Mari Sandoz
Title: Mari
Sandoz Collection
Creator: Sandoz, Mari,
Dates: 1864-1976 (bulk 1931-1966)
Quantity: 199 boxes (186 linear feet)
Collection Number: MS 0080
Access and Use: For information on access or copyright, please see our guidelines or email
Historical Records Statement: Please see our statement on historical records and
Other Finding Aids: For a complete list of Sandoz materials available via microfilm, please
see the Mari Sandoz Collection, which provides access to
the microfilm indexing.Container List:
Box 27. Correspondence, 1962, Aug.-1963, June [Microfilm Reel MS00036]Item Ralph Ellsworth, University of Colorado
to Mari Sandoz, 1962, Aug.
2 [frame 36.6]Regarding Sandoz's papers; manuscripts.
Item Mari Sandoz to North Dakota Historical
Society, 1962, Aug.
3 [frame 36.14]Regarding Sandoz queries source information for
The Beavermen.
Item Mamie Meredith to Mari
Sandoz, 1962, Aug.
4 [frame 36.20-21]Regarding prairie dog towns.
Item Aurelia Habekost, Associate Editor,
McMillan to Mari Sandoz, 1962, Aug.
9 [frame 36.36]Regarding "The Neighbor" to be included in an
Item Mamie Meredith to Mari
Sandoz, 1962, Aug.
9 [frame 36.37-38]Regarding prairie dog stories; Roger Welsch;
Joslyn Museum.
Item Herb Potter, University of Nebraska
Foundation to Mari Sandoz, 1962, Aug.
10 [frame 36.42]Regarding Sandoz contribution to Prairie Schooner awards;
Sandhills; Snake River Falls.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mary Abbot, McIntosh &
Otis, 1962, Aug.
15 [frame 36.49]Regarding movie rights to Son of a Gamblin' Man; National Waterama
at Cozad, Nebraska; Sandoz to research in
Item Mari Sandoz to W.D. Aeschbacher, Nebraska
State Historical Society, 1962, Aug.
15 [frame 36.50]Regarding reviews of Love
Song to the Plains.
Item Mari Sandoz to the Museum at Earlham
College, Indiana, 1962, Aug.
15 [frame 36.52]Regarding skeleton of giant beaver fossil.
Item Mari Sandoz to the Museum of the American
Indian, Heye Foundation, 1962, Aug.
15 [frame 36.57]Regarding Hidatsas; Indian skulls.
Item Mari Sandoz to Sheridan County Star, 1962, Aug.
15 [frame 36.58]Regarding "No Indians allowed" signs in
Rushville, Nebraska.
Item Arthur B. Ward, University of Nebraska to
Mari Sandoz, 1962, Aug.
16 [frame 36.60]Regarding state warrant for Sandoz's work at the
Homestead Symposium.
Item Mary Abbot, McIntosh & Otis to Mari
Sandoz, 1962, Aug.
20 [frame 36.67]Regarding Prentice Hall "asking about" Sandoz;
movie rights to Son of a
Gamblin' Man.
Item Michael Shugrue, University of Nebraska
to Mari Sandoz, 1962, Aug.
21 [frame 36.73]Regarding creative arts at University of
Nebraska; Prairie
Schooner; Old
Item Mari Sandoz to Editorial Offices, Westerners Brand
Book, 1962, Aug.
22 [frame 36.74]Regarding Sandoz asks that her name be removed
from Publications Committee; romantic fictions in
historical writing.
Item Mari Sandoz to Canadian Government Travel
Bureau, 1962, Aug.
28 [frame 36.80]Regarding Sandoz to research in Canada;
literature and map request.
Item Veda Brock to Mari Sandoz, 1962, Aug.
29 [frame 36.82]Regarding sources on American Indian "costumes"
that will be historically accurate.
Item Mari Sandoz to Veda Brock, 1962, Sept.
4 [frame 36.87-88]Regarding sources on American Indian dress and
garments; complications Brock can expect in her
Item Edward Tenney, Fresno College to Mari
Sandoz, 1962, Sept.
12 [frame 36.105]Regarding films of "Crazy Horse country."
Item Mari Sandoz to Jean Evans, Redbook, 1962, Sept.
14 [frame 36.109]Regarding "Outpost in New York;" material for an
Item Hanson Baldwin, J.J. Lippincott to Mari
Sandoz, 1962, Sept.
17 [frame 36.110-113]Regarding Great Battles of History series for
Lippincott; suggestions to authors.
Item Mari Sandoz to Hanson Baldwin , J.J.
Lippincott, 1962, Sept. 19 [frame 36.117]Regarding "Dakota country;" Little Big Horn
Item Mari Sandoz to H.W. Cox, 1962, Sept.
19 [frame 36.120]Regarding Cox's Sandhills visit.
Item Mari Sandoz to Jean Downey, English
Department, Southern Connecticut State
College, 1962, Sept.
19 [frame 36.121]Regarding a Sandoz bibliography.
Item Mari Sandoz to Caroline
Pifer, 1962, Sept.
19 [frame 36.123-124]Regarding Clarke Bridge; wild horses.
Item Mari Sandoz to M.S. Wyeth , Harper &
Row, 1962, Sept.
19 [frame 36.128]Regarding B.C. Payette's Oregon Country Under the Union Jack.
Item Tom Spence to Mari Sandoz, 1962, Sept.
21 [frame 36.138]Regarding North Platte Valley Historical
Item Mari Sandoz to Westminister Press,
Promotion Department, 1962, Sept.
26 [frame 36.153]Regarding The Story
Item Emmie Mygatt to Mari Sandoz, 1962, Sept.
28 [frame 36.157]Regarding "The Spike Eared Dog" to go into an
anthology; beavers; Cache
Lake Country.
Item Mari Sandoz to Daniel
Willmer, 1962, Sept.
28 [frame 36.162]Regarding Sandoz's health; how she healed her
wound from surgery.
Item E.S. Sutton to Mari Sandoz, 1962, Sept.
30 [frame 36.166-167]Regarding Sutton's travels; following the "Custer
trail;" unravelling early history; the "Two
Sitting Bulls."
Item Maynard Fox to Mari Sandoz, 1962, Oct.
1 [frame 36.169]Regarding Willa Cather inquiry.
Item Mari Sandoz to Don Beckman, 1962, Oct.
1 [frame 36.170]Regarding using secondary sources; Spanish
Item Mari Sandoz to Emmie Mygatt, 1962, Oct.
1 [frame 36.171]Regarding Cache Lake
Country; using secondary sources; beaver
book research under way.
Item Mari Sandoz to Walter Frese, Hastings
House, 1962, Oct.
3 [frame 36.172]Regarding Sandoz off to Canada; itinerary for
Item Mary Abbot, McIntosh & Otis to Mari
Sandoz, 1962, Oct.
4 [frame 36.175]Regarding Sandoz's Canadian junket; a book on
Fort Laramie.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mary Abbot, McIntosh &
Otis, 1962, Oct.
7 [frame 36.178]Regarding Sandoz won't do the Laramie book.
Item Mary Pfeiffer, Westminister Press to Mari
Sandoz, 1962, Oct.
8 [frame 36.179-180]Regarding questions about The Story Catcher.
Item Caroline Sauer, McIntosh & Otis to
Mari Sandoz, 1962, Oct.
9 [frame 36.182]Regarding Pfeiffer's letter of October 8, 1962;
Corgi edition of The Buffalo
Item Mari Sandoz to Maynard Fox, 1962, Oct.
14 [frame 36.184]Regarding Willa Cather.
Item Mari Sandoz to E.S. Sutton, 1962, Oct.
15 [frame 36.189]Regarding Sandoz's Canadian junket; Custer
material; the Sitting Bull gun.
Item Melvin Scholl to Mari Sandoz, 1962, Oct.
16 [frame 36.190]Regarding "Operation Crazy Horse."
Item Jean Evans, RedBook to Mari Sandoz, 1962, Oct.
17 [frame 36.191]Regarding Sandoz articles rejected.
Item N. Philip Norman, M.D. to Mari
Sandoz, 1962, Oct.
18 [frame 36.192]Regarding Native American dietary habits.
Item Mariechen Al-An to Mari
Sandoz, 1962, Oct.
21 [frame 36.194-195]Regarding psychic photo of Crazy Horse; a "spirit
Item Mari Sandoz to Mary Pfeiffer,
Westminister Press, 1962, Oct.
