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Mari Sandoz Collection

Title: Mari Sandoz Collection

Creator: Sandoz, Mari, 1896-1966

Dates: 1864-1976 (bulk 1931-1966)

Quantity: 199 boxes (186 linear feet)

Collection Number: MS 0080

Access and Use: For information on access or copyright, please see our guidelines or email archives@unl.edu.

Historical Records Statement: Please see our statement on historical records and materials.

Other Finding Aids: For a complete list of Sandoz materials available via microfilm, please see the Mari Sandoz Collection, which provides access to the microfilm indexing.Container List: Box 23. Correspondence, 1959, Aug.-Dec. [Microfilm Reel MS00031]Item Martha Carpenter to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Aug. 4 [frame 31.21-23]

"Cherry County, Nebraska, Cattle Fight" - a portion of manuscript by Martha Carpenter.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mrs. O.K. Twiss, 1959, Aug. 4 [frame 31.24-25]

Regarding Twiss genealogy; sources for tracking down the Twiss name.

Item Charles Barrett to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Aug. 5 [frame 31.26-27]

Regarding books; Custer battle; Crazy Horse opera; Westerners.

Item Viginia Faulkner, University of Nebraska Press to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Aug. 5 [frame 31.29-30]

Regarding Charley O' Kieffe manuscript; other University of Nebraska Press projects.

Item Margaret Payne to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Aug. 5 [frame 31.31-32]

Regarding news from Audubon Camp of Connecticut; research going on at Audubon camp.

Item Mari Sandoz to Clarkson Potter, 1959, Aug. 5 [frame 31.33]

Regarding Sandoz comments on Potter's writing, A School of Minnows.

Item Mari Sandoz to Robert Reynolds, American Heritage, 1959, Aug. 6 [frame 31.34-36]

Regarding Sandoz comments on Nancy Gay Case's article "Up the Trail;" cattle drives of the late 1800s; Texas Jack.

Item Bruce Nicoll, University of Nebraska Press to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Aug. 7 [frame 31.40]

Regarding upcoming projects for University of Nebraska Press; Allis diaries.

Item Eleanor Roether to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Aug. 7 [frame 31.41]

Regarding The Cattlemen query about the Foreword.

Item Don Ward to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Aug. 7 [frame 31.43-44]

Regarding Western Writer's Magazine.

Item Viginia Handley to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Aug. 8 [frame 31.48-51]

Regarding Miss Morissa; Dr. Fix; life in the Sandhills.

Item Eric Jacobsen to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Aug. 9 [frame 31.53]

Regarding death of Ethel Jacobsen; autobiographical article in North Dakota Historical Quarterly.

Item Mari Sandoz to Charles Barrett, 1959, Aug. 9 [frame 31.54-55]

Regarding Custer battle.

Item Mari Sandoz to Jerry Ryan, 1959, Aug. 10 [frame 31.58]

Regarding Cheyenne Autumn; writing about historical topics.

Item John Myers to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Aug. 11 [frame 31.59]

Regarding launching a Western Writer's magazine.

Item Mari Sandoz to Walter Frese, Hastings House, 1959, Aug. 11 [frame 31.63]

Regarding Don Ward is at Bantam Books.

Item Mari Sandoz to Bruce Nicoll, University of Nebraska Press, 1959, Aug. 11 [frame 31.65]

Regarding Western History Collection at Yale library; A Wounded Knee book; Bettelyoun manuscript.

Item Charles Barrett to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Aug. 12 [frame 31.66-67]

Regarding Custer battle field; Barrett's collection; Model T Fords; the Village in New York.

Item Herb Potter, University of Nebraska Foundation to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Aug. 13 [frame 31.69-73]

Regarding Sandoz's contributions.

Item Mari Sandoz to McIntosh & Otis Accounting Dept, 1959, Aug. 13 [frame 31.74]

Regarding Hostiles & Friendlies royalty query.

Item Mari Sandoz to Margaret Payne, 1959, Aug. 13 [frame 31.75-76]

Regarding horseflies & greenheads; Horseguards; country school-house games; Payne's "Indian protests."

