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Mari Sandoz Collection

Title: Mari Sandoz Collection

Creator: Sandoz, Mari, 1896-1966

Dates: 1864-1976 (bulk 1931-1966)

Quantity: 199 boxes (186 linear feet)

Collection Number: MS 0080 Access and Use:For information on access or copyright, please see our guidelines or email archives@unl.edu. Historical Records Statement:Please see our statement on historical records and materials.Other Finding Aids: For a complete list of Sandoz materials available via microfilm, please see the Mari Sandoz Collection, which provides access to the microfilm indexing.

Scope and Content:

Mari Sandoz maintained a large set of index cards to support her research, which remain in the order of her original filing system. Headings on card dividers, subjects, and individual names for people were listed. The spelling of individual or family names may vary. Transcriptions are provided for selected cards but it may be necessary to study the originals to determine exact words or wording.

The list below includes the headings Sandoz created, along with frame numbers in brackets [ ], and microfilm reel numbers. The number in brackets refers to the frame number on the microfilm reel for the card. Please note that numbers on the cards themselves do not match frame numbers. The notation "no cards" is used when none were placed within a specific subject that Sandoz outlined.

Series 2: Index Cards, Indian Wars of the Plains [Microfilm Reel MS00069]Grover [frame 69.2] Shlesinger [frame 69.12] Regiments [frame 69.22] Infantry [frame 69.24] Cavalry [frame 69.28] Seventh Cavalry [frame 69.33] Military Division Missouri [frame 69.35] Department [frame 69.38] Army, general [frame 69.42] Military signs [frame 69.51] General Army employee [frame 69.55] War Department [frame 69.59] Military [frame 69.61] Expeditions [frame 69.70] Lost Documents [frame 69.74] Arms [frame 69.76] In Ree Fork Fight [frame 69.91] Troops [frame 69.94] Military places, section title card [frame 69.101] A [frame 69.102] B, no cards [frame 69.104] C [frame 69.105] D, no cards [frame 69.107] E, no cards [frame 69.108] F, no cards [frame 69.109] Forts, no cards [frame 69.110] Fort Atkinson [frame 69.111] Atkinson [frame 69.112] Camp Carlin [frame 69.128] Engineer Cantonment, Long 1819-1820 [frame 69.143] Fetterman (fort) [frame 69.145] Hartstuff (fort) [frame 69.152] Fort Kearny [frame 69.160] Fort Laramie [frame 69.184] Fort McKenzie [frame 69.211] Fort McPherson, no cards [frame 69.214] Camps, Missouri [frame 69.215] Fort Mitchell [frame 69.223] Niobrara [frame 69.231] Offutt [frame 69.234] Fort Pease, no cards [frame 69.237] Fort Phil Kearny [frame 69.238] Indian subjects, section title card [frame 69.241] A [frame 69.242] Alarms [frame 69.243] Arms [frame 69.245] B [frame 69.250] C [frame 69.253] Captive [frame 69.262] Character [frame 69.265] D [frame 69.272] Disease [frame 69.274] Death, no cards [frame 69.279] Burial [frame 69.280] Dress [frame 69.282] Hair [frame 69.289] E [frame 69.291] F [frame 69.293] Fairs [frame 69.294] Family [frame 69.296] Children [frame 69.298] Women [frame 69.305] Food [frame 69.313] Starvation [frame 69.319] G [frame 69.321] Gambling [frame 69.322] Indian Games [frame 69.325] H [frame 69.345] Horses [frame 69.347] Hunting and Fishing [frame 69.358] Beaver [frame 69.369] Buffalo [frame 69.376] Fishing [frame 69.382] I [frame 69.385] Issue