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Mari Sandoz Collection

Title: Mari Sandoz Collection

Creator: Sandoz, Mari, 1896-1966

Dates: 1864-1976 (bulk 1931-1966)

Quantity: 199 boxes (186 linear feet)

Collection Number: MS 0080

Access and Use: For information on access or copyright, please see our guidelines or email archives@unl.edu.

Historical Records Statement: Please see our statement on historical records and materials.

Other Finding Aids: For a complete list of Sandoz materials available via microfilm, please see the Mari Sandoz Collection, which provides access to the microfilm indexing.Container List: Box 17. Correspondence, 1956, Feb.-Aug. [Microfilm Reel MS00025]Item Russell A. Gibbs to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Feb. 1 [frame 25.6]

Regarding Miss Morissa; Camp Clark.

Item Mamie Meredith to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Feb. 1 [frame 25.9]

Regarding the "Shapiro business;" Meredith considers retirement.

Item Dorothy Lindsay to Mamie Meredith, 1956, Feb. 2 [frame 25.12]

Regarding Lowry Wimberly; Mari Sandoz.

Item Mari Sandoz to John Parsons, 1956, Feb. 2 [frame 25.16]

Regarding response to Parson's letter of January 27, 1956; Charles Reed, George Wilson, other individuals on the frontier.

Item Mari Sandoz to Ruth Graves, Holiday, 1956, Feb. 4 [frame 25.32]

Regarding Sandoz's article about Nebraska history; revisions.

Item Mari Sandoz to Emily Schossberger, University of Nebraska, 1956, Feb. 4 [frame 25.34]

Regarding response to Schossberger's letter of February 2, 1956 regarding Prairie Schooner campaign; Sandoz leaving for a research trip.

Item Mari Sandoz to George Taylor, 1956, Feb. 4 [frame 25.35-36]

Regarding poetry; form in art; experimental artists; art in fiction.

Item Fred Ballard to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Feb. 5 [frame 25.37-38]

Regarding Karl Shapiro article; The Prairie Schooner; newspaper article attached.

Item Mark Brown to Wallis Huidekaper, 1956, Feb. 5 [frame 25.39]

Regarding Mari Sandoz; Huffman photograph collection; The Frontier Years, Brown's book.

Item Mari Sandoz to Harry B. Coffee, 1956, Feb. 5 [frame 25.41]

Regarding Sandoz's upcoming cattle book; Omaha stockyards.

Item John E. Parsons to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Feb. 6 [frame 25.44]

Regarding military officers on the frontier.

Item Mari Sandoz to Major Felie W. Clark, 1956, Feb. 6 [frame 25.46]

Regarding Clark's Master's thesis to be on Sandoz.

Item Mamie Meredith to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Feb. 7 [frame 25.50-51]

Regarding Dorothy Lindsay; news from Lincoln, Nebraska.

Item Fred Ballard to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Feb. 8 [frame 25.54-55]

Regarding Karl Shapiro controversy; news article attached.

Item Ray Bearse to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Feb. 8 [frame 25.56]

Regarding Beecher Island fight; Whalen; query about source material for Buffalo Hunters.

Item Nelle Marcy to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Feb. 8 [frame 25.58-61]

Regarding Sandoz's recent trip to Gordon, Nebraska; Marcy recalls her childhood in the Sandhills; Old Jules; Mary Sandoz; Johansen family.

Item Walles Huidekaper to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Feb. 9 [frame 25.65]

Regarding Huffman photographic collection.

Item Mari Sandoz to Ed Aswell?; cc Mary Abbot, 1956, Feb. 9 [frame 25.66-67]

Regarding Sandoz's future writing projects; The Horsecatcher; the "long-delayed" Son of a Gamblin' Man; synopsis; Sandoz's research methods for the book.

Item Bob Ferritor to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Feb. 10 [frame 25.71-72]

Regarding cattle stories; Nebraska cattle stories; cattle brands in the late 1800s; pioneers of northwestern Nebraska.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mamie Meredith; cc Fred Ballard, 1956, Feb. 10 [frame 25.74]

Regarding Karl Shapiro controversy at University of Nebraska.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mr. Ray Bearse, 1956, Feb. 11 [frame 25.77]

Regarding Beecher Island fight; footnoting; "Yaller Whalen;" men "traveled under several names."

Item Mari Sandoz to Edmund Collier, 1956, Feb. 13 [frame 25.83]

Regarding Buffalo Bill Cody; false statements in The Overland Stage to California by Root & Connelly.