Item H.D. Wimer to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Aug. 13 [frame 31.78]

Regarding Hostiles & Friendlies; research in Western Nebraska.

Item Jim Carr? to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Aug. 16 [frame 31.83-85]

Regarding Fort Robinson visit.

Item Bruce Nicoll, University of Nebraska Press to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Aug. 18 [frame 31.87]

Regarding Hostiles & Friendlies royalty payment to Sandoz.

Item Karen Petersen to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Aug. 18 [frame 31.91-92]

Regarding historical query about North Cheyennes.

Item Walter Frese, Hastings House to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Aug. 19 [frame 31.93]

Regarding Don Ward, an associate editor at Hastings.

Item Mari Sandoz to Caroline Sauer, McIntosh & Otis, 1959, Aug. 19 [frame 31.95]

Regarding Miss Morissa.

Item Caroline Sauer to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Aug. 20 [frame 31.97]

Regarding Miss Morissa.

Item Mari Sandoz to Edith Stickney, Nebraska Library Association, 1959, Aug. 24 [frame 31.101]

Regarding Sandoz's speaking schedule problems.

Item Ruth Musick to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Aug. 27 [frame 31.103-104]

Regarding Musick's writing projects; seeking advice.

Item Harry Tummonds to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Aug. [frame 31.108]

Article by Harry Tummonds, regarding "Hobby: Hitching Post," from The Rotarian, July 1959, about famous people and their horses.

Item Harry Tummonds to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Aug. [frame 31.110]

Article by Harry Tummonds, regarding "Ham Antenna," from The Cleveland Plain Dealer, about QSL cards.

Item Mari Sandoz to Karen Petersen, 1959, Aug. 29 [frame 31.111]

Regarding Dr. Daniel's letters and diaries; Daniel's time at Red Cloud Agency; corruption at Red Cloud Agency.

Item Mari Sandoz to Eleanor Roether, 1959, Sept. 1 [frame 31.115]

Regarding nutrition issues on the Great Plains; high protein diet vs high carbohydrate diet.

Item Father Peter Powell to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Sept. 2 [frame 31.117]

Regarding Powell's Cheyenne research.

Item Angus Carmeron, Knopf to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Sept. 3 [frame 31.119]

Regarding Sandoz's "Beaver book."

Item Louise Christensen to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Sept. 3 [frame 31.120-121]

Regarding writing of her Alaskan experiences as a nurse.

Item Mari Sandoz to Clarkson Potter, Clarkson Publisher, 1959, Sept. 9 [frame 31.123]

Regarding Son of a Gamblin' Man; editorial suggestions; revisions.

Item Father Peter Powell to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Sept. 12 [frame 31.126-127]

Regarding Cheyenne research and ceremonies in Montana and Oklahoma; Powell helps with Medicine Hat ceremony; reviewing of the Arrows; death of Stone Forehead; photos of Sacred Hat.

Item Mari Sandoz to Father Peter Powell, 1959, Sept. 12 [frame 31.128-129]

Regarding Stone Forehead, Arrow Keeper of the Cheyennes; Cheyenne history in art; Mrs. Powers; death of Stone Forehead.

Item Mari Sandoz to Angus Cameron, Knopf, 1959, Sept. 13 [frame 31.130]

Regarding the "Beaver Book" already under contract; the "problem" with American novels and editors; Hickok index.

Item Mari Sandoz to Walter Frese, Hastings House, 1959, Sept. 13 [frame 31.131]

Regarding Creightons of Nebraska; Creighton University.

Item Mari Sandoz to Carl M. Reinert, President of Creighton University, 1959, Sept. 13 [frame 31.134]

Regarding Sandoz to receive award from Creighton University.

Item Mari Sandoz to Richard Ketchum, American Heritage, 1959, Sept. 14 [frame 31.137-138]

Regarding promising writers in the "Indian field", Alice Marriott, Robert Lowie, Philip Drucker, Angie Debo, Edmund Collier, Mrs. Freeman.

