Mari Sandoz Collection
Title: Mari Sandoz
Creator: Sandoz, Mari, 1896-1966
Dates: 1864-1976
(bulk 1931-1966)
Quantity: 199 boxes (186 linear feet)
Collection Number: MS 0080
Access and Use: For information on access or copyright, please see our guidelines or email
Historical Records Statement: Please see our statement on historical records and materials.
Other Finding Aids: For a complete list of Sandoz materials available via microfilm, please
see the Mari Sandoz Collection, which provides access to
the microfilm indexing.Container List:
Box 21. Correspondence, 1958, July-Dec. [Microfilm Reel MS00029]Item Walter Frese, Hastings House to Mari Sandoz, 1958, July 1 [frame 29.6]Regarding a biography of Sheriff Anderson; The Cattlemen
Item Gaines Kincaid to Mari Sandoz, 1958, July 1 [frame 29.7]Regarding Kincaid's ranch work and research in Texas; visiting Indian sites; Comanche
Item Mari Sandoz to Olivia Pound, 1958, July 1 [frame 29.13]Regarding death of Louise Pound.
Item , 1958, July 2 [frame 29.19-21]"Sweet Anne" - a poetic reverie by G. Kufahl.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mary Abbot, 1958, July 2 [frame 29.23]Regarding Hostiles and Friendlies.
Item Mari Sandoz to H.G.S. Anderson, 1958, July 2 [frame 29.24]Regarding the biography of Sheriff Anderson; Tyrant of the
Item Mari Sandoz to Florence Giffen, 1958, July 2 [frame 29.25]Regarding Ira Olive; source material in Nebraska State Historical Society.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mrs. J.F. Parker, 1958, July 2 [frame 29.26-27]Regarding "Tyrant of the Plains;" The "Texas Olives;" Sandoz defends her source
Item Mari Sandoz to Mrs. Walter C. Wendel, 1958, July 2 [frame 29.32]Regarding Sandoz's reply to Wendel's letter of June 11, 1958; ranch life near
Alliance, Nebraska.
Item Gene Gressley, University of Wyoming to Mari Sandoz, 1958, July 3 [frame 29.34]Regarding Rollins collection.
Item Mari Sandoz to L.G. Pat Flannery, 1958, July 4 [frame 29.38]Regarding source material for The Cattlemen; Snyder
Collection; Modisetts of Nebraska; Dr. Stuff of the English department at University
of Nebraska; religion on the trail drives.
Item Mari Sandoz to Walter Frese, 1958, July 4 [frame 29.40]Regarding Sandoz's "complete disgust" with book publishing.
Item E.S. Sutton to Mari Sandoz, 1958, July 5 [frame 29.51-52]Regarding Maps of Hitchcock and Dundy County; the Whistler killing; harvest-time in
Item Virginia Faulkner to Mari Sandoz, 1958, July 7 [frame 29.60]Regarding status of Hostiles and Friendlies.
Item Mary Roberts to Mari Sandoz, 1958, July 7 [frame 29.67]Regarding Mary Adelaide Nutting.
Item Mari Sandoz to Gene Gressley, University of Wyoming, 1958, July 8 [frame 29.76]Regarding Rollins collection.
Item Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Wolf to Mari Sandoz, 1958, July 8 [frame 29.81-86]Regarding Doris Manning; Print Olive; "Tyrant of the Plains;" Bill Alt, rancher;
Antioch, Nebraska; Hyannis, Nebraska; home-made whiskey; writing and Old Jules.
Item Walter Frese, Hastings House to Mari Sandoz, 1958, July 9 [frame 29.87-88]Regarding The Cattlemen sales and supplies.
Item Maud Rouzer to Mari Sandoz, 1958, July 9 [frame 29.90-92]Regarding The Cattlemen; Lawrence Ketchum; Ketchum
family; Wall family.
Item Mari Sandoz to H.B. Bozeman, 1958, July 9 [frame 29.93]Regarding the John West gang of Louisianna.
Item Mary Sandoz to Walter Frese, Hastings House, 1958, July 9 [frame 29.94]Regarding The Cattlemen, sales and supplies.
Item Mari Sandoz to Walter Frese, Hastings House, 1958, July 9 [frame 29.95]Regarding Agreement about The Cattlemen.
Item Cecil B. Williams to Mamie Meredith, 1958, July 10 [frame 29.97]Regarding Sandoz's The Cattlemen.
Item Walter Frese, Hastings House to Mari Sandoz, 1958, July 11 [frame 29.98-99]Regarding The Cattlemen; stock and supplies.
