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Mari Sandoz Collection

Title: Mari Sandoz Collection

Creator: Sandoz, Mari, 1896-1966

Dates: 1864-1976 (bulk 1931-1966)

Quantity: 199 boxes (186 linear feet)

Collection Number: MS 0080

Access and Use: For information on access or copyright, please see our guidelines or email archives@unl.edu.

Historical Records Statement: Please see our statement on historical records and materials.

Other Finding Aids: For a complete list of Sandoz materials available via microfilm, please see the Mari Sandoz Collection, which provides access to the microfilm indexing.Container List: Box 24. Correspondence, 1963, July [Microfilm Reel MS00037]Item Ruth A. Elliott to Mari Sandoz 1963, July 9 [reel 37.26-27]

Regarding favorable comments on Mari's June 30, 1963, review in the Times; references some of Sandoz's books; Elliott's writings; request for Mari to critique "two Indian legends" by Elliott

Item Bruce Nicoll to Mari Sandoz 1963, July 9 [reel 37.29]

Regarding Lauds Mari's critique of publishers; Amos Bad Heart Bull pictures in possession of "young H.B. Alexander"; Carnegie; Helen Blish's heirs and her manuscript; invites Mari to write foreword for Bad Heart Bull book once "financing is assured"

Item Geraldine D. Williams, Encyclopedia Britannica, to Mari Sandoz 1963, July 9 [reel 37.30-31]

Regarding Mari's April 12 letter about corrections to the Encyclopaedia; Britannica always tries to be free of errors

Item Ellen Lewis Buell, Children's Book Editor, The New York Times Book Review to Mari Sandoz 1963, Aug. 12 [reel 37.32]

Regarding Mari's "review has caused some commotion"; offer for Mari to respond to a letter to the Editor

Item Ellen Lewis Buell to Miss Nancy Quint, Editor, Books for Young Readers, Charles Schribner's Sons 1963, July 11 [reel 37.33]

Regarding Quint's letter to librarians regarding Massacre at Sand Creek

Item Mari Sandoz to Elizabeth [?] 1963, July 12 [reel 37.35]

Regarding Greiffenstein, Griffenstein

Item [Mrs.] Evelyn F. Cummins to Mari Sandoz 1963, July 14 [reel 37.36-37]

Regarding Henry Regnery sent Cummins to Mari for advice on a biography or biographical novel about Cummins' grandfather, Daniel Freeman, the first homesteader; university presses; Van den Bark; Old Jules

Item Mari Sandoz to Ellen Lewis Buell 1963, July 14 [reel 37.38]

Replying to letter to the Editor

Item Mari Sandoz to Ellen Lewis Buell 1963, July 14 [reel 37.39-40]

Regarding Mari's reply to David C. Cooke's letter; objections to term "squaw"; Mari details inaccuracies

Item Deane DuComb to Mari Sandoz 1963, July 15 [reel 37.41-42]

Regarding various movies, books, travels

Item Mari Sandoz to Mamie Meredith 1963, July 16 [reel 37.44]

[brief note]

Item Mari Sandoz to "Neckyoke" [F.H. Sinclair] 1963, July 16 [reel 37.45]

Regarding Mari's travel plans for September

Item Ann E. Cooper, The New York Historical Society to Mari Sandoz 1963, July 17 [reel 37.46]

Regarding invitation to write a review of John E. Parsons' West of the 49th Parallel

Item Secretary to Miss Sandoz to Evelyn F. Cummins 1963, July 17 [reel 37.47]

Regarding Miss Sandoz unavailable due to travel; recommendations of resources; see Hostiles and Friendlies; Old Jules publication history; creative writing discussion on KUDN and "a check list usable for narrative nonfiction as well as fiction" that can be requested from KUDN

Item Mari Sandoz to Alvin [?] 1963, July 19 [reel 37.48]

Recommends corresponding with Deane DuComb; "Kivet outfit"

Item J.L. Gillespie, Sheridan Stationery Company to Mari Sandoz 1963, July 22 [reel 37.50]

Regarding plans for Mari's visit to Sheridan, Wyoming

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