Goods [frame 69.386] J, no cards [frame 69.388] K, no cards [frame 69.389] L, no cards [frame 69.390] Indian Language [frame 69.391] Legends and fables [frame 69.402] M, no cards [frame 69.415] Medals [frame 69.416] Money [frame 69.421] N, no cards [frame 69.424] O [frame 69.425] P [frame 69.428] Q, no cards [frame 69.433] Religion (out of order) [frame 69.434] Ceremonials [frame 69.442] R [frame 69.456] S [frame 69.458] Scalp [frame 69.459] Sign talk [frame 69.463] T [frame 69.471] Trade fairs [frame 69.473] Traders [frame 69.475] U, no cards [frame 69.488] V, no cards [frame 69.489] W, no cards [frame 69.490] War [frame 69.491] Weather [frame 69.500] Winter counts [frame 69.503] XYZ, no cards [frame 69.505] Sioux [frame 69.506] Lone Bear [frame 69.509] Sioux, no cards [frame 69.521] Little Wolf [frame 69.522] Crows [frame 69.544] Crows Battles [frame 69.555] Book 1834 [frame 69.591] Cheyennes [frame 69.616] Little Wolf article [frame 69.622] Little Wolf, section title card [frame 69.623] Little Wolf of the Northern Cheyennes [frame 69.625] Little Wolf, no cards [frame 69.639] Little Wolf relatives [frame 69.640] 1850s [frame 69.663] 1860-1865 [frame 69.670] 1866-1870 [frame 69.672] 1871-1872 [frame 69.690] 1973-1875 [frame 69.700] 1876 [frame 69.720] 1877 [frame 69.742] 1878 [frame 69.755] Young Chief Little Wolf [frame 69.807] Little Wolf, Southern Cheyenne [frame 69.812] Little Wolf [frame 69.829] XYZ [frame 69.832] Custer arms, etc. [frame 69.849] Custer fight, section title card [frame 69.857] Beginning, Custer fight [frame 69.860] Middle, Custer fight [frame 69.870] Near end of, Custer fight [frame 69.884] After battle of, Custer fight [frame 69.899] Curly (Crow Scout at Custer Battle) [frame 69.914] Signal Corps, USA, associated with Custer Battle and other U.S. Military leaders [frame 69.930] Fur trade places (also back of Sioux Indian and White Non-War) [frame 69.999] Seventh Cavalry [frame 69.1001] Sturges (Sturgis) [frame 69.1006] Custer, George A., section title card Personality [frame 69.1020] Boyhood [frame 69.1027] Youth [frame 69.1031] Army Rank [frame 69.1033] 1865, no cards [frame 69.1035] 1867 [frame 69.1038] 1868-1869 [frame 69.1049] Custer, Syphilis [frame 69.1062] 1870-1872 [frame 69.1064] 1873 [frame 69.1068] 1874 [frame 69.1075] 1875, no cards [frame 69.1078] 1876, no cards [frame 69.1079] Custer's Families [frame 69.1080] Relationships, in-laws [frame 69.1082] Custer Prior to 1876 [frame 69.1086] Custer, 1874 [frame 69.1098] Reno with Border survey [frame 69.1102] Reno, Lieut, etc. [frame 69.1106] Expeditions in progress [frame 69.1114] Trumpeters 5-76 [frame 69.1118] Custer to division, no cards [frame 69.1120] Trails, no cards [frame 69.1121] Gnatss [frame 69.1122] Twenty Fifth [frame 69.1124] Route, no cards [frame 69.1126] Indian Scouts, no cards [frame 69.1127] Crows with Custer [frame 69.1128] Bloody Knife (Arikara) [frame 69.1131] Bouyer (Mitch) [frame 69.1134] Curly [frame 69.1147] Brave (Bravo) [frame 69.1151] Division into Three Battalions, no cards [frame 69.1156] Benteen, no cards [frame 69.1157] Reno on Bottom [frame 69.1158] Reno Fight [frame 69.1164] De Rudio [frame 69.1177] French [frame 69.1182] Gibson [frame 69.1186] Hare [frame 69.1191] Hodgson [frame 69.1195] McIntosh [frame 69.1199] Maguire [frame 69.1209] Maylan (Moylan) [frame 69.1214] Reno [frame 69.1223]

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