Item Virginia Faulkner to Mari Sandoz, 1958, July 13 [frame 29.102]Regarding Hostiles and Friendlies.
Item Florence Giffen to Mari Sandoz, 1958, July 13 [frame 29.103-106]Regarding Olives of Nebraska; writing.
Item Elizabeth Otis, McIntosh and Otis to Mari Sandoz, 1958, July 14 [frame 29.110-111]Regarding American Weekly rejects Sandoz's "Boy Trail
Drivers of Texas."
Item Mari Sandoz to Charles Mills, 1958, July 15 [frame 29.117]Regarding Crazy Horse Symphony.
Item Mari Sandoz to Walter Frese, Hastings House, 1958, July 19 [frame 29.128]Regarding The Cattlemen.
Item Mamie Meredith to Mari Sandoz, 1958, July 20 [frame 29.130-132]Regarding The Cattlemen reviews; news of Lincoln,
Item H.B. Bozeman to Mari Sandoz, 1958, July 21 [frame 29.135-136]Regarding The Cattlemen; cattle ranchers in Bozeman's
Item Letters between Sandoz, Bill Breisky and Mrs. J.F. Parker, 1958, July 21 [frame 29.139-143]Regarding "Tyrant of the Plains;" the Olives of Texas.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mamie Meredith, 1958, July 21 [frame 29.146]Regarding The Cattlemen reviews; fall out from the
"Olive Story" and "Bartlett Richards" story.
Item Mari Sandoz to Florence Giffin, 1958, July 22 [frame 29.150-51]Regarding a photograph of Giffen and Nora Olive; "Tyrant of the Plains;" writing.
Item Mari Sandoz to Colonel Ed Wentworth, 1958, July 22 [frame 29.153]Regarding Teddy "Blue;" Print Olive.
Item Mari Sandoz to R.F. Nichols, 1958, July 23 [frame 29.156-157]Regarding Doc Middleton, Kid Wade; excerpts from R.F. Nichols original letter.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mary M. Roberts, 1958, July 23 [frame 29.158]Regarding Mary Adelaide Nutting biography.
Item Mari Sandoz to Maud K. Rouzer, 1958, July 23 [frame 29.159-60]Regarding sources for Rouzer's research into the Olives.
Item Mari Sandoz to H.E. Wolf, 1958, July 23 [frame 29.163-64]Regarding Sandhills of Nebraska; Sandhills families of note.
Item Ron Hull, KUON-TV to Mari Sandoz, 1958, July 24 [frame 29.166]Regarding photos and title card from "televisit."
Item Mari Sandoz to Virginia Faulkner, 1958, July 25 [frame 29.169]Regarding Hostiles and Friendlies.
Item Virginia Faulkner to Mary SquireAbbot, 1958, July 25 [frame 29.170]Regarding Hostiles and Friendlies.
Item Charles A. Barrett to Mari Sandoz, 1958, July 26 [frame 29.171]Regarding The Cattlemen; Battle of Little Big Horn.
Item Mamie Meredith to Mari Sandoz, 1958, July 28 [frame 29.173-76]Regarding John White at University of Nebraska library; Louise Pound's papers and
Item Truman Porter to Mari Sandoz, 1958, July 28 [frame 29.177-78]Regarding writing of the Nebraska State Reformatory.
Item Mari Sandoz to Tulia Winton, 1958, July 28 [frame 29.181]Regarding The Cattlemen; source material in Texas.
Item Mari Sandoz to Caroline Sauer, McIntosh and Otis, 1958, July 29 [frame 29.186]Regarding Permissions and Copyrights for Hostiles and
Friendlies material.
Item Herb M. Potter, Jr., University of Nebraska Foundation to Mari
Sandoz, 1958, Aug. 1 [frame 29.201]Regarding Sandoz's donation to Prairie Schooner Awards Fund.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mary Abbot, McIntosh and Otis, 1958, Aug. 2 [frame 29.204]Regarding Hostiles and Friendlies; Sandoz's award for
The Cattlemen.
Item Mari Sandoz to Walter Frese, Hastings House, 1958, Aug. 4 [frame 29.207]Regarding small libraries have trouble getting Sandoz's books.
Item Walter Frese, Hastings House to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Aug. 5 [frame 29.210]Regarding Frese's reply to Sandoz's letter of August 4, 1958; The Cattlemen orders.