Item Mari Sandoz to Bob Ferritor, 1956, Feb. 13 [frame 25.85]

Regarding cattle; writing.

Item Mari Sandoz to John Parsons, 1956, Feb. 13 [frame 25.93]

Regarding a man Carpenter; Bullet Proof, a Cheyenne; men named Graham.

Item Mari Sandoz to Rosemary Van Vleet, 1956, Feb. 13 [frame 25.94]

Regarding Sandoz's response to Van Vleet's letter of January 10; Sandoz relates what she's doing at present.

Item Mari Sandoz to Edward Wentworth, 1956, Feb. 13 [frame 25.95]

Regarding Wentworth books Cattle and Men and Sheep Trail; herding sheep in the west; protecting crops from grazing sheep; a comment on Indians.

Item Mari Sandoz to Julian P. Muller, Harcourt, Brace, 1956, Feb. 14 [frame 25.99]

Regarding Cahill's book, The Shadow of My Hand.

Item Melvin Van den Bark to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Feb. 18 [frame 25.111-112]

Regarding the Hansomes; Mamie Meredith.

Item John Parsons to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Feb. 20 [frame 25.117]

Regarding article "Sioux Resistance to Yellowstone Surveys, 1872."

Item Mari Sandoz to John Parsons, 1956, Feb. 21 [frame 25.118]

Regarding Treaty of 1868; Sioux lawsuit over the Black Hills; Manypenny's Our Indian Wards.

Item Mari Sandoz to Melvin Van den Bark, 1956, Feb. 23 [frame 25.125]

Regarding the Hansomes; Sandoz's New York City "playing."

Item Mari Sandoz to Mrs. Dowlin, 1956, Feb. 24 [frame 25.126]

Regarding Curly, the Crow scout at Little Big Horn.

Item Mari Sandoz to Frank Root, 1956, Feb. 24 [frame 25.129]

Regarding books about the Nez Perce.

Item Mari Sandoz to Donald Beckman, 1956, Feb. 25 [frame 25.135]

Regarding Sandoz's advice to Beckman as he plans to enter college; writing professionally.

Item Mari Sandoz to Arnold Cayser, 1956, Feb. 25 [frame 25.136]

Regarding Cayser's writing; health issues; Sandoz's future writing projects.

Item Mari Sandoz to Jack Leermakers, 1956, Feb. 25 [frame 25.138]

Regarding Laramie Letter Book; Carrington's correspondence; Fort Phil Kearny; omissions of reports; Fetterman source material.

Item Mari Sandoz to William Stilwell, 1956, Feb. 25 [frame 25.142]

Regarding Riel; Swiss pronunciation of names; Sandoz says she "never learned to think in terms of male supremacy."

Item Felie Clark to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Feb. 26 [frame 25.143-144]

Regarding Clark's work on Sandoz's life.

Item John S. Gray to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Feb. 27 [frame 25.148-149]

Regarding Charley Reynolds; California Joe; Reynolds family; unpublished Grinnell manuscript about Reynolds.

Item Mari Sandoz to Perry Branch, 1956, Feb. 28 [frame 25.161]

Regarding Prairie Schooner Fund.

Item Reverend Peter J. Powell to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Mar. 1 [frame 25.168-170]

Regarding Sandoz's writings; Powell's life in Chicago; St. Timothys; Powell's feeling about Indian - white relations; Indians in Chicago; Crazy Horse's gravesite; a visit with the Cheyennes.

Item Mari Sandoz to "Friends of the Prairie Schooner", 1956, Mar. 1 [frame 25.171]

Regarding keeping the Prairie Schooner alive; Prairie Schooner Fund.

Item Rex Stout, Authors' League of America to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Mar. 2 [frame 25.182-183]

Regarding The Man with the Golden Arm; Otto Preminger; film making and writing.

Item Mari Sandoz to Dr. John S. Gray, 1956, Mar. 3 [frame 25.190-191]

Regarding Lonesome Charley Reynolds; Sandoz's files still in the West; Green and Walmsley; medical history files in the A.G.O., Adjutant General's Office? records, Washington; Reynolds family.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mrs. Jay Marcy, 1956, Mar. 3 [frame 25.194]

Regarding Sandoz's response to Marcy's letter of February 8, 1956; Sandhills life; Sandoz suggests Marcy write of her girlhood.

