups.

Item Mari Sandoz to Evelyn Doherty, 1952, May 2 [frame 19.248-250]

Regarding a letter to the Bluebirds; Indian naming practices; Yellowrobe family of South Dakota.

Item Mari Sandoz to Grace Ackerly, 1952, May 5 [frame 19.264]

Regarding Plenty Horse family of Sioux; other Sioux families; relatives of Crazy Horse.

Item Mari Sandoz to Elizabeth Otis, 1952, May 6 [frame 19.275]

Regarding rights to Slogum House; Dell's publisher interest in the book.

Item Mari Sandoz to Elizabeth Otis, 1952, May 6 [frame 19.290]

Regarding Cheyenne Autumn; "troubles" with Howard Fast in the past; Sandoz's criticisms of Fast's book about the Cheyennes, The Last Frontier.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mrs. Richard A. Monroe, 1952, May 10 [frame 19.298]

Regarding Mary Sandoz, Mari's mother.

Item Clara J. Smith to Mari Sandoz, 1952, May 11 [frame 19.305-306]

Regarding Quill meeting.

Item E. Doherty to Mari Sandoz, 1952, May 12 [frame 19.308]

Regarding asks Sandoz's permission to publish a "Note to the Bluebirds." See frames 248-250

Item Gene Price to Mari Sandoz, 1952, May 12 [frame 19.309]

Regarding Crazy Horse photographs rumor; new books on the West.

Item Mari Sandoz to Gene Price, 1952, May 15 [frame 19.316]

Regarding Crazy Horse photographs; Crazy Horse name somewhat common in Plains Indian society.

Item Mari Sandoz to Thomas B. Rankin, 1952, May 16 [frame 19.322]

Regarding early Rushville, Nebraska.

Item S.A. Mory to Mari Sandoz, 1952, May 19 [frame 19.326-332]

Regarding long letter about Sandoz family and Switzerland; Mory gives his family history.

Item Mari Sandoz to Jeannine Stallings, 1952, May 22 [frame 19.346]

Regarding rumor of Crazy Horse's adopted son; the name Crazy Horse; Grace Hebard collection at the University Library in Laramie, Wyoming.

Item Thomas Galey to Mari Sandoz, 1952, May 24 [frame 19.348]

Regarding George Bird Grinnell, personal visits with Northern Cheyennes at Lame Deer in 1921; Cheyenne photographs.

Item Mari Sandoz to Ed Aswell, 1952, May 25 [frame 19.350]

Regarding Miss Morissa delayed; news of Slogum House.

Item University of Wisconsin, John Fowlkes to Mari Sandoz, 1952, May 26 [frame 19.354]

Regarding Sandoz's contract for Summer Session.

Item McIntosh & Otis to Mari Sandoz, 1952, May 26 [frame 19.360]

Regarding Slogum House reprint contracts.

Item Mari Sandoz to Ed Aswell, 1952, June 2 [frame 19.390]

Regarding Indian photographs; western photographs; "the lost Cheyenne collection;" Huffman & Hornaday.

Item Mari Sandoz to Fred Ballard, 1952, June 2 [frame 19.391]

Regarding Orin Stepanek's illness; "The Lone Grave;" well poisoning.

Item Mari Sandoz to Thomas M. Galey, 1952, June 2 [frame 19.392]

Regarding Northern Cheyenne reservation; thoughts on George Bird Grinnell; Cheyenne Autumn.

Item Brummett Echohawk to Mari Sandoz, 1952, June 4 [frame 19.402]

Regarding Echohawk's reaction to "What the Sioux Taught Me;" illustrating.

Item Alfred Knopf Incorporated, 1952, June 4 [frame 19.403]

Regarding Crazy Horse contract release.

Item E.G. Washburn to Mari Sandoz, 1952, June 5 [frame 19.414-415]

Regarding Washburn recalls his youth on Kansas plains in late 1880s.

Item Mari Sandoz to Brummett Echohawk, 1952, June 9 [frame 19.420]

Regarding Echohawk's illustrations; plans for two future books about young Plains Indians.

Item Mari Sandoz to Dr. Samuel Zeller, 1952, June 10 [frame 19.427]

Regarding anthropological sources on the Oglalas; Helen Blish's Bad Heart Bull manuscript; The Cheyenne Way by Llewellyn and Hoebel.

Item John G. Fowlkes, 1952, June 11 [frame 19.428-429]

Regarding summer session information for instructors at University of Wisconsin.

Item Mari Sandoz to D.H. Stroud, Jr., 1952, June 11 [frame 19.431]

Regarding Old Black Elk; Black Elk Speaks.

Item Ed Aswell, McGraw-Hill to Mari Sandoz, 1952, June 17 [frame 19.443]

Regarding Cheyenne Autumn.

Item Brummett Echohawk to Mari Sandoz, 1952, June 20 [frame 19.448]

Regarding a visit to New York City; illustrating Sandoz's works.

Item Mari Sandoz to Caroline Sauer, 1952, June 20 [frame 19.449]

Regarding Miss Morissa; Ed Aswell.

Item Mari Sandoz to Thomas Bledsoe, 1952, June 21 [frame 19.450]

Regarding Bledsoe's manuscript; Mexican edition.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mrs. Harrington L. Butler (Hester), 1952, June 26 [frame 19.459]

Regarding Mr. Dunkle of South Dakota; early Dakota days; La Guardia; preserving Dunkle's recollections.

Item Mari Sandoz to S.A. Mory, 1952, June 26 [frame 19.460]

Regarding Sandoz family history; relatives of the Sandoz family; coal mining.

Item Geoffrey Hood to Mari Sandoz, 1952, June 30 [frame 19.461-464]

Regarding buying Plains Indian literature in Australia; Crazy Horse.

Item Mari Sandoz to Geoffrey Hood, 1952, July 7 [frame 19.484-485]

Regarding Sandoz's recommendations for books about Plains Indians; situation of the Plains Indians in 1950s.

Item Elizabeth Otis, McIntosh & Otis to Mari Sandoz, 1952, July 11 [frame 19.494]

Regarding Miss Morissa; Betty South; Thomas Bledsoe.

Item Mari Sandoz to Miss Wallerstein, 1952, July 11 [frame 19.497]

Regarding symbolism article; symbolism in literature.

Item Mari Sandoz to Elizabeth Otis, McIntosh & Otis, 1952, July 13 [frame 19.499]

Regarding Sandoz's reply to Otis' letter of July 11, 1952; summer class at University of Wisconsin; Crazy Horse.

Item Rufus Hulburt to Mari Sandoz, 1952, July 15 [frame 19.503-504]

Regarding George Lemmon, for whom Lemmon, South Dakota was named.

Item Mari Sandoz to Rufus Hulburt, 1952, July 23 [frame 19.516]

Regarding George Edward Lemmon; Sandoz comments on Lemmon's efforts to write his memoirs; the Crazy Horse monument.

Item Mari Sandoz to C.F. Mundt, 1952, July 25 [frame 19.519]

Regarding families of North Western Nebraska; Crazy Horse; other books about Plains Indians.

Item Louise Pound to Mari Sandoz, 1952, July 27 [frame 19.521]

Regarding Old Jules.

Item Mari Sandoz to Joseph Flute, 1952, July 28 [frame 19.523]

Regarding Flute's inquiry about relatives who scouted for U.S. Army; Sandoz says she will help trace the records.

Item Frank Stuerm, Society for Friendship with Switzerland to Mari Sandoz, 1952, July 29 [frame 19.527-529]

Regarding scholarships for exchange students to Switzerland.

Item Mari Sandoz to Louise Pound, 1952, Aug. 3 [frame 19.539]

Regarding folklore; Nebraska History; George Stamper; Slogum House; Old Jules.

Item Louise Pound to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Aug. 10 [frame 19.547-549]

Regarding Nebraska folklore; finding "someone good" to work on an article of the Standing Rock - Wounded Knee "affair."

Item S.A. Mory to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Aug. 13 [frame 19.560]

Regarding Swiss relatives; Old Jules; song lyrics in Swiss and English.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mr. Henry Maule, Random House, 1952, Aug. 18 [frame 19.571]

Regarding Bob Gard, author.

Item Mari Sandoz to Leah Gadlow, Random House, 1952, Aug. 25 [frame 19.591]

Regarding Gadlow's trip West; Old Jules; Slogum House; heroes.

Item V.R. Bell to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Aug. 26 [frame 19.595]

Regarding Red Cloud photograph; Bell is from Rushville, Nebraska.

Item Copy of a letter from Rosalind Lohnfinck, Secretary to H.L. Mencken to Mamie Meredith, 1952, Aug. 26 [frame 19.596]

Regarding Louise Pound.

Item Mari Sandoz to Louise Pound, 1952, Aug. 26 [frame 19.597-599]

Regarding Pound's John Maher article; Wounded Knee; Dr. Sheldon; Dr. Olson; Indian troubles of 1890; Pine Ridge; General Crook, His Autobiography; Agent Royer at Pine Ridge; Sandoz's research in A.G.O. records; Ricker collection at Nebraska State Historical Society.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mayor J.B. Bollerud, 1952, Aug. 28 [frame 19.603]

Regarding Wisconsin historic sites; Mineral Point, Wisconsin.

Item Oliver LaFarge to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Sept. 2 [frame 19.609-610]

Regarding Association on American Indian Affairs; accomplishments of the association; tribal attorney contracts; B.I.A., Bureau of Indian Affairs and the invasion of privacy of American Indians; Indian health issues; financial appropriations for Indian people.

Item Mari Sandoz to V.R. Bell, 1952, Sept. 2 [frame 19.613]

Regarding Rushville, Nebraska; Old Jules; Red Cloud; peace medals; medals Crazy Horse owned.

Item Mari Sandoz to Daphne Rademeyer, 1952, Sept. 3 [frame 19.618-619]

Regarding origins of the word "Cheyenne" - Sioux term; Pawnee term; Cheyenne language; a little girl named Cheyenne; Cheyenne Autumn.

Item Sandoz's greetings to "Little Chey-Chey", 1952, Sept. [frame 19.620]

Item Letters to and from Who's Who in America, 1952, Sept. 13 [frame 19.645-652]

Regarding Sandoz's entry into the book, a biographical dictionary.

Item Mari Sandoz to Lucille Crandall, 1952, Sept. 14 [frame 19.654]

Regarding famous people who have lived in the Village of New York City; Nebraska writers.

Item Mari Sandoz to Belle Quinn, 1952, Sept. 14 [frame 19.660]

Regarding Chadron, Nebraska people; Cherry County, Nebraska; cattlemen vs. farmer troubles in Nebraska.

Item "For South Pass Pete Decker", 1952, Sept. 15 [frame 19.664]

Regarding Jim Bridger's sons.

Item Mari Sandoz to Edward S. Luce, Custer Battlefield, 1952, Sept. 15 [frame 19.665]

Regarding museum dedication; Treater's painting of the battle; Harold Rodenbaugh; Cheyenne Autumn.

Item Joseph Balmer to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Sept. 16 [frame 19.669]

Regarding the "Cheyenne book;" books about Plains Indians; John Colhoff has a stroke; "Denverites."

Item Copy of letter from J. Chambrun to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Sept. 16 [frame 19.670]

Regarding Crazy Horse as a movie.

Item Mari Sandoz to J. Chambrun, 1952, Sept. 17 [frame 19.680]

Regarding reply to his letter of September 16, 1952.

Item Mari Sandoz to Joseph Balmer, 1952, Sept. 20 [frame 19.686]

Regarding Nebraska History magazine; Mrs. Petter of Montana; the "Cheyenne book;" John Colhoff.

Item Edward Luce to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Sept. 25 [frame 19.698]

Regarding Custer Battlefield; Archie Teater's painting of the fight; visitation numbers at Custer Battlefield in 1952.

Item Mari Sandoz to Archie Teater, 1952, Sept. 25 [frame 19.700]

Regarding letter from Edward Luce, Custer Battlefield.

Item Ed Aswell, McGraw-Hill to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Sept. 30 [frame 19.703]

Regarding Miss Morissa; "The Lost School Bus;" Cheyenne Autumn

Item Geoffrey Hood to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Sept. 30 [frame 19.704-708]

Regarding Hood is trying to get a copy of Crazy Horse imported to Australia.

Item Alexander Lesser to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Sept. 30 [frame 19.709]

Regarding request that Sandoz become a member of the Board of Directors for Association on American Indian Affairs, Inc.

Item Joseph Balmer to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Oct. 1 [frame 19.714-715]

Regarding John Colhoff's condition; The Sacred Pipe

Item Mari Sandoz to Alexander Lesser, 1952, Oct. 1 [frame 19.720]

Regarding Sandoz declines to become a board member for Association on American Indian Affairs.

Item Mari Sandoz to Hans Heinsheimer, 1952, Oct. 5 [frame 19.727]

Regarding Crazy Horse opera.

Item S.A. Mory to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Oct. 6 [frame 19.729-732]

Regarding Swiss heritage; Swiss families.

Item Belle Quinn to Mair Sandoz, 1952, Oct. 6 [frame 19.733-735]

Regarding Myrtle Musser; Judge Ricker's daughter; Richards; Chadron people and families.

Item Joseph Balmer to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Oct. 11 [frame 19.745]

Regarding Black Wolf; Little Wolf; photographs; asks help for identifying Cheyenne Indians.

Item Mari Sandoz to Belle Quinn, 1952, Oct. 15 [frame 19.758]

Regarding Wounded Knee; writing.

Item Mari Sandoz to Marguerite Young, 1952, Oct. 15 [frame 19.761]

Regarding news of common friends and acquaintances.

Item Notes for recommendation for Marguerite Young, 1952, Oct. 17 [frame 19.768]

Item Mary Abbot, McIntosh & Otis to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Oct. 20 [frame 19.774]

Regarding contract with Hastings House; advance for the book.

Item Caroline Sauer, McIntosh & Otis to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Oct. 21 [frame 19.776]

Regarding The Buffalo Hunters; Hastings House.

Item Mari Sandoz to Bob Gard, 1952, Oct. 26 [frame 19.786]

Regarding the "Buffalo" book for Alsberg; an autobiography.

Item Francis Fritchey to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Oct. 27 [frame 19.789]

Regarding Carlisle Indian school photos.

Item DeWitt Wallace, Reader's Digest to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Nov. 5 [frame 19.806]

Regarding "What the Sioux Taught Me" reprinted in International editions.

Item Mari Sandoz to Rodolpho Simon, 1952, Nov. 9 [frame 19.822]

Regarding South American publication of Slogum House

Item Mari Sandoz to Marguerite Young, 1952, Nov. 10 [frame 19.827]

Regarding Paul Engel; red scare; McIntosh & Otis; Crazy Horse the movie; Buffalo Hunters; personal friends and acquaintances.

Item Mari Sandoz to Art Vetter, 1952, Nov. 20 [frame 19.835]

Regarding Crazy Horse; Indian Congress at Denver; Slogum House.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mrs. E.C. King, 1952, Nov. 21 [frame 19.836]

Regarding books about Texas Indians; recordings of Indian music; library sources.

Item Mari Sandoz to Alvin F. Harlow, 1952, Nov. 26 [frame 19.852]

Regarding Oscar Collester telegraph operator story; Oglalas.

Item Mari Sandoz to Elizabeth Otis, McIntosh & Otis, 1952, Nov. 28 [frame 19.853-854]

Regarding Miss Morissa; Nash's objections to the story; A.B. Guthrie; Willa Cather; Slogum House; writing realistically.

Item Mari Sandoz to Dennis Fitzgerald, 1952, Nov. 29 [frame 19.857]

Regarding the Sioux from Pine Ridge; Wild West show; Wounded Knee; Australia.

Item Stanley Kunitz, H.W. Wilson Company to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Dec. 2 [frame 19.872-875]

Regarding Sandoz's autobiographical sketch to appear in Twentieth Century Authors.

Item Mari Sandoz to H.W. Wilson Company, 1952, Dec. 3 [frame 19.877]

Regarding Sandoz's revisions to the autobiographical sketch.

Item Mari Sandoz to Catherine Bradd, 1952, Dec. 4 [frame 19.879]

Regarding raising children; how the Sioux Lakota brought up their children.

Item Mari Sandoz to Oliver B. Warren, 1952, Dec. 4 [frame 19.880]

Regarding runs above family at Pine Ridge; dances in the Sandhills.

Item Brummett Echohawk to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Dec. 5 [frame 19.881]

Regarding Echohawk comments on Sandoz's writing; deer hunting in Colorado; Pawnees.