Item Caroline Sauer, McIntosh and Otis to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Aug. 6 [frame 29.216]Regarding German publication of The Horsecatcher.
Item Sidnee Livingston to Walter Frese, 1958, Aug. 7 [frame 29.217]Regarding Life and Adventures of Frank Grouard; Mari
Item Mari Sandoz to Walter Frese, Hastings House, 1958, Aug. 7 [frame 29.219]Regarding Sandoz books and their availability.
Item Virginia Faulkner, University of Nebraska Press to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Aug. 8 [frame 29.221]Regarding Hostiles and Friendlies.
Item Mari Sandoz to Louise Ritenour, 1958, Aug. 9 [frame 29.224-25]Regarding Sandoz's upcoming speaking engagements.
Item Paul R. Stalnaker to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Aug. 9 [frame 29.230]Regarding The Cattlemen.
Item Norma K. Green to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Aug. 10 [frame 29.231]Regarding the Green family's plans to go to Michigan.
Item Bill Steuber to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Aug. 10 [frame 29.232-33]Regarding Mari Sandoz article for Author and
Item Mrs. Elias Jacobsen to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Aug. 12 [frame 29.241-43]Regarding Crazy Horse; Mrs. Jacobsen's experiences
living near the Lakota Reservations in early 1900s; she knew some of the Lakota
leaders; Lakota language issues in Crazy Horse.
Item Rev. Fr. Emmett, St. Labre Indian Mission, Ashland, Montana to Editor of
The Albany, N.Y. Times
Union, 1958, Aug. 16 [frame 29.260-61]Regarding Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation; Cheyenne
Autumn and Mari Sandoz giving aid to Northern Cheyennes.
Item T.V. Flannery to Rev. Fr. Emmett, St. Labre Indian Mission, 1958, Aug. 16 [frame 29.262]Regarding donation to Northern Cheyennes.
Item Mari Sandoz to Editor, Truly Yours, 1958, Aug. 16 [frame 29.263]Regarding Charlie Russell.
Item Mari Sandoz to Virginia Faulkner, 1958, Aug. 17 [frame 29.266]Regarding Hostiles and Friendlies; word usage; Indian
bathing practices.
Item Jean Craig Evans to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Aug. 18 [frame 29.271-73]Regarding The Cattlemen; Johnson County Wars of Wyoming;
Mrs. Evans' father a marshall during the Johnson County Wars. Other characters in
The Cattlemen: John Clay, Tom Horn, etc.
Item James W. Arrott to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Aug. 19 [frame 29.280-81]Regarding The Cattlemen; Dick (Richard) and Ed Robbins;
Robbins Ranch of Kansas.
Item Virginia Faulkner, University of Nebraska Press to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Aug. 20 [frame 29.284]Regarding Hostiles and Friendlies.
Item Mari Sandoz to T.V. Flannery, 1958, Aug. 20 [frame 29.286]Regarding Charlie Russell, Northern Cheyennes.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mrs. Jacobsen, 1958, Aug. 20 [frame 29.287-288]Regarding Sandoz's connection to the Oglala Lakotas; Crazy Horse in battle; Lakota
language and pronunciation.
Item Harriet Doar to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Aug. [frame 29.291-294]Regarding writing novels; characterization.
Item Mari Sandoz to H.B. Bozeman, 1958, Aug. 21 [frame 29.295]Regarding The Cattlemen; George West of the Sandhills;
the "Bill Estes story."
Item Mari Sandoz to Harriet Doar, 1958, Aug. 21 [frame 29.296]Regarding writing, creative process.
Item Mari Sandoz to Beatrice Oliver, 1958, Aug. 21 [frame 29.299]Regarding Bartlett Richards; writing.
Item Maria Sandoz to Truman Porter, 1958, Aug. 21 [frame 29.300]Regarding writing about Nebraska State Reformatory.
Item Walter Schreiner to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Aug. 22 [frame 29.304-305]Regarding writing of Schreiner family history in Wisconsin and Kansas.
Item Mari Sandoz to Polly Goodwin, 1958, Aug. 23 [frame 29.309]Regarding Sandoz's three favorite books she had read as a child.
Item Mari Sandoz to Dr. J.L. Norris, 1958, Aug. 24 [frame 29.314-315]Regarding Norris' attempt to write a book of his life; writing advice.
Item From Mari Sandoz, 1958, Aug. 24 [frame 29.316-326]Series of handwritten thank-you notes to various individuals.
Item H.B. Bozeman to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Aug. 25 [frame 29.328]Regarding writing of Winn Parish, Louisiana; Huey and Earl Long.