25 [frame 36.200-201]Regarding The Story
Catcher; copy editing; hadophiles."
Item Mari Sandoz to N. Philip Norman,
M.D., 1962, Oct.
26 [frame 36.203]Regarding Native American diets; sources for
information on Indian foods.
Item Mari Sandoz to Bruce Nicoll, University
of Nebraska Press, 1962, Oct.
27 [frame 36.208]Regarding "Overland accounts" from the mid-19th
Item N. Philip Norman, M.D. to Mari
Sandoz, 1962, Oct.
29 [frame 36.212]Regarding American Indian diets; health issues on
the reservations.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mary Pfeiffer,
Westminister Press, 1962, Nov.
4 [frame 36.222]Regarding The Story
Item Raymond DeMallie to Mari
Sandoz, 1962, Nov.
5 [frame 36.223-225]Regarding Lakota history research; Crazy Horse's
wife, Black Shawl.
Item Mari Sandoz to Babette Hall, 1962, Nov.
5 [frame 36.226-227]Regarding death of Benn Hall.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mariechen
Al-An, 1962, Nov.
11 [frame 36.234]Regarding Crazy Horse "spirit picture."
Item Mari Sandoz to L. Berger
Copeman, 1962, Nov.
11 [frame 36.236]Regarding Crazy
Horse; Lightning dancers; Thunder Cult
among the Plains Indians.
Item Mari Sandoz to Raymond
DeMallie, 1962, Nov.
11 [frame 36.237-238]Regarding Washington's Indian Bureau Archives;
Spotted Elk; Lone Horn; historian George Hyde.
Item Mari Sandoz to Walter Frese, Hastings
House, 1962, Nov.
11 [frame 36.239]Regarding Sandoz's Canadian research trip.
Item Mari Sandoz to H.F. Thayer, 1962, Nov.
11 [frame 36.247]Regarding Grouard.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mary Pfeiffer, 1962, Nov.
14 [frame 36.254-258]Sandoz's attempt at a synopsis of The Story Catcher.
Item Mari Sandoz to Walter Frese, Hastings
House, 1962, Nov.
16 [frame 36.262]Regarding The
Item Melvin Scholl to Mari Sandoz, 1962, Nov.
19 [frame 36.267]Regarding questions about Sioux life;
Item Mari Sandoz to Mary
Bryan-Forsyth, 1962, Nov.
28 [frame 36.274]Regarding Crazy Horse shield.
Item Mari Sandoz to F.E. Shaw, 1962, Nov.
28 [frame 36.278]Regarding Mirage Flats water project; Modisett
Item Mariechen Al-An to Mari
Sandoz, 1962, Nov.
29 [frame 36.280]Regarding Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull spirit -
photographs; seances.
Item Frank Aplan to Mari Sandoz, 1962, Dec.
1 [frame 36.286]Regarding Janis and Richards families.
Item Mari Sandoz to Frank Aplan, 1962, Dec.
5 [frame 36.293-294]Regarding Janis & Richards families; killings
of 1872.
Item Mari Sandoz to Father Peter
Powell, 1962, Dec.
5 [frame 36.298]Regarding the "Old Crossing" in the upper
Missouri region; this is perhaps where the
Cheyennes crossed coming west; medicine
Item Korczak Ziolkowski to Mari
Sandoz, 1962, Dec.
9 [frame 36.299]Regarding Joe Foss; Stewart Udall; holiday
Item Harold Preece, Hastings House to Mari
Sandoz, 1962, Dec.
13 [frame 36.309]Regarding Sandoz's "oil book."
Item Fritz and Blanche Sandoz, 1962, Dec.
17 [frame 36.319]Regarding Christmas letter from the
Item Mari Sandoz to L.M. Hammond, 1962, Dec.
18 [frame 36.324]Regarding The Buffalo
Hunters; Moreland and Hickok; Sandoz
families around the country.
Item Mari Sandoz to Harold Preece, Hastings
House, 1962, Dec.
18 [frame 36.326]Regarding the book about oil on the Plains; Judge
Item Mari Sandoz to Korczak
Ziolkowski, 1962, Dec.
18 [frame 36.328]Regarding meeting with Stewart Udall.