Item Mari Sandoz to Elizabeth Otis, McIntosh & Otis, 1952, Dec. 6 [frame 19.882]

Regarding Sandoz's disillusionment over getting Miss Morissa and Cheyenne Autumn published.

Item Mari Sandoz to Louise Pound, 1952, Dec. 6 [frame 19.883]

Regarding Wounded Knee source material; Benjamin Botkin.

Item Mari Sandoz to Brummett Echohawk, 1952, Dec. 7 [frame 19.885]

Regarding Sandoz meets Echohawk; Echohawk to illustrate a Sandoz book; The Fighting Norths and Pawnee Scouts by Robert Bruce.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mr. Parsons, 1952, Dec. 7 [frame 19.886]

Regarding Fort Laramie commander in 1874; Custer; needle gun/Jim Bridger.

Item Oliver Warren to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Dec. 7 [frame 19.888]

Regarding the Runs Above family at Pine Ridge; Arthur Harrison.

Item Mari Sandoz to Alfred Jancovic, 1952, Dec. 8 [frame 19.890]

Regarding work begins on Buffalo Hunters; Benteen's letters; Army officers and Indian women.

Item Louise Pound to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Dec. 11 [frame 19.893-894]

Regarding Wounded Knee article; "Old Jules products;" John Maher proofs.

Item Mari Sandoz to J. Chambrun, 1952, Dec. 12 [frame 19.897]

Regarding Crazy Horse; Rataff picks up option to make a film of the book; Sandoz wants to terminate this agreement.

Item Mari Sandoz to Archie and Pat Teater, 1952, Dec. 12 [frame 19.901]

Regarding Custer battle painting; "memory plays tricks."

Item John E. Parsons to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Dec. 15 [frame 19.909]

Regarding Custer battle; Indian weapons; gun sales to Indians.

Item , 1952-12-15 [frame 19.910-911]

Sample references to trade of arms to Indians 1874-1876 for Mr. Parsons with notes about a trader named Boucher at Chadron.

Item Mari Sandoz to Louise Pound, 1952, Dec. 15 [frame 19.915-916]]

Regarding Old Jules products; John Maher article; Bronson books on Western Nebraska; the Beechers.

Item Mari Sandoz to R.D. Vickers, 1952, Dec. 15 [frame 19.917]

Regarding writing in America; creative isolation; advice about writing.

Item Mari Sandoz to Melvin Van den Bark 1952, Dec. 16 [frame 19.924-925]

Regarding news of common friends and acquaintances; The Tom Walker; Slogum House; the "new" books Sandoz is working on; Anti-Art movement.

Item Mari Sandoz to "Boss" Van Vleet, 1952, Dec. 22 [frame 19.934]

Regarding Christmas greetings; Sandoz suggests she write a narrative about the Colorado horse ranch; Crazy Horse movie; Slogum House in paperback.

Item Leroy Hafen to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Dec. 23 [frame 19.936]

Regarding the Brule wife of Seth Ward, sutler at Fort Laramie.

Item Mari Sandoz to Leroy Hafen, 1952, Dec. 27 [frame 19.938-939]

Regarding information about Seth Ward's Brule wife; Bettelyoun manuscript; James Bordeaux; Antoine Laramie; Josephine Waggoner.

Item "Boss" Van Vleet to Mari Sandoz, 1952, Dec. 30 [frame 19.944]

Regarding horse movie to go to California.

Item Christmas cards, 1952 [frame 19.945-984]

Item Helen Hayes to Mari Sandoz, 1952 [frame 19.1012-1021]

Regarding news from Lincoln, Nebraska; common friends and acquaintances.

Item Margaret Payne to Mari Sandoz, 1952 [frame 19.1031-1038]

Regarding news and clippings about the West.

Item Daphne Rademeyer to Mari Sandoz, 1952 [frame 19.1040-1042]

Regarding the name Cheyenne.

Item Mari Sandoz to Les Tubbs, 1952 [frame 19.1045]

Regarding Custer battle material; books about Custer.

Item Orin Stepanek to Mari Sandoz, 1952 [frame 19.1047-1050]

Regarding Stepanek's recovery; general news; Capital City

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