Item Louis Lightner to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Aug. 25 [frame 29.334]Regarding The Cattlemen; Duren Terrence.
Item Mari Sandoz to Olive Westover Peach, 1958, Aug. 25 [frame 29.340-341]Regarding the Westover family of Nebraska Sandhills; Sandoz encourages Peach to
Item Harry Tummonds to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Aug. 29 [frame 29.360-72]Regarding the Tummonds autobiography and horse's names list.
Item Betha Goetsch to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Aug. 29 [frame 29.373]Regarding Sandhill cranes; the Ohio Swiss.
Item Mari Sandoz to Bertha Goetsch, 1958, Aug. 30 [frame 29.375]Regarding Whooping Cranes in Cherry County Nebraska.
Item Charles Barrett to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Sept. 2 [frame 29.384]Regarding The Buffalo Hunters; Custer battle.
Item Karl Shapiro, Prairie Schooner to Mari
Sandoz, 1958, Sept. 2 [frame 29.394]Regarding "The Smart Man;" young writer Ervin Krause.
Item Walter Frese, Hastings House to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Sept. 5 [frame 29.396]Regarding The Cattlemen; family news.
Item Mari Sandoz to Leon Schwartz, 1958, Sept. 5 [frame 29.397]Regarding journals of Granville Stuart.
Item Sarah Lundblade to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Sept. 6 [frame 29.398-400]Regarding Lundblade's grandfather; "Fly Speck Billy;" James Fowler.
Item Mamie Meredith to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Sept. 6 [frame 29.401-408]Regarding news from Lincoln and University of Nebraska; the Pounds of Lincoln; Louise
Pound's papers.
Item Mari Sandoz to Time Magazine, 1958, Sept. 6 [frame 29.409]Regarding eating beef containing the hormone "stilbestrol."
Item Mari Sandoz to Caroline Bancroft, 1958, Sept. 8 [frame 29.414]Regarding Gulch of Gold; Sandoz's past summer.
Item Mari Sandoz to Karl Shapiro, Prairie
Schooner, 1958, Sept. 8 [frame 29.416]Regarding "The Smart Man;" the Krause novel.
Item Mamie Meredith to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Sept. 9 [frame 29.419-23]Regarding Louise Pound and Willa Cather; books and articles.
Item Mari Sandoz to Sarah Lundblade, 1958, Sept. 10 [frame 29.425-426]Regarding Fly Speck Billy.
Item Elliott W. Schryver, G.P. Putnam's Sons to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Sept. 10 [frame 29.427-428]Regarding attached advertisement for Ike Blasingame's Dakota
Item , 1958, Sept. 11 [frame 29.435-436]Sandoz's comments on The Puckerbrush Kid, by J.R.
Item Sarah Lundblade to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Sept. 12 [frame 29.441-446]Regarding Fly Speck Billy.
Item Mari Sandoz to Walter Frese, Hastings House, 1958, Sept. 14 [frame 29.449]Regarding The Cattlemen; J.R. Johnson's
Item Mari Sandoz to Virginia Faulkner, 1958, Sept. 15 [frame 29.457-58]Regarding reactions to The Cattlemen.
Item The letters (copies) which Faulkner has sent Sandoz, 1958, Sept. 15 [frame 29.459-461]Regarding The Cattlemen; Print Olive.
Item Joseph Balmer to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Sept. 15 [frame 29.462]Regarding Archie Teater painting; Cheyenne Autumn.
Item Mari Sandoz to Russ Neale, Hastings House, 1958, Sept. 16 [frame 29.465]Regarding untapped book markets on the Great Plains.
Item Mari Sandoz to Flora Sandoz, 1958, Sept. 17 [frame 29.474]Regarding Mari asks her to come to Omaha and Lincoln.
Item Ike Blasingame to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Sept. 18 [frame 29.476]Regarding Dakota Cowboy; visit to South Dakota and the
old timer cowboys there; Oahe Dam project on Missouri River.
Item Mari Sandoz to Joseph Balmer, 1958, Sept. 18 [frame 29.479]Regarding Archie Teater painting of the Custer fight on Little Big Horn.
Item Mari Sandoz to Sarah Lundblade, 1958, Sept. 19 [frame 29.483-484]Regarding Fly Speck Billy; Sandoz's suggestions for researching historical documents;
looking for relatives.
Item Felie Clark to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Sept. 21 [frame 29.487]Regarding Sandoz paper Clark has written.