Item Mari Sandoz to Mollie Madden, 1962, Dec.
19 [frame 36.329-330]Regarding Cheyenne
Autumn; a military man named Armes; Indian
Item Mari Sandoz to U.S. Army
Engineers, 1962, Dec.
19 [frame 36.331]Regarding maps of Upper Missouri region.
Item Various people to Mari
Sandoz, 1962, Dec. [frame 36.338-350]Various Christmas cards and greetings.
Item Marie David Davis to Mari
Sandoz, 1962 [frame 36.358-359]Regarding Sandoz ancestry.
Item Ray Fadden, 6 Nations Indian Museum to
Mari Sandoz, 1962 [frame 36.362-363]Regarding drawings, photo, greetings.
Item John Noll to Mari Sandoz, 1962 [frame 36.381]Regarding Harvey Dunn and Grant Reynard.
Item Mari Sandoz to Emmie Mygatt, 1963, Jan.
1 [frame 36.404]Regarding Cheyenne
Autumn movie.
Item Mari Sandoz to Admissions Committee,
MacDowell Colony, 1963, Jan.
2 [frame 36.408]Regarding Florence Becker Lennon.
Item Mari Sandoz to Robert L. Reynolds, American
Heritage, 1963, Jan.
2 [frame 36.414]Regarding Assiniboins.
Item Grace Naismith, Reader's Digest to Mari
Sandoz, 1963, Jan.
3 [frame 36.421]Regarding story "about Christmas and the
Item Charles L. Hipp, U.S. Army Engineer to
Mari Sandoz, 1963, Jan.
4 [frame 36.429]Regarding maps of Garrison Reservior.
Item Mamie Meredith to Mari
Sandoz, 1963, Jan.
11 [frame 36.433-438]Regarding Nebraska blizzard; Nebraska Folklore
Item Mari Sandoz to Mrs. C.G.
Hansen, 1963, Jan.
11 [frame 36.439]Regarding Crazy
Horse; biographical data; new Sandoz
Item Mari Sandoz to Grace Naismith, Reader's
Digest, 1963, Jan.
14 [frame 36.446]Regarding "Christmas of the Phonograph
Item Mari Sandoz to John J. Burlinson, Henry
Regnery Company, 1963, Jan.
16 [frame 36.452-454]Regarding Laman's Manifest
Destiny. Copy for book's jacket.
Item Mari Sandoz to John Woodenlegs, Northern
Cheyenne Tribe, 1963, Jan.
18 [frame 36.467]Regarding Grinnell's The
Cheyennes; Sandoz's "Cheyenne books."
Item Korczak Ziolkowski to Mari
Sandoz, 1963, Jan.
19 [frame 36.469]Regarding meeting with Udall; financing the Crazy
Horse mountain carving project.
Item Henry Regnery, Henry Regnery Company to
Mari Sandoz, 1963, Jan.
25 [frame 36.479]Regarding Laman's Manifest
Destiny dust jacket.
Item Caroline Sauer, McIntosh & Otis to
Mari Sandoz, 1963, Jan.
25 [frame 36.480]Regarding German version of Crazy Horse.
Item F.H. Sinclair, Neckyoke Jones to Mari
Sandoz, 1963, Jan.
25 [frame 36.481]Regarding Wyoming Historical Society annual
Item Dale Miller to Mari Sandoz, 1963, Jan.
26 [frame 36.484-485]Regarding Mitch Bouyer, a scout with Custer.
Item Eleanor C. Diederich, Westminister to
Mari Sandoz, 1963, Jan.
28 [frame 36.490]Regarding The Story
Catcher publicity.
Item Mari Sandoz to Walter Frese, Hastings
House, 1963, Jan.
28 [frame 36.491-492]Regarding movie option on Cheyenne Autumn; Reader's Digest projects; Christmas of the
Phonograph Records.
Item Mari Sandoz to Senator George
McGovern, 1963, Jan.
28 [frame 36.493]Regarding Crazy Horse mountain.
Item Mari Sandoz to Kay Rogers, 1963, Jan.
28 [frame 36.496]Regarding Ship of
Fools; deaths of Hemingway, Faulkner,
Item Mari Sandoz to Stewart Udall, U.S.
Secretary of the Interior, 1963, Jan.