Item Mari Sandoz to Dr. William H. Nault, 1956, Mar. 3 [frame 25.195]

Regarding accuracy in Indian biographies; Plenty Coups; Ouray; Petalesharu; Little Wolf and Dull Knife; Standing Bear; Spotted Tail.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mrs. Myra K. Peters, 1956, Mar. 3 [frame 25.196]

Regarding Yellowtail Dam; termination and "unlanding" of the Crow people; All American Indian Days; Emmie Mygatt.

Item Mari Sandoz to Felie Clark, 1956, Mar. 4 [frame 25.204-205]

Regarding Sandoz sends material to Clark about her life.

Item Charlotte Curtis to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Mar. 6 [frame 25.209]

Regarding Query; Sandoz to attend the Theta Sigma conference in Columbus, Ohio.

Item Mari Sandoz to La Vonne Strohm, 1956, Mar. 6 [frame 25.215]

Regarding Sandoz synopsis of her "talk" to be given in Columbus, Ohio.

Item Jesse Stuart to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Mar. 6 [frame 25.216]

Regarding Prairie Schooner.

Item John S. Gray to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Mar. 11 [frame 25.230]

Regarding Charley Reynolds research and questions.

Item Mari Sandoz to Charlotte Curtis, 1956, Mar. 11 [frame 25.232-233]

Regarding Sandoz's response to Curtis' questions; autobiographical information; Sandoz's writing and research methods.

Item Mari Sandoz to Frank Johnson, 1956, Mar. 11 [frame 25.234]

Regarding "The Cozad book."

Item Barney Oldfield to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Mar. 12 [frame 25.237]

Regarding Prairie Schooner funds; Oldfield's book.

Item Frank Johnson to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Mar. 13 [frame 25.240]

Regarding Johnson's response to Sandoz query of March 11, 1956; Johnson suggests Sandoz "go ahead" with the Cozad book.

Item Mary Abbot, McIntosh & Otis to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Mar. 14 [frame 25.244]

Regarding contract for Son of a Gamlin' Man

Item Mari Sandoz to Libbie Duggan, 1956, Mar. 14 [frame 25.247]

Regarding Old Jules; Wild Calendar.

Item Mary Averett Seelye to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Mar. 15 [frame 25.254]

Regarding AAUW Writing contest; Sandoz to judge the manuscripts.

Item Mari Sandoz to John S. Gray, 1956, Mar. 17 [frame 25.262]

Regarding Charley Reynolds on the Duke Alexis hunt.

Item Mari Sandoz to Frank Johnson, 1956, Mar. 17 [frame 25.265]

Regarding Son of a Gamblin' Man contracts signed.

Item Emily Schossberger, University of Nebraska Press to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Mar. 17 [frame 25.268-269]

Regarding a new collection of Nebraska writing to come out; request for Sandoz to contribute.

Item Don Russell to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Mar. 19 [frame 25.272]

Regarding Captain Charles King.

Item Mari Sandoz to Emily Schossberger, University of Nebraska Press, 1956, Mar. 19 [frame 25.273-274]

Regarding Nebraska Press project; suggestions about which of Sandoz's writings to use; other sources for Nebraska material.

Item C.E. Holen to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Mar. 21 [frame 25.284]

Regarding The Tom Walker.

Item Edwin J. McFarland to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Mar. 21 [frame 25.288-289]

Regarding The Buffalo Hunters; frontier bad men; McFarland family lived near the Blackfoot Indians in Alberta, Canada.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mary Abbot, 1956, Mar. 22 [frame 25.290]

Regarding contract signed; upcoming Sandoz appearances.

Item Mari Sandoz to C.E. Holen, 1956, Mar. 22 [frame 25.291]

Regarding The Tom Walker.

Item F.H. Sinclair, Neckyoke Jones to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Mar. 22 [frame 25.294-295]

Regarding Fourth Annual All American Indian Days; request that Sandoz write a 500 word essay for the program.

Item Mari Sandoz to John S. Gray, 1956, Mar. 24 [frame 25.299]

Regarding Captain Charles Christy; Charley Reynolds.

Item Mari Sandoz to Alvin O. Hansen, 1956, Mar. 24 [frame 25.300]

Regarding the writing market in 1956 ; Hansen's writing.

Item Mari Sandoz to Paul Hoffman, 1956, Mar. 24 [frame 25.301]

Regarding Sandoz to go to Topeka, Kansas.

Item Mari Sandoz to Robert W. Houston, Omaha World Herald, 1956, Mar. 24 [frame 25.302]

Regarding an article on the Sandoz family; addresses of Sandoz's siblings.