Item Hila Gilbert to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Sept. 21 [frame 29.488]Regarding North Cheyennes' arts and crafts; getting an art book published.
Item Imogene Mayfield to McMurray's Book Shop, 1958, Sept. 21 [frame 29.491]Regarding The Cattlemen.
Item Mari Sandoz to Eugene Muench, University of Nebraska Libraries, 1958, Sept. 24 [frame 29.505]Regarding Felie Clark's Sandoz biography paper.
Item Angus Cameron to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Sept. 26 [frame 29.507]Regarding The Buffalo Hunters.
Item Mari Sandoz to Angus Cameron, 1958, Sept. 26 [frame 29.508]Regarding The Buffalo Hunters; The
Tom Walker.
Item Mari Sandoz to Louis Lightner, 1958, Sept. 26 [frame 29.510]Regarding The Cattlemen; Terrence Duren; Sandoz's life
in New York City; movie of The Cattlemen.
Item Mari Sandoz to Agnes Landwehr, 1958, Sept. 27 [frame 29.514]Regarding finding a literary agent.
Item Bill Cox, Western Writers of America to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Sept. 29 [frame 29.517]Regarding Luke Short research; separating fact and fiction.
Item J.W. Vaughn to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Sept. 30 [frame 29.519-520]Regarding the Reynolds fight on the Powder River; Crazy Horse; George Bent.
Item Reverend Peter J. Powell to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Oct. 1 [frame 29.528-29]Regarding North Cheyennes' Sacred Arrows; a visit to the Blackfeet; The Cattlemen; legislative process.
Item Virginia Faulkner, University of Nebraska Press to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Oct. 2 [frame 29.530]Regarding Sandoz in Omaha; to visit in Lincoln.
Item Virginia Faulkner, University of Nebraska Press, 1958, Oct. 6 [frame 29.539]Regarding Hostiles and Friendlies.
Item Jack McBride, KUON to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Oct. 6 [frame 29.540]Regarding Sandoz to make a series of television appearances.
Item Mari Sandoz to William R. Cox, 1958, Oct. 7 [frame 29.546-47]Regarding Luke Short research; Pine Ridge in the 1870s and 1880s.
Item Mari Sandoz to Walter Frese, Hastings House, 1958, Oct. 7 [frame 29.548]Regarding junket to Omaha and Lincoln; The
Item Mari Sandoz to J.W. Vaughn, 1958, Oct. 7 [frame 29.551-552]Regarding the Reynolds fight; Crazy Horse; Sandoz-Hinman trip to Pine Ridge in 1930;
several men at Pine Ridge with the name Crazy Horse.
Item H.E. Wolf to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Oct. 7 [frame 29.553-554]Regarding the Hamilton killing; Tom Quinn; Chris Abbott.
Item Roy A Wykoff to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Oct. 7 [frame 29.557-558]Regarding California Joe; Stonewall Jackson.
Item Robert Giennen to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Oct. 9 [frame 29.564-565]Regarding Lydia Wild Hog's death in Montana.
Item Mari Sandoz to Roy A. Wykoff, 1958, Oct. 9 [frame 29.572-573]Regarding California Joe; historical records.
Item Reverend Peter Powell to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Oct. 10 [frame 29.574]Regarding writing of the Cheyennes.
Item Bill Cox to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Oct. 10 [frame 29.576]Regarding Luke Short research.
Item Mari Sandoz to Walter C. Bishop, 1958, Oct. 10 [frame 29.577]Regarding the Bishop family mentioned in The
Item Mari Sandoz to Pete Decker, 1958, Oct. 10 [frame 29.578-579]Regarding foreword to Ram in the Thicket.
Item Mari Sandoz to Pete Decker, 1958, Oct. 11 [frame 29.582]Regarding biographical data about H.E. Wolf.
Item Caroline Bancroft to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Oct. 12 [frame 29.583-84]
Gulch of Gold.
Item Mari Sandoz to Jack McBride, KUON, 1958, Oct. 12 [frame 29.585]Regarding television appearances for Sandoz.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mary Abbot?, 1958, Oct. 12 [frame 29.586]Regarding Sandoz's commitment to make a television series; Sandoz's future
Item Reverend Peter J. Powell to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Oct. 13 [frame 29.589-590]Regarding North Cheyennes; Tsistsistas; Suhtai; Grinnell's work on Northern
Item Richard Briley III to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Oct. 14 [frame 29.592-593]Regarding John West, South's Greatest Desperado.