28 [frame 36.498]Regarding Korczak Ziolkowski's Crazy Horse
Mountain project.
Item Mari Sandoz to Melvin Van den
Bark, 1963, Jan.
28 [frame 36.499]Regarding Old Jules
play in Alliance; movie option on Cheyenne Autumn.
Item John Wooden Legs to Mari
Sandoz, 1963, Jan.
29 [frame 36.505]Regarding Sandoz's books sent to Lame Deer,
Item Mary Pfeiffer, Westminister to Mari
Sandoz, 1963, Jan.
30 [frame 36.507]Regarding publication date for The Story Catcher.
Item Robert L. Reynolds, American Heritage to Elizabeth
Otis, 1963, Jan.
30 [frame 36.508]Regarding Sandoz to do an article for American Heritage about La
Verendrye and the Assinibions.
Item Ray Vickers to Mari Sandoz, 1963, Jan.
30 [frame 36.514-516]Regarding Vicker's writing; "The Secret
Item Mari Sandoz to Mary Pfeiffer,
Westminister, 1963, Jan.
31 [frame 36.519]Regarding pushing publication date for The Story Catcher.
Item Senator George McGovern to Mari
Sandoz, 1963, Feb.
4 [frame 36.529]Regarding Crazy Horse Mountain.
Item Mary Pfeiffer, Westminister to Mari
Sandoz, 1963, Feb.
5 [frame 36.532]Regarding The Story
Catcher to have earlier publication
Item Elizabeth Otis, McIntosh & Otis to
Mari Sandoz, 1963, Feb.
6 [frame 36.534]Regarding Reader's
Digest rejects "Christmas of the Phonograph
Item Howard Ottoson, University of Nebraska to
Mari Sandoz, 1963, Feb.
6 [frame 36.535]Regarding Sandoz's chapter in the proceedings of
Homestead Centennial Symposium.
Item Mari Sandoz to F.H. Sinclair, Neckyoke
Jones, 1963, Feb.
6 [frame 36.536]Regarding Sandoz to come to Wyoming; The Story Catcher.
Item Mari Sandoz to Doris Kanter, 1963, Feb.
8 [frame 36.537]Regarding "Exceptional" Indians; "The Far
Item Mari Sandoz to Elizabeth Otis, McIntosh
& Otis, 1963, Feb.
8 [frame 36.540]Regarding "Christmas of the Phonograph
Item Mari Sandoz to Mary Pfeiffer,
Westminister, 1963, Feb.
8 [frame 36.541]Regarding Sandoz to go to Sheridan, Wyoming in
the fall of 1963.
Item F.H. Sinclair, Neckyoke Jones to Mari
Sandoz, 1963, Feb.
12 [frame 36.551]Regarding Thomas Twiss.
Item F.H. Sinclair, Neckyoke Jones to Mari
Sandoz, 1963, Feb.
12 [frame 36.552]Regarding Sandoz to visit Sheridan, Wyoming;
Wyoming Historical Society annual meeting.
Item Mrs. Arnold Black to Mari
Sandoz, 1963, Feb.
14 [frame 36.555]Regarding Alliance, Nebraska Women's Club
requests for stage production of Old Jules.
Item W.D. Newberry to Mari Sandoz, 1963, Feb.
16 [frame 36.560-561]Regarding Fort McPherson's 100th anniversary.
Item Mari Sandoz to Aileen Black, 1963, Feb.
18 [frame 36.564]Regarding stage production of Old Jules.
Item Mari Sandoz to Ralph
Friedman, 1963, Feb.
18 [frame 36.566]Regarding Friedman's review of Love Song to the
Item Mari Sandoz to Eleanor
Hinman, 1963, Feb.
18 [frame 36.567]Regarding Sandoz to be awarded a plaque for her
writings by Children of American Revolution
Society; Sandoz requests Hinman accept on her
Item Mari Sandoz to Mamie
Meredith, 1963, Feb.
18 [frame 36.568-569]Regarding Sandoz requests Meredith accept
Children of American Revolution Society award if
Hinman unable to accept. Excerpts from Children of
American Revolution Society letters.
Item Mari Sandoz to Dale Miller, 1963, Feb.
18 [frame 36.570-571]Regarding Mitch Boyer or Bouyer; fur trade.