Item Mari Sandoz to Don Russell, 1956, Mar. 24 [frame 25.307-308]

Regarding Charles King; Chivington; source material for her findings on these topics.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mary Averett Seelye, 1956, Mar. 24 [frame 25.309]

Regarding Sandoz's judgment of the AAUW Writing project contest.

Item L.H. Adolfson to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Mar. 27 [frame 25.313]

Regarding Sandoz to return to University of Wisconsin for summer session in 1956.

Item John S. Gray to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Mar. 27 [frame 25.315]

Regarding Charlie Reynolds research; Fort McPherson.

Item Bruce Brugmann, Editor, Daily Nebraskan to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Mar. 30 [frame 25.325]

Regarding request that Sandoz contribute a brief article for a special series the newspaper is running.

Item Mari Sandoz to Arnold Cayser, 1956, Mar. 31 [frame 25.329]

Regarding Sandoz discusses her research into The Cattlemen.

Item Mari Sandoz to The King Ranch Manager, 1956, Mar. 31 [frame 25.331]

Regarding Sandoz requests a chance to visit the King Ranch in Texas.

Item Mari Sandoz to Edwin J. McFarland, 1956, Mar. 31 [frame 25.332]

Regarding Sand Creek and Wounded Knee compared to Hiroshima; encouragement to write.

Item Mari Sandoz to Jesse Stuart, 1956, Mar. 31 [frame 25.335]

Regarding Prairie Schooner; Ed Aswell.

Item Mari Sandoz to Rudolph Umland, 1956, Mar. 31 [frame 25.336]

Regarding Umland's family and writing.

Item Mari Sandoz to Archivist, Texas Collection, 1956, Mar. 31 [frame 25.338]

Regarding request about looking into archival material housed at University of Texas.

Item Bernice Chrisman to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Apr. 4 [frame 25.347]

Regarding Chrisman's autobiography; sod-house days.

Item Bernice Slote to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Apr. 4 [frame 25.349]

Regarding Prairie Schooner fiction awards.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mrs. Elmer Sturgeon, 1956, Apr. 6 [frame 25.360]

Regarding death of Elmer Sturgeon.

Item Herb M. Potter, University of Nebraska Foundation to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Apr. 7 [frame 25.362]

Regarding a memorial to be established in honor of Orin Stepanek.

Item Mari Sandoz to "F.A.W." Williams, 1956, Apr. 8 [frame 25.368]

Regarding Pony Express.

Item Paul D. Riley to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Apr. 9 [frame 25.373]

Regarding the Sandoz "writing contest" at the University of Nebraska; Orin Stepanek; Riley's family; common friends and acquaintances.

Item Elmer D. Straka to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Apr. 9 [frame 25.375]

Regarding Sandoz's Holiday article about Nebraska; Straka's article about Hartford's Nebraska operations; article attached.

Item D.M. Cooper to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Apr. 10 [frame 25.378-379]

Regarding Cooper relates his boyhood days growing up in the Northwestern Nebraska and Pine Ridge areas; Julia McGillycudy; Sundance in 1881.

Item James C. Olson, Nebraska State Historical Society to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Apr. 10 [frame 25.380]

Regarding Olson to leave Nebraska State Historical Society.

Item Robert C. Wells, King Ranch to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Apr. 11 [frame 25.382]

Regarding reply to Sandoz's letter of March 31, 1956; Santa Gertrudis cattle; sources about the King Ranch; Sandoz to visit the ranch headquarters.

Item Clifton E. Manlove to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Apr. 12 [frame 25.386-388]

Regarding Sandoz's "Indian writings;" Manlove's boyhood; Indians Manlove has known; Manlove's opinion of the movie, "Chief Crazy Horse."

Item Mari Sandoz to Walter Frese, 1956, Apr. 12 [frame 25.390]

Regarding The Buffalo Hunters; Sandoz's books "bootlegged."

Item Mari Sandoz to Paul Hoffman, 1956, Apr. 15 [frame 25.398]

Regarding The Horsecatcher; copy editing; proofs.

Item Lucius Beebe to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Apr. 16 [frame 25.401-402]

Regarding premiere of Paramount's movie "Union Pacific" in Omaha.

Item Mari Sandoz to Melvin Van den Bark, 1956, Apr. 16 [frame 25.407]

Regarding Sandoz to visit with Van den Bark in Norman, Oklahoma.

Item Ola Stepanek to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Apr. 17 [frame 25.411-412]

Regarding Sandoz's Holiday article; death of Orin Stepanek; teaching.