Item Mari Sandoz to Peter Davidson, 1958, Oct. 14 [frame 29.597-598]Regarding Alice Johnson; John Herman.
Item Roy A. Wykoff to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Oct. 14 [frame 29.601-610]Regarding California Joe; Stonewall Jackson; Crazy Horse.
Item Mamie Meredith to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Oct. 15 [frame 29.613-614]Regarding Louise Pound's house is sold; other news from Lincoln.
Item Mari Sandoz to Richard Briley III, 1958, Oct. 15 [frame 29.619]Regarding writing separating fact from fiction.
Item Mari Sandoz to Virginia Faulkner, 1958, Oct. 16 [frame 29.623]Regarding Hostiles and Friendlies; Sandoz disturbed by
proposal to include Scribner's Commentator (connected
with scandal) in author's acknowledgements.
Item Virginia Faulkner to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Oct. 20 [frame 29.635-637]Regarding acknowledgements in Hostiles and Friendlies;
Listing of acknowledgements.
Item Mari Sandoz to Barnabas, Book Review Section, Together Magazine, 1958, Oct. 20 [frame 29.638]Regarding Methodist preacher, Reverend Rader, on the frontier.
Item Newell F. Joyner, U.S. Department of the Interior to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Oct. 21 [frame 29.643-44]Regarding L.A. Huffman photographs.
Item Mari Sandoz to Union Pacific Museum, 1958, Oct. 21 [frame 29.650]Regarding Sandoz requests materials for the "Cozad Story."
Item Mari Sandoz to Walter Yust, Editor, Encyclopedia
Britannica, 1958, Oct. 21 [frame 29.651]Regarding Sandoz suggestions as to who might write a condensed article about Lincoln,
Nebraska; Sitting Bull and misinformation about him in Encyclopedia Brittanica.
Item Leland D. Case, Editor, Together
Magazine, 1958, Oct. 23 [frame 29.653]Regarding Methodist preacher Reverend Rader.
Item Agnes Landwehr to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Oct. 24 [frame 29.655-657]Regarding Sandoz's former students at Wisconsin University in Madison.
Item Ivan M. Stone, Dean, Beloit College to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Oct. 24 [frame 29.668]Regarding suggestion that Sandoz teach as a visiting writer.
Item John V. Dodge, Encyclopedia Britannica to Mari
Sandoz, 1958, Oct. 28 [frame 29.675]Regarding corrections to be made regarding Sitting Bull, Buffalo Bill Cody.
Item Lois M.Teft, Women's Division Lincoln Chamber of Commerce to Mari
Sandoz, 1958, Oct. 28 [frame 29.677]Regarding Sandoz to attend the Midwest Conference of Women's Division of Chambers of
Commerce in Lincoln.
Item Mari Sandoz to Ike and Clara Blasingame, 1958, Nov. 2 [frame 29.691]Regarding Sandoz's response to Blasingame's letter of 18 September 1958; old-timers
of the Dakotas.
Item Mari Sandoz to Winona A. Cromwell, 1958, Nov. 2 [frame 29.693]Regarding Crazy Horse; present situation of "unlanded"
Native Americans.
Item Mari Sandoz to Newell Joyner, 1958, Nov. 2 [frame 29.697]Regarding L.A. Huffman photographs of the Cheyennes.
Item Mari Sandoz to Agnes Landwehr, 1958, Nov. 2 [frame 29.698-699]Regarding students from Wisconsin Writers Institute; Landwehr's writing.
Item Mari Sandoz to Reverend Peter J. Powell, 1958, Nov. 2 [frame 29.701-02]Regarding Powell to write a book about the Cheyennes; Cheyenne Sundance; photos of
Item Mari Sandoz to Ivan M. Stone, Dean, Beloit College, 1958, Nov. 2 [frame 29.704]Regarding Sandoz cannot come to Beloit to teach.
Item Reverand Peter J. Powell to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Nov. 3 [frame 29.711]Regarding Cheyenne photographs by Huffman; Cheyenne sacred objects.
Item Lynn Martin to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Nov. 5 [frame 29.715-719]Regarding Brookville, Kansas; railroads; cattle ranching.
Item Caroline Sauer, McIntosh and Otis to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Nov. 5 [frame 29.724]Regarding British edition of The Horsecatcher.
Item Mary Abbot, McIntosh and Otis to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Nov. 6 [frame 29.725]Regarding availability of Sandoz's books.
Item Meyer Fishbein, National Archives and Record Service to Mari
Sandoz, 1958, Nov. 6 [frame 29.726]Regarding Cozad, Nebraska.