Item Mari Sandoz to Bruce Nicoll, University
of Nebraska Press, 1963, Feb.
18 [frame 36.572]Regarding Memoirs of a
White Crow Indian.
Item Mari Sandoz to F.H. Sinclair, Neckyoke
Jones, 1963, Feb.
18 [frame 36.574-575]Regarding Thomas Twiss.
Item Mari Sandoz to Howard Ottoson, University
of Nebraska Agriculture Department, 1963, Feb.
19 [frame 36.582]Regarding "The Homestead in Perspective."
Item Mamie Meredith to Mari
Sandoz, 1963, Feb.
22 [frame 36.593-598]Regarding Eleanor Hinman to accept award for
Sandoz; Shapiro leaves the Prairie Schooner.
Item Bruce Nicoll, University of Nebraska
Press to Mari Sandoz, 1963, Feb.
22 [frame 36.599]Regarding re-issue of Memoirs of a White Crow Indian.
Item Bernice Slote to Mari Sandoz, 1963, Feb.
22 [frame 36.600]Regarding changes at Prairie Schooner.
Item Korczak Ziolkowski to Mari
Sandoz, 1963, Feb.
22 [frame 36.601-602]Regarding Washington neetings about Crazy Horse
Mountain project; new baby.
Item Ralph Friedman to Mari
Sandoz, 1963, Feb.
25 [frame 36.609]Regarding Capital
Item Mari Sandoz to Aileen Black, 1963, Feb.
27 [frame 36.615]Regarding Old Jules
Item Mari Sandoz to Walter Frese, Hastings
House, 1963, Feb.
27 [frame 36.618]Regarding "Christmas of the Phonograph Records;"
The Story
Item Mari Sandoz to Bernice Slote, 1963, Feb.
27 [frame 36.620]Regarding Prairie
Item Mari Sandoz to Walter Frese, Hastings
House, 1963, Mar.
4 [frame 36.628]Regarding publishing concerns; a "book trade;"
the "novel under contract."
Item Mari Sandoz to LaVinia Russell,
Lippincott, 1963, Mar.
6 [frame 36.637]Regarding Little Big Horn book.
Item Mari Sandoz to Caroline Sauer, McIntosh
& Otis, 1963, Mar.
10 [frame 36.645]Regarding "Musky;" The
Story Catcher; a visit from some
Item Mari Sandoz to Walter Frese, Hastings
House, 1963, Mar.
11 [frame 36.649]Regarding relationship with Hastings; cost of
research; othe publishers.
Item Mari Sandoz to Chip Chafets, 1963, Mar.
12 [frame 36.652-653]"Some books worth re-issuing, listed for Chip
Chafets 3-12-63."
Item Mari Sandoz to Mamie
Meredith, 1963, Mar.
13 [frame 36.656]Regarding Prairie
Schooner news; Meredith's eyesight
Item Mari Sandoz to Edgar I.
Stewart, 1963, Mar.
13 [frame 36.657-658]Regarding Sandoz's writing process; Indian
Item Mari Sandoz to Don Weldon, 1963, Mar.
13 [frame 36.659]Regarding rare books Weldon sent Sandoz; a
musical about Thermopolis, Wyoming.
Item Mary Abbot, McIntosh & Otis to Mari
Sandoz, 1963, Mar.
14 [frame 36.660]Regarding Sandoz and Hastings House.
Item Mari Sandoz to Caroline Sauer, McIntosh
& Otis, 1963, Mar.
19 [frame 36.672]Regarding Sandoz rejects scholastic's "cuts" to
Item Mari Sandoz to Robert L. Reynolds, American
Heritage, 1963, Mar.
27 [frame 36.691]Regarding Sandoz can't find time to do the
Assiniboin article for American Heritage.
Item Mamie Meredith to Mari
Sandoz, 1963, Mar.
29 [frame 36.695-700]Regarding Don Danker; other news from University
of Nebraska; Lincoln; Children of American
Revolution Society award.
Item Mari Sandoz to Kay Rogers, 1963, Mar.
30 [frame 36.703]Regarding New York City newspaper strike; Melvin
Van den Bark; Oglala Sioux.
Item Mari Sandoz to Encyclopedia Brittannica, 1963, Apr.