Item Mari Sandoz to Ruth Musick, 1959, Sept. 15 [frame 31.145]

Regarding Musick's writing; Cap Pearce; getting funding.

Item Mari Sandoz to Lewis Gannett, 1959, Sept. 19 [frame 31.156]

Regarding writing of Indians; Oliver LaFarge's illness.

Item Clarkson Potter to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Sept. 21 [frame 31.162]

Regarding Son of a Gamblin' Man; Sandoz's changes to the manuscript.

Item Mari Sandoz to Clarkson Potter, 1959, Sept. 29 [frame 31.180]

Regarding Dr. Robert Gatewood; Son of a Gamblin' Man; Cozad, Nebraska; Henri's painting.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mildred Bennett, 1959, Oct. 1 [frame 31.183]

Regarding Sandoz scheduled to give a talk at Red Cloud, Nebraska; writers and writing.

Item Mari Sandoz to Austin Jeffers, 1959, Oct. 3 [frame 31.189]

Regarding Jeffers family in Montana; Jeffers family in Texas.

Item Edward Kuhn, McGraw-Hill to Mary Abbot?, 1959, Oct. 5 [frame 31.192]

Regarding Miss Morissa; control of rights to Miss Morissa.

Item Ruth Musick to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Oct. 8 [frame 31.201]

Regarding ghost stories; writing.

Item LaVerne Madigan, Association on American Indian Affairs to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Oct. 9 [frame 31.205]

Regarding Omahas of Nebraska; a tribal newspaper.

Item Caroline Sauer, McIntosh & Otis to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Oct. 9 [frame 31.206]

Regarding The Buffalo Hunters contract with Spottiswoode.

Item Austin Jeffers to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Oct. 20 [frame 31.223-224]

Regarding Jeffers family history.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mary Abbot?, 1959, Oct. 21 [frame 31.227]

Regarding Miss Morissa rights, repints; women's issues found in the book.

Item Moss Hart, The Author's League of America to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Oct. 22 [frame 31.229-231-232]

Regarding Writers Guild of America strike against movie producers. List of Producers Writers Guild opposes.

Item E.S. Sutton to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Oct. 23 [frame 31.236]

Regarding Sandoz's recent visit; "Indian sites" along the Sappa.

Item Mari Sandoz to Bruce Nicoll, 1959, Oct. 25 [frame 31.238]

Regarding University of Nebraska Press; someone to write the "Wounded Knee" book; Sandoz doesn't want to do the "Wounded Knee" book.

Item Mari Sandoz to Austin Jeffers, 1959, Oct. 26 [frame 31.239]

Regarding more on the Jeffer's family.

Item Mari Sandoz to Clarkson Potter, 1959, Oct. 26 [frame 31.241]

Regarding Publisher's Weekly.

Item Bruce Nicoll, University of Nebraska Press to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Oct. 27 [frame 31.242]

Regarding the "Wounded Knee" book.

Item Terence Duren to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Oct. 28 [frame 31.244-245]

Regarding art and painting; Governor Garber; news from Lincoln.

Item Mari Sandoz to Anna Kostecki, 6th grader, 1959, Oct. 28 [frame 31.246]

Regarding The Horsecatcher.

Item Mari Sandoz to Charles Walden, 6th grader, 1959, Oct. 28 [frame 31.247]

Regarding The Horsecatcher; Sandoz's current projects; the trip to Kansas with the Wimers and Suttons; Wichita, Kansas.

Item Mari Sandoz to Mrs. Ray C. Wiles, 1959, Oct. 29 [frame 31.252]

Regarding writing in English; formal essay vs. informal essay; creative writing.

Item Mari Sandoz to the E.S. Suttons, 1959, Oct. 31 [frame 31.256]

Regarding Sandoz's recent visit with the Suttons; maps of the "Cheyenne country;" Cartographic Records of Bureau of Indian Affairs; "special lists."