Item Frank M. Johnson to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Apr. 23 [frame 25.428-429]

Regarding the "Cozad story;" additional material uncovered.

Item Mari Sandoz to Geneva Stephenson, 1956, Apr. 23 [frame 25.430]

Regarding Stephenson's writing of General Putnam; Hastings House publishers.

Item Mari Sandoz to Melvin Van den Bark, 1956, Apr. 24 [frame 25.434]

Regarding Sandoz's recent visit to Norman; Sandoz in Austin, Texas for research; television.

Item Deane DuComb to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Apr. 25 [frame 25.436]

Regarding "Nebraska" in Holiday magazine; Capital City; Slogum House.

Item "Boss" Van Vleet to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Apr. 25 [frame 25.439]

Regarding "Nebraska;" recent party at the Van Vleets' home in Denver.

Item Dorothy Paul to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Apr. 26 [frame 25.440-443]

Regarding Sandoz's upcoming trip to Topeka, Kansas.

Item Felie Clark to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Apr. 29 [frame 25.447]

Regarding copy of his master's thesis about Sandoz.

Item Libbie Duggan to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Apr. 30 [frame 25.449]

Regarding Old Jules; finding a screen writer who might develop Old Jules for film.

Item Walter Frese, Hastings House to Mari Sandoz, 1956, May 1 [frame 25.454]

Regarding The Buffalo Hunters; Old Jules.

Item Geneva Stephenson to Mari Sandoz, 1956, May 1 [frame 25.457-458]

Regarding Sandoz's recent visit to Columbus, Ohio.

Item Frank M. Johnson to Mari Sandoz, 1956, May 4 [frame 25.465]

Regarding the Cozad story; John J. Cozad.

Item Fredrick W. Nolan to Mari Sandoz, 1956, May 5 [frame 25.466-467]

Regarding Westerners of England.

Item Archie and Pat Teater to Mari Sandoz, 1956, May 5 [frame 25.468-469]

Regarding Archie's art; Crone's article about Archie Teater.

Item Mari Sandoz to Matthew S. Evans, 1956, May 13 [frame 25.488]

Regarding Sandoz describes her upcoming classes to be taught at the University of Wisconsin.

Item Mari Sandoz to Libbie Duggan, 1956, May 15 [frame 25.499]

Regarding Old Jules as a film; The Horsecatcher.

Item J.D. Hammer to Mari Sandoz, 1956, May 18? [frame 25.506-507]

Regarding Hammer's childhood on the Niobrara; reminiscences of "the old days."

Item Mari Sandoz to Felie Clark, 1956, May 19 [frame 25.515]

Regarding Sandoz's comments on Clark's thesis about her; Old Jules; Slogum House; Capital City; The Tom Walker.

Item Mari Sandoz to Ruth Crone, 1956, May 19 [frame 25.517-518]

Regarding Archie Teater's art work and painting; the Little Big Horn fight.

Item Mari Sandoz to Zula Hall, 1956, May 19 [frame 25.722]

Regarding Fort Robinson State Museum to open.

Item Mari Sandoz to J.D. Hammer, 1956, May 19 [frame 25.524]

Regarding Sandoz's school days on the Niobrara; Sandoz's Sandhill's relatives.

Item Mari Sandoz to Editorial Offices, Harper & Brothers, 1956, May 19 [frame 25.525]

Regarding Sandoz's recent trip to Texas; Cornelia Adair; Caroline Bancroft.

Item Mari Sandoz to Frank M. Johnson, 1956, May 19 [frame 25.527]

Regarding Cozad story.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mr. Frederick W. Nolan, 1956, May 19 [frame 25.530-531]

Regarding Sandoz's recent trip to Texas; writing of the west; Crazy Horse burial.

Item Mari Sandoz to Ruthie Rothfus, (James Sandoz's daughter), 1956, May 19 [frame 25.534]

Regarding Sandoz's recent travels and what she plans for the future.

Item Mari Sandoz to Geneva Stephenson, 1956, May 19 [frame 25.535]

Regarding Sandoz's Columbus, Ohio visit.

Item Mari Sandoz to H.D. Wimer, 1956, May 19 [frame 25.538]

Regarding Sandoz's recent Texas visit and difficulties she's run into; Hitchcock County historical society.

Item Mari Sandoz to Gladys Leui?, 1956, May 21 [frame 25.542]

Regarding Lakota and Dakota languages; "Indian names" on a golf course in Iowa.