Item Newell F. Joyner, U.S. Department of the Interior to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Nov. 6 [frame 29.728]Regarding L.A. Huffman Cheyenne photographs.
Item Mari Sandoz to Frederic Babcock, Chicago
Tribune, 1958, Nov. 8 [frame 29.731]Regarding Sandoz's top five favorite books.
Item Mari Sandoz to Walter Frese, Hastings House, 1958, Nov. 8 [frame 29.733]Regarding Winn Parish Louisiana; H.B. Bozeman; the Wests of Louisiana.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mamie Meredith, 1958, Nov. 8 [frame 29.735]Regarding Helen Hayes; reports of the Horticulture Society.
Item Mari Sandoz to Dr. Paul Stalnaker, 1958, Nov. 8 [frame 29.736]Regarding Sandoz's series of the trans-Missouri region.
Item Mary Abbot, McIntosh and Otis to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Nov. 10 [frame 29.738]Regarding "The Beaver Book" contract.
Item Father Peter J. Powell to Bruce Catton, American
Heritage, 1958, Nov. 10 [frame 29.740-41]Regarding Northern Cheyennes of Montana; Sacred Arrows of the Cheyennes.
Item Father Peter J. Powell to Guggenheim Foundation, 1958, Nov. 11 [frame 29.742-43]Regarding Northern Cheyennes.
Item Edward Kuhn Jr., McGraw-Hill to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Nov. 12 [frame 29.746]Regarding Son of a Gamblin' Man; death of Ed Aswell.
Item H.B. Bozeman to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Nov. 13 [frame 29.749-751]Regarding Bozeman genealogy.
Item J.W. Vaughn to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Nov. 19 [frame 29.762]Regarding Crazy Horse and the Reynolds fight, November 1876.
Item Mrs. M.F. Shickly to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Nov. 21 [frame 29.763-764]Regarding terminology in The Cattlemen.
Item Mari Sandoz to Reverand Peter J. Powell, 1958, Nov. 22 [frame 29.772]Regarding Native American Issues highlighted on a television program,
Item Mari Sandoz to J.W. Vaughn, 1958, Nov. 22 [frame 29.775]Regarding Crazy Horse; the Reynolds fight in 1876.
Item Mary Abbot, McIntosh and Otis to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Nov. 24 [frame 29.776]Regarding contract for Hostiles and Friendlies.
Item Mari Sandoz to Walter Frese, 1958, Nov. 24 [frame 29.780]Regarding J.W. Vaughn's work on the Reynolds fight of 1876; Crazy Horse opera in
Item Mari Sandoz to Henry Allen Moe, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial
Foundation, 1958, Nov. 24 [frame 29.781]Sandoz letter of recommendation for Father Peter J. Powell for Guggenheim
Item Mari Sandoz to Mary Abbot, McIntosh and Otis, 1958, Nov. 25 [frame 29.782]Regarding Hostiles and Friendlies contract.
Item Reverand Peter J. Powell to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Nov. 26 [frame 29.785-86]Guggenheim Foundation; church conference on Native issues; "Kaleidoscope" program on
Item Mari Sandoz to Helen Hayes, 1958, Nov. 29 [frame 29.795]Regarding Hayes' situation in Lincoln; writing for "juvenile" market.
Item Mari Sandoz to Gail Shickly, 1958, Nov. 29 [frame 29.797]Regarding terminology in The Cattlemen.
Item Austin Fife to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Nov. 30 [frame 29.800]Regarding Fife's Guggenheim grant; cowboy songs and sources.
Item Mari Sandoz to Reva Evans, Gordon
Journal, 1958, Nov. 30 [frame 29.801]Regarding Crazy Horse Symphony.
Item Mamie Meredith to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Dec. 3 [frame 29.808-812]Regarding word origins and meanings; other news from Lincoln, Nebraska.
Item Mari Sandoz to J.M. Cleary, 1958, Dec. 7 [frame 29.821]Regarding The Nebraska of Kate McPhelim Cleary.
Item Mari Sandoz to Austin Fife, 1958, Dec. 7 [frame 29.824]Regarding old cowboy songs.
Item Mari Sandoz to Hila Gilbert, 1958, Dec. 7 [frame 29.825]Regarding Cheyenne Prayer; Gilbert's play; Cheyenne arts and artists.