Item Mari Sandoz to H.D. Wimer, 1959, Oct. 31 [frame 31.257]

Regarding Sandoz's recent visit with Wimers; photo of Dull Knife; Cheyennes at Fort Robinson; maps and "Special Lists" available through National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Item Thomas Wright to Hastings House, 1959, Nov. 3 [frame 31.268]

Regarding Mari Sandoz research for Peabody Library School.

Item Angus Cameron, Knopf to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Nov. 5 [frame 31.269]

Regarding the "beaver book;" Cameron's friends who know about beavers.

Item Mari Sandoz to Angus Cameron, 1959, Nov. 5 [frame 31.270]

Regarding beavers' behavior in modern times.

Item Mari Sandoz to Arnold Cayser, 1959, Nov. 5 [frame 31.272]

Regarding "64,000 Question" scandal; Cayser's divorce?; writing.

Item Mari Sandoz to Thomas Wright, 1959, Nov. 6 [frame 31.282-283]

Regarding Wright's research about Sandoz; Sandoz tries to briefly explain her indexing system. [Carbon].

Item Esther Henke, Oklahoma State Library to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Nov. 10 [frame 31.291]

Regarding first person material from Hunkpapa and Oglalas.

Item Arthur Carmody to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Nov. 12 [frame 31.294-295]

Regarding Bartlett Richards; cattlemen's homesteading practices in Northwest and Southwest Nebraska; accidental gunshot victim.

Item Thomas Wright to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Nov. 12 [frame 31.297]

Regarding writing about Fort Robinson; Fred Hackett's collection of Lakota artifacts in a Chicago basement; a photograph purported to be Crazy Horse.

Item Boyd Carter to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Nov. 13 [frame 31.299]

Regarding Irvin M. Peithman's manuscript, Broken Peace Pipes; request for Sandoz to "look this over."

Item Mari Sandoz to Macy's, 1959, Nov. 15 [frame 31.303]

Regarding Sandoz angry about her television set.

Item Mari Sandoz to Boyd Carter, 1959, Nov. 17 [frame 31.306]

Regarding Peithman's manuscript; writing about Indians.

Item Mari Sandoz to Nebraska State Historical Society, 1959, Nov. 17 [frame 31.308]

Regarding requests for Nebraska materials.

Item Mari Sandoz to Clarkson Potter, 1959, Nov. 17 [frame 31.309]

Regarding Son of a Gamblin' Man; sales and orders for books.

Item Mari Sandoz to Theodore Steinway, 1959, Nov. 19 [frame 31.313]

Regarding a frontiersman with the initials "J.S."

Item Mari Sandoz to Drid Williams, 1959, Nov. 19 [frame 31.314]

Regarding Westerners meeting; Alvin Josephy.

Item Boyd Carter to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Nov. 21 [frame 31.316]

Regarding Broken Peace Pipes.

Item E.S. Sutton to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Nov. 22 [frame 31.317-318]

Regarding illegal fencing in Nebraska; the "Dewey Plan;" the Olives.

Item Charles W. Hurd to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Nov. 24 [frame 31.320-322]

Regarding Hurd's research; Bent Brothers fort; Sand Creek; Guggenheim family.

Item Mari Sandoz to Dean Warren Bower, 1959, Nov. 24 [frame 31.325]

Regarding importance of recording history accurately.

Item Mari Sandoz to Charles Barrett, 1959, Nov. 26 [frame 31.326]

Regarding a walker from Maine on the Oregon Trail.

Item Mari Sandoz to Helen Schmidt, 1959, Nov. 29 [frame 31.333-334]

Regarding Indian children and boarding schools; Indian education and the children.

Item Mari Sandoz to E.S. Sutton, 1959, Nov. 29 [frame 31.335]

Regarding Billy Olive; Charles Hurd.

Item Helen Hayes to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Nov. [frame 31.336-340]

Regarding news from Lincoln; Hayes' hospital stay.

Item Mari Sandoz to Thomas Wright, 1959, Dec. 1 [frame 31.347-348]

Regarding an Oglala winter-count; photo purported to be Crazy Horse; Mr. Hackett's Lakota artifact collection; He Dog medicine bundle.