12 [frame 36.727]Regarding beavers.
Item Mari Sandoz to James A. Long, 1963, Apr.
12 [frame 36.728]Regarding Cheyenne names; Lydia Wild Hog.
Item Harry Paige to Mari Sandoz, 1963, Apr.
17 [frame 36.739-740]Regarding request for letter of introduction to
the Sioux tribe; Paige wants to write of Sioux
songs and poetry.
Item Mari Sandoz to Eleanor
Hinman, 1963, Apr.
19 [frame 36.747]Regarding Children of American Revolution Society
award; Hinman's father.
Item Mari Sandoz to Lynn Martin, Winnifred
Martin Memorial Library, 1963, Apr.
19 [frame 36.748]Regarding "Spectacle Socials;" "Sensation
Item Mari Sandoz to Mamie
Meredith, 1963, Apr.
19 [frame 36.749-750]Regarding Children of American Revolution Society
award; Don Danker's leaving Nebraska State
Historical Society; Scotch-Irish sayings.
Item Mari Sandoz to Harry Paige, 1963, Apr.
19 [frame 36.751-753]Regarding songs of Sioux; writing of the Sioux;
source material; Ben Black Elk.
Item Philo Morey to Mari Sandoz, 1963, Apr.
21 [frame 36.757-766]Regarding Old Jules;
Morey's early days near Chadron, Nebraska; his
present days in Wyoming.
Item Carolyn Shaw to Mari Sandoz, 1963, Apr.
22 [frame 36.767-771]Brochure from Wyandot Museum - Upper
Item Mari Sandoz to J.L.
Gillespie, 1963, Apr.
26 [frame 36.784]Regarding Sandoz's upcoming visit to Sheridan,
Item Mari Sandoz to Philo Morey, 1963, Apr.
26 [frame 36.787]Regarding Morey's travels in the Sandhills.
Item Bill Bock to Mari Sandoz, 1963, Apr.
30 [frame 36.799-780]Regarding "The Far Looker;" Plains Indians;
drawing of Roman Nose.
Item Raymond DeMallie, 1963, May
10 [frame 36.812]Regarding Lakota query; Lone Horn, the
Item Mari Sandoz to David
Amendola, 1963, May
12 [frame 36.815]Regarding Custer.
Item Mari Sandoz to J.L. Smith, 1963, May
12 [frame 36.819-820]Regarding doing one's own research; Crazy Horse
photographs; Vaughn's On the
Border with Crook.
Item Father Peter Powell to Mari
Sandoz, 1963, May
23 [frame 36.833]Regarding the Cheyennes; Newberry Library; Dull
Item Mamie Meredith to Mari
Sandoz, 1963, May
25 [frame 36.836-839]Regarding Willa Cather bust; Prairie Schooner news.
Item Mamie Meredith to Mari
Sandoz, 1963, June
4 [frame 36.847-850]Regarding Nebraska Folklore Society; Karl
Item Marjorie Loehlin to Mari
Sandoz, 1963, June
11 [frame 36.856-857]Regarding Prairie
Schooner awards.
Item Mari Sandoz to New
York Times Book Review, 1963, June
11 [frame 36.858-861]Regarding Sandoz's review of new "Indian" books
for young people - Uncas by Voight; Mohawk Gamble by Ridle; Apache Warrior by Cooke;
Medicine Bull by
MacLeod; Massacre at Sand
Creek by Werstien.
Item Emmie Mygatt to Mari Sandoz, 1963, June
14 [frame 36.867]Regarding Mygatt's writing; Cheyenne friends.
Item Mari Sandoz to True
West, Editorial Offices, 1963, June
14 [frame 36.868-869]Regarding misinformed photographs of Plains
Indian tribal people; Crazy Horse; Little
Item Hannah Folsom to Mari Sandoz, 1963, June
20 [frame 36.877]Regarding Folsom's dissertation on Sandoz.
Item Mari Sandoz to Bruce Nicoll, University
of Nebraska Press, 1963, June
26 [frame 36.895]Regarding Bad Heart Bull manuscript; John
Item Elizabeth M. Riley, Thomas Crowell
Company to Mari Sandoz, 1963, June
27 [frame 36.901]Regarding Sandoz's New York
Times Book Review article about Indian
books for young people.