Item Mari Sandoz to Edward Kuhn, McGraw-Hill, 1958, Dec. 7 [frame 29.826-827]Regarding Son of the Gamblin' Man; The Cattlemen; Ed Aswell.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mamie Meredith, 1958, Dec. 7 [frame 29.828-829]Regarding windmills; research materials; Crazy Horse
Item Mari Sandoz to Nono Minor, 1958, Dec. 7 [frame 29.830]Regarding Fred Hedde; Mormon colonies.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mrs. George Warberg, 1958, Dec. 7 [frame 29.831]Regarding Archie Teater.
Item Mari Sandoz to Virginia Faulkner, University of Nebraska Press, 1958, Dec. 8 [frame 29.832]Regarding Hostiles and Friendlies.
Item Mary Abbot, McIntosh and Otis to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Dec. 9 [frame 29.835]Regarding schedule for the "beaver book."
Item Mari Sandoz to Herbert Smith, 1958, Dec. 10 [frame 29.836-837]Regarding Lee-Peacock feud; Sandoz's schedule; writing.
Item Virginia Faulkner to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Dec. 11 [frame 29.839]Regarding Hostiles and Friendlies.
Item J.R. Collins to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Dec. 12 [frame 29.846]Regarding The Cattlemen; Collin's ancestors who worked
on ranches.
Item Mari Sandoz to Homer Croy, 1958, Dec. 13 [frame 29.851-52]Regarding Sandoz's suggestion for cowboys for the Hall of Fame; Dahlman, Cook, Blue,
Ikard Pickett, Bad Heart Bull, Milligan.
Item Mari Sandoz to Virginia Faulkner, 1958, Dec. 13 [frame 29.853]Regarding Hostiles and Friendlies; potential customers
for the book.
Item Edmund Collier to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Dec. 14 [frame 29.856]Regarding H.B. Bozeman material; Adams-Onis treaty.
Item Mamie Meredith to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Dec. 15 [frame 29.858-862]Regarding Crazy Horse symphony; Bruce Nicoll; Melville;
Helen Hayes; other news from Lincoln.
Item Mari Sandoz to Lenore Fitzell, 1958, Dec. 15 [frame 29.863]Regarding death of Frederic Allen Williams.
Item Mari Sandoz to Pete Decker, 1958, Dec. 16 [frame 29.868-1869]Regarding "The Extension;" a strip of land along the northern border of Nebraska;
Theodore Roosevelt "squatting" on this land.
Item Mari Sandoz to Virginia Faulkner, 1958, Dec. 16 [frame 29.870]Regarding Welden Kees' material for Prairie
Item Mari Sandoz to Kathleen Lyon, 1958, Dec. 17 [frame 29.876]Regarding American Indians need assistance.
Item Mary Abbot, McIntosh and Otis to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Dec. 19 [frame 29.880]Regarding contract for "beaver book."
Item Austin E. Fife to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Dec. 19 [frame 29.881]Regarding cowboy songs.
Item Mari Sandoz to Sol Lewis, 1958, Dec. 19 [frame 29.883]Regarding fur trade materials in St. Louis.
Item Mari Sandoz to Don Ward, 1958, Dec. 20 [frame 29.886]Regarding Dr. G. Weltfish, anthropologist "working on the Pawnees."
Item Mari Sandoz to John Parsons, 1958, Dec. 23 [frame 29.895]Regarding death of Frederic Allen Williams; Allen's executors.
Item Henry Smith to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Dec. 27 [frame 29.908]Regarding book banning in California; censorship.
Item Edward LaPlante to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Dec. 29 [frame 29.912-13]Regarding Crazy Horse, the movie.
Item Mary Meredith to Mari Sandoz, 1958, Dec. 29 [frame 29.914]Regarding search for relatives involved with Print Olive.
Item Ike Blasingame to Mari Sandoz, 1958 [frame 29.933]Regarding explication of photographs sent to Sandoz.
Item Sylvia Leigh, White Cross American Indian Fund to Mari Sandoz, 1958 [frame 29.942]Regarding conditions at Pine Ridge Reservation.
Item Mari Sandoz to The Cooperative Bureau for Teachers, 1958 [frame 29.960]Note about Florence Becker Lennon.
Item From Mari Sandoz to an unidentified writer, 1958 [frame 29.966]Regarding form letter about unpublished materials sent to Sandoz.
Item Marguerite Young to Mari Sandoz, 1958 [frame 29.975-994]Regarding note and partial manuscript.
Item Unknown, 1958 [frame 29.995-1000]Pamphlet "Crusade Against Liquor Advertising and Beercasting."