Item A.E. v. Blarer to Mari Sandoz, 1956, May 22 [frame 25.545]

Regarding European publishing rights for Sandoz's work

Item C. Boone McClure, Panhandle Plains Historical Museum to Mari Sandoz, 1956, May 23 [frame 25.553]

Regarding "Mr. Evans and his Childress cowboys;" Spade ranch of Nebraska; Will J. Lewis of Clarendon, Texas.

Item , 1956, May 24 [frame 25.556]

Regarding "Choutou [sic] brothers."

Item Mari Sandoz to A.E. v. Blarer, 1956, May 27 [frame 25.561]

Regarding Miss Morissa; Cheyenne Autumn; Old Jules; Atlantis-Verlag.

Item Mari Sandoz to John W. Fowler, 1956, May 27 [frame 25.564]

Regarding Crazy Horse; The Horsecatcher; Chadron, Nebraska.

Item Mari Sandoz to Clifton Manlove, 1956, May 27 [frame 25.568]

Regarding Sandoz junket to Texas; Cheyenne Autumn; Eagle Plume (Blackfeet); Custer battlefield.

Item Mari Sandoz to Bernard Milofsky, 1956, May 27 [frame 25.570-580]

Regarding Milofsky's "Fiddlers Four."

Item Mari Sandoz to Thelma Sealock, 1956, May 27 [frame 25.582-583]

Regarding Sandoz's reply to Sealock's letter of May 20, 1956; Quill; selling writing; the Ferrils of Denver.

Item Mari Sandoz to "Boss" and Rose Van Vleet, 1956, May 27 [frame 25.584]

Regarding Sandoz's recent travels; airline service in 1956.

Item Caroline Saver, McIntosh & Otis to Mari Sandoz, 1956, May 31 [frame 25.593]

Regarding foreign representatives for McIntosh & Otis.

Item Mari Sandoz to Norman Niccum, 1956, May [frame 25.599]

Regarding Sandozs response to Niccum's letter of May 15, 1956; Old Jules; Sandoz's recent travels.

Item Mari Sandoz to Pete Decker, 1956, June 2 [frame 25.611]

Regarding photograph of Lonesome Charley Reynolds.

Item Mari Sandoz to "Doctor" Gray, 1956, June 2 [frame 25.612]

Regarding photograph of Lonesome Charley Reynolds.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mrs. F.H. Kuehl, 1956, June 2 [frame 25.614]

Regarding Hay Springs, Nebraska; Old Jules' cattle.

Item Mari Sandoz to Norma Strasburger, 1956, June 2 [frame 25.618-619]

Regarding writing; Sandoz encourages Norma to write; writing an "authorized biography;" "Old Man Carol" of Rumania.

Item Mari Sandoz to Frank M. Johnson, 1956, June 4 [frame 25.624]

Regarding Cozad material.

Item John S. Gray to Mari Sandoz, 1956, June 5 [frame 25.627]

Regarding Charley Reynolds photograph and material.

Item Theodore C. Wenzlaff to Mari Sandoz, 1956, June 5 [frame 25.631]

Regarding error in The Buffalo Hunters about Fetterman.

Item Dudley White to Mari Sandoz, 1956, June 6 [frame 25.634]

Regarding a photograph that White sent to Sandoz; Yellowstone country; The Buffalo Hunters.

Item Mari Sandoz to Reva R. Evans, Gordon Journal, 1956, June 9 [frame 25.641]

Regarding Fr. Sterling to become Bishop in Montana.

Item Mari Sandoz to Dean Krakel, 1956, June 9 [frame 25.644]

Regarding Antoine Janis; sources on Janis; the killing of the "Janis boys"

Item Mari Sandoz to Mamie Meredith, 1956, June 9 [frame 25.645-646]

Regarding Meredith's health; "oil clippings;" overpopulation; the Clark thesis on Sandoz's writings.

Item Mari Sandoz to Frank White Buffalo Man, 1956, June 9 [frame 25.650]

Regarding Chief Joseph White Bull; spurious Indian "princesses;" encouragement to write.

Item Margot Pringle Liberty to Mari Sandoz, 1956, June 10 [frame 25.652-653]

Regarding Edward Sandcrane; help or suggestions for Sandcrane.

Item Louise R. Da Costa, The Westminister Press to Mari Sandoz, 1956, June 11 [frame 25.654]

Regarding The Horsecatcher.

Item J.D. Hammer to Mari Sandoz, 1956, June 11 [frame 25.656-658]

Regarding Sandhills life during pioneer days; settlers in the Sandhills.

Item Pollyanna Hughes to Mari Sandoz, 1956, June 11 [frame 25.659]

Regarding Sandoz's recent visit to the Hughes in Canyon, Texas.

Item J.D. Hammer to Mari Sandoz, 1956, June 12 [frame 25.664-665]

Regarding Sandhills of Nebraska; life there during the 1890s.

Item Mari Sandoz to J.D. Hammer, 1956, June 16 [frame 25.683]

Regarding old times in the Sandhills; Sandoz family and relatives.

Item Mari Sandoz to Rev. Chandler Sterling, 1956, June 16 [frame 25.686-687]

Regarding appointment to Montana; Indians of Montana.

Item Mari Sandoz to Theodore Wenzlaff, 1956, June 16 [frame 25.693-694]

Regarding The Buffalo Hunters; Fetterman; Sandoz's research in the A.G.O., Adjutant General's Office? records, Washington, D.C.

Item Mamie Meredith to Mari Sandoz, 1956, June 18 [frame 25.699-701]

Regarding news from University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Meredith's health.

Item J.D. Hammer to Mari Sandoz, 1956, June 21 [frame 25.708-711]

Regarding Hammer's memories of his early days in Nebraska and South Dakota; 1880's-1900's.

Item Melvin Van den Bark to Mari Sandoz, 1956, June 21 [frame 25.712-718]

Regarding news from Norman, Oklahoma.

Item Ann Gerike to Mari Sandoz, 1956, June 24 [frame 25.725-726]

Regarding Gerike's winning the Prairie Schooner award.

Item Mamie Meredith to Mari Sandoz, 1956, June 24 [frame 25.728-730]

Regarding news from Lincoln, Nebraska; common friends and acquaintances.

Item Paul G. Ruggiers, University of Oklahoma, 1956, June 25 [frame 25.731-733]

Regarding invitation to chair a panel at the Great Plains Conference on Higher Education. Enclosed is a schedule for the conference.

Item Theodore Wenzlaff to Mari Sandoz, 1956, June 27 [frame 25.739]

Regarding 1955 register of West Point Graduates and Cadets; Captain Fetterman; Wenzlaff's background; Sandoz's books of the West.

Item Joseph G. Rosa to Mari Sandoz, 1956, July 3 [frame 25.749]

Regarding Wild Bill Hickok; Bill's brother Alonzo.

Item Father Peter J. Powell to Mari Sandoz, 1956, July 5 [frame 25.753]

Regarding Powell wants to visit Sandoz in Madison, Wisconsin

Item Mari Sandoz to Father Peter J. Powell, 1956, July 7 [frame 25.755]

Regarding Sandoz will meet with Father Powell; Emmie Mygatt; Father Sterling from Chadron, Nebraska.

Item Mari Sandoz to Marguerite Young, 1956, July 7 [frame 25.756]

Regarding Sandoz's activities in Madison, Wisconsin.

Item Harold W. McGraw, McGraw-Hill to Mari Sandoz, 1956, July 9 [frame 25.759]

Regarding Ed Aswell to leave McGraw-Hill; Son of a Gamblin' Man.

Item Louise Bray, Heath & Company to Mari Sandoz , 1956, July 11 [frame 25.762]

Regarding Winter Thunder; Reading Roundup series.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mary Abbot, McIntosh & Otis, 1956, July 12 [frame 25.765]

Regarding Aswell to leave McGraw-Hill; life in Madison, Wisconsin; baseball.

Item Emily Schossberger, University of Nebraska Press to Mari Sandoz, 1956, July 12 [frame 25.767-768]

Regarding Nebraska on the Record; Sandoz's contribution to the compilation; Prairie Schooner; Lowry to retire; book about Nebraska.

Item Father Peter J. Powell, 1956, July 14 [frame 25.773]

Regarding Powell to come to Madison.

Item Helen Schmidt to Mari Sandoz, 1956, July 14 [frame 25.774-779]

Regarding preserving Gordon, Nebraska history.

Item Mari Sandoz to Emily Schossberger, 1956, July 15 [frame 25.781]

Regarding Nebraska on the Record; Nebraska women; contract with Harpers; 100th Meridian.

Item Mari Sandoz to Helen Schmidt, 1956, July 16 [frame 25.786-787]

Regarding Gordon, Nebraska history; handling the interviewing process.

Item Louise Da Costa, Westminister Press to Mari Sandoz, 1956, July 17 [frame 25.788]

Regarding The Horsecatcher.

Item Ed Kuhn, McGraw-Hill to Mari Sandoz, 1956, July 17 [frame 25.789-790]

Regarding Aswell's departure; Kuhn's western connections; this man is to work with Sandoz on Son of a Gamblin' Man.

Item Julie Watson to Mari Sandoz, 1956, July 22 [frame 25.799]

Regarding George H. Harris, Indian War correspondent of the Washington Star; Harris' memorabilia; dispatches from Pine Ridge.

Item Father Peter J. Powell to Mari Sandoz, 1956, July 24 [frame 25.805-806]

Regarding Powell's recent visit with Sandoz in Madison, Wisconsin.

Item Edward E. White, Jr., J.B. Lippincott Company to Mari Sandoz, 1956, July 26 [frame 25.809]

Regarding Hal Borland's High, Wide, and Lonesome.

Item Dean Krakel to Mari Sandoz, 1956, July 28 [frame 25.813]

Regarding Antoine and Nick Janis of Pine Ridge.

Item Ray Vickers to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Aug. 4 [frame 25.825-828]

Regarding writing a novel in braille.

Item Helen Jayes to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Aug. 5 [frame 25.829-831]

Regarding life in Lincoln, Nebraska; common friends and relatives.

Item Mari Sandoz to George Hart, 1956, Aug. 6 [frame 25.835]

Regarding Wild Bill Hickok; Sandoz's sources on Hickok.

Item George Bijur to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Aug. 9 [frame 25.844]

Regarding "Nebraskanisms."

Item Mari Sandoz to Helen Hayes, 1956, Aug. 10 [frame 25.852-853]

Regarding Old Jules; comments on common friends and acquaintances.

Item Arnold Cayser to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Aug. 15 [frame 25.862-866]

Regarding letter and pamphlet of Buergenstock.

Item Mari Sandoz to Ed Kuhn, McGraw-Hill, 1956, Aug. 18 [frame 25.870]

Regarding Ed Aswell's leaving.

Item Mari Sandoz to Louise W. Bray, D.C. Heath & Company, 1956, Aug. 18 [frame 25.Reel 22, 206]

This letter was misfiled and filmed on reel 22. Regarding Heath's "Reading Roundup Series;" "Lost School Bus" as Winter Thunder, selected by Nelson Doubleday's Best in Books" in 1955; advises Bray to contact Sandoz's agent at McIntosh & Otis.

Item Mari Sandoz to Walter Frese, 1956, Aug. 18 [frame 25.Reel 22, 207]

This letter was misfiled and filmed on reel 22. Regarding Reader's Digest option on The Horsecatcher; should boost Crazy Horse sales.

Item Mari Sandoz to Julie Watson, 1956, Aug. 18 [frame 25.Reel 22, 209]

This letter was misfiled and filmed on reel 22. Regarding Watson's "Harris material."

Item Mari Sandoz to Edward E. White, Jr. , J.B. * Lippincott Company, 1956, Aug. 18 [frame 25.Reel 22, 210]

This letter was misfiled and filmed on reel 22. Regarding Hal Borland.

Item Paul Hoffman, Westminister Press to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Aug. 20 [frame 25.875]

Regarding Reader's Digest and The Horsecatcher.

Item Eugene L. Price to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Aug. 20 [frame 25.878]

Regarding The Buffalo Hunters.

Item Mari Sandoz to Paul Hoffman, 1956, Aug. 22 [frame 25.888]

Regarding The Horsecatcher.

Item Mari Sandoz to George Bijur, 1956, Aug. 25 [frame 25.893]

Regarding Nebraska talk.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mrs. Friend, 1956, Aug. 25 [frame 25.896]

Regarding Bella French.

Item Mari Sandoz to C.E. Holen, 1956, Aug. 25 [frame 25.898]

Regarding Winter Thunder.

Item Mari Sandoz to William E. Lemmons, 1956, Aug. 25 [frame 25.900]

Regarding Cheyenne Autumn and Crazy Horse; cultural "achievements of the American Indian."

Item Mari Sandoz to Father Peter J. Powell, 1956, Aug. 25 [frame 25.902]

Regarding Cheyennes; photograph.

Item Mari Sandoz to Theodore Wenzlaff, 1956, Aug. 26 [frame 25.904]

Regarding Register of Graduates; Westpoint.

Item Walter Frese, Hastings House to Mari Sandoz, 1956, Aug. 31 [frame 25.918]

Regarding Frese's sailing; The Horsecatcher.

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