Item Hila Gilbert to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Dec. 2 [frame 31.349]

Regarding Cheyenne Autumn; Cheyenne art exhibit; hunger on the Cheyenne reservation.

Item Bertha Randall to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Dec. 2 [frame 31.350]

Regarding Cheyennes in Montana.

Item Bill Aeschbacher, Nebraska State Historical Society to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Dec. 4 [frame 31.355]

Regarding Sandoz's index.

Item Charles Hurd to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Dec. 5 [frame 31.356]

Regarding research on Guggenheims.

Item Mari Sandoz to Bruce Nicoll, University of Nebraska Press, 1959, Dec. 6 [frame 31.358]

Regarding Recollections of Captain L.H. North; Grinnell's Two Great Scouts; Mrs. Grinnell; getting manuscripts reprinted for University of Nebraska Press.

Item Mari Sandoz to Vigie Vigilante, 1959, Dec. 6 [frame 31.360-361]

Regarding Pat Hennessey's murder in Oklahoma.

Item Charles Barrett to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Dec. 12 [frame 31.371-372-374]

Regarding Maine man who walked the Oregon trail; situations on the reservations. Enclosed pamphlet from St. Labre Indian School, Ashland, Montana.

Item Clarkson N. Potter to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Dec. 14 [frame 31.379]

Regarding page proof for Son of a Gamblin' Man.

Item Mari Sandoz to Walter Frese, 1959, Dec. 20 [frame 31.390]

Regarding season's greetings and news of the West; Old Jules maybe sold to the movies.

Item Larry Tanner to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Dec. 21 [frame 31.395-396]

Regarding news from Jerusalem.

Item Ed and Dollie Portwood to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Dec. 25 [frame 31.400]

Regarding Christmas letter.

Item Charles Hurd to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Dec. 26 [frame 31.402]

Regarding Guggenheim fellowship; drilling for water in Arizona.

Item Charles Barrett to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Dec. 28 [frame 31.403-405]

Regarding Barrett's letter to Senator Margaret Chase Smith about the Northern Cheyennes.

Item Father Peter J. Powell to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Dec. 30 [frame 31.408-409]

Regarding Powell's research among the Northern Cheyennes; the opening of the Sacred Hat Bundle; sources Powell needs about Stone Forehead and the Sappa fight.

Item Eleanor Hinman to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Dec. [frame 31.421-423]

Regarding Christmas greetings; news from Nebraska.

Item Donald Beckman to Mari Sandoz, 1959, Dec. [frame 31.433-436]

Regarding Beckman family stories and photographs.

Item Jo Frisbee to Mari Sandoz, 1959 [frame 31.454]

Regarding Cather Memorial; Frisbee's mom "grew up next door" to Willa Cather.

Item Austin Jeffers to Mari Sandoz, 1959 [frame 31.461]

Regarding Jeffers' family name; Jeffers' military career.

Item Mari Sandoz to Margot Liberty, 1959 [frame 31.467-472]

Sandoz's notes regarding Margot Liberty and John Stands in Timber's Sweet Medicine: a History of the Cheyenne Indians; comments and suggestions for corrections.

Item Mamie Meredith to Mari Sandoz, 1959 [frame 31.477-483]

Regarding various topics and news from University of Nebraska.

Item Mari Sandoz to Clarkson Potter, 1959 [frame 31.499]

Regarding front material for Son of a Gamblin' Man.

Item Mari Sandoz to Elizabeth Ames, 1959 [frame 31.503]

Regarding Robert Springer.

Item Mari Sandoz to Amy and Nellie, 1959 [frame 31.505-507]

Galley changes for Hostiles and Friendlies.

Item , 1959 [frame 31.512]

Sandoz's book promotion tour 1958? for The Cattlemen.

Item Charles Barrett to Mari Sandoz, 1959 [frame 31.517]

Senator Chase Smith's remarks in reply to Charles Barrett's letter of December 28, 1959.

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