Mari Sandoz
Title: Mari
Sandoz Collection
Creator: Sandoz, Mari,
Dates: 1864-1976 (bulk 1931-1966)
Quantity: 199 boxes (186 linear feet)
Collection Number: MS 0080Other Finding Aids: For the complete list of Sandoz materials available via microfilm, please
see the Mari Sandoz Collection, which provides access to
the microfilm indexing.Series 4: Correspondence and Personal Files, "S" [Microfilm Reel
MS00002] Saal, Rollene Waterman - Saturday
ReviewSaathoff, Viola Butt Sabath, A.J. - United States Representative Sadilek, Exha Akins Sadilek, Mrs. W.B. Sadowski, George G. - United States Representative Sage Books Saint Andrews School St. Joseph Museum St. NicholasSaks, Fifth Avenue, New York Salisbury, Janet - University of Minnesota Salivar, Mildred - Harcourt, Brace & Company Sallee, H.I.S. Sallees, ?Salley, Doctor Sallus, Hilman Salmen, Stanley - Atlantic
Monthly Press Salter, Janet - Random House Saltonstall, Leverett - United States Senate Sammons, Wheeler, Jr. - Who's Who in
America: Who Knows--And What; Who's Who in the
EastSanborn, Lois Sandall, C.J. Sandall, Harold C. Sandburg, Carl Sandcrane, Edward Leo Sandcrane, Jessie Sanders, Marion - TimeSanders, Martha - Heritage Club Sandoz, Alfred E. Sandoz, Alice F. Sandoz, Allie F. - Author's cousin Sandoz, Andre Sandoz, Angelina Sandoz, Anne Sandoz, Blanche - Author's Sister-in-Law Sandoz, Celia - Author's niece Sandoz Chemical Works Sandoz, Emile Sandoz, Ernest Sandoz, Esther - Author's cousin Sandoz Family Sandoz, Felix Sandoz, Flora Sandoz, Flora (See also Kicken, Flora Sandoz) Sandoz, Flora - Author's sister Sandoz, Fritz - Author's brother Sandoz, Fritz and Blanche Sandoz, Fritz - Author's cousin Sandoz, Fritz L. - President, Sandoz, Inc. Sandoz, G.P. Sandoz, Grace Sandoz, Helen Sandoz, J.P. Sandoz, James & Marie - Author's brother and sister-in-law Sandoz, Jean Sandoz, Joan and Bob Sandoz, Jules - Author's brother Sandoz, Louis Sandoz, Marcel - Author's cousin Sandoz, Margaret Sandoz, Mary E. (Mrs. Jules) Sandoz, Mathelde Sandoz, Maurice Y. Sandoz, Myrtle Sandoz, Paul E., Jr. Sandoz, Priscilla - Author's cousin Sandoz, Rosalie - Author's cousin Sandoz, Ruth Elaine - Author's niece Sandoz, T.P. Sandoz, Tom - Author's nephew Sandoz, Thomas Ward Sands, Dani Sanjek, Russell Santa Gertrudi's Breeders' International Santee, Ross Saray, Scaney A. Sarvis, C.J. Sass, Stan Sasso, Gerald Sattley, Helen R. Saturday Evening Post, Curtis
Publishing Company Saturday Review of LiteratureSauer, Caroline - McIntosh and Otis Sauer, William E. Saul, S. Saull, Gordon and Haglett, Dorothy Saunders, Betsy I. - American
ScholarSavage, Robert Savage, Roma Sawyer, Mr. Saxton, Eugene F. - Harper and Brothers Says, Jim Scaife, Roger L. - Vice President, Little, Brown & Company Scanlan, M.C. Scdoris, Edna Schaaf, Harold H. Schacht, Robert H. Schackley, Ann (See Shockley, Ann Allen) Schaefer, Jack Schaffer, Dick H. Schall, Melvin Schank, Patty Scharfer, Samuel Schaumann, Ruth Schein, Eugenie Scheirbeck, Helen and Gutmann, Reinhart Schellenberg, Fern Schellenberg, Ward Scherman, Harry Schewe, Douglas Schickley, Gail Schieffelin, Bayard -- New York Public Library Schimmel, A.Q. - Managing Director, Hotel Cornhusker Schimmel, A. (Mrs.) Schindler, Catharine Regula Schlater, Robert W. - University of Nebraska Schliefenheimer, Rita Schmelkin, Ruth Palmer (Mrs. Phil) Schmid, Betty Claire - MademoiselleSchmid, Julius Schmid, Mrs. George C. Schmidt, Floyd Schmidt, Harold H. Schmidt, Helen Schmidt, Mrs. Ray E. Schmidt, Sarah Lindsay Schmidt, Velma E. - Concordia College, Nebraska Schmitkind, Henry T. - Stratford
MagazineSchmitt, Martin F. - Army War College Schmitz, Floyd J. Schmitz, P.H. Schneider, A.M. Schneider, Dr. Philip or Louis Schneider, Philip R. Schneider, Selma G. Schoene, Lester P. Schoene, Mary Schoenfeld, Clarence A. - University of Wisconsin Schoenfelder, John J. - Association Hospital Service of New
York Scholl, Melvin Schoonmaker, Ann V. Schoonover, Margaret Schossberger, Emily - Editor, University of Nebraska Press Schrader, Emmy Schrader, Steven Schramm, Wilbur L. - University of Iowa, American PrefacesSchreiner, Walter R. Schroeder, Ralph E. Schruben, Francis W. Schryver, Elliott W. - G.P. Putnam's Sons Schryver, Katherine B. - Editor, The
LitterateurSchueler, Herbert - Queens College Schulman, Morris Schultz, C. Bertrand - University of Nebraska Schupback, Martha Schurmacer (?), L.W. Schustack, Susan Schuster, Mrs. Max Schwager, Lewis Schwaner, Mable I. Schwartz, David Schwartz, Doris R. Schwartz, Ernest K. Schwartz, Leon R. Schwartzenstein, Sigmund Scofield, Ken A. Scofield, Vern Scortt, Dominic D. Scoter, Van Scott, Mrs. ?Scott, Mrs. Effie Leise Scott, Gladys Scott, Harry W. Scott, Helen - McGraw Hill Book Company Scott, Marian H. Scott, Phylis - McGraw-Hill Scott, Robert F. Scott, T.W. Scott, Viola L. - New RepublicScott, William The Scottish Rite Education Welfare Association of Nebraska
(Secretary Fred D. Cornell) Scotts Bluff, Nebraska, Chamber of Commerce Scoville, Mrs. M.E. (Doris Mignery) Scribner, Edwin Scribner's
Scribner's MagazineScribner's Sons, Charles Scrimsher, Mrs. H.W. Scrimsher, Lila Scrimscher, Lila G. Scrutchfield, Dora Pearson Seacrest, J.C. - Nebraska State
JournalSeacrest, Joe W. Sealock, Nancy Sealock, Thelma W. Seaman, Julian Seamark, Althea Sears, Carroll - University of Nebraska, Alumni Club of New
York Sears, Cathis - Secretary to Sandoz Sears, Charles Sears, Paul Seary, Harry T.M. Seaton, Fred A. - Secretary of Interior Seawart, Althea Secrest, William B. Sedgewick, Ellery - Editor, Atlantic
MonthlySeele, Keith C. - University of Chicago Seelye, Mary Averett - American Association of University
Women Seiley, Eileen - Jacques Chambrun, Incorporated Selah, Dean Selby, John Selder, Jon E. Selder, Mrs. Jon Selective Service, New York City Headquarters Selleck, John K. Sellers, J.L. - Nebraska State Historical Society Sellers, Nell Sender, H.M. Senf, Rita Senter, Marba - President of Colorado Poetry Fellowship Seton, Anya Settle, Mrs. R.W. Seventh U.S. Civil Service Region Sewanee ReviewSewell, Julia Sewell, Robert C. Sexton, W.E. Seymour, Victor Shadduck, Billie Shadduck, Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Shankland, Ann Shanlis, Dorothy R. Shapero, Eileen B. Shapiro, Karl - Prairie SchoonerSharson, Sleary Shasteen, Shirley Shaw, Carolyn Shaw, Frank E. Shaw, Harry - Eugene Saxton Fellowships Shaw, Harry L. - E.P. Dutton and Company Shaw, John Henry - Colorado State College of Education Shaw, John R. Shaw, Joseph - Editor, Black MaskShaw, Margaret A. Shaw, Rita Shaw, Thomas S. Shay, Violet and Jack Shay, Violet Brown Shayon, Robert L. Sheehan, Elizabeth Shefferd, Jeannette M. Sheffield Farms Shegron, Joseph Shelander, Mrs. G.A. Shelby, C. Levi Sheldon, A.E. - Superintendent, Nebraska State Historical
Society Sheldon, Jean Sheldon, Mrs. Olga Sheldon, Ruth Sheldons Shelly, Helen Shelton, David Shepard, Mrs. F.C. Shepard, Mary Shephan, John and Ruth Shephard, Louis Percival Shepherd, Ruth A. Sheppard, Maytle Vorst Sherar, Marguerite F. Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel, Omaha, Nebraska Sheraton, Martin Hotel, Sioux City, Iowa Sheraton-Mount Royal Hotel, Montreal, Canada Sherbon, Florence Brown Sherfey, Christine G. Sheridan County Historical Society Sheridan County Nebraska StarSherman Hotel, Chicago, Illinois Sherman, Jane - Secretary of Exiled Writers Committee Sherrard, Edith H. - American Association of University Women Shickley, Gail McCandless Shiffer, Marie Shilling, H.W. Shingo, Connie Shipley, Mildred - TimeShipley, Mary J. - Women's National Book Association Shipp, Etta (Mrs. John) Shmied, E.A. Shnake, May C. Shockley, Ann Allen - Maryland State College Shoebotham, H.M. Shoner, Sarah Shopping Reporter Short, Clestine Shuelly, Miss A. Shugg, Roger W. - University of Chicago Press Shugme, Michael - University of Nebraska Shugrue, Michael Shuler, Oma Shurtleff, Mary Frances Shurtleff, W. Bruce Shuster, George N. Shuttleworth, Mrs. James Shwart, Ellen Sibley, Harper - President, Chamber of Commerce of United
States Sibrava, Frank E. Sidney, Milton M. Siegel, Seymour N. - WNYC Sillcox, Luise M. - Authors League Sillen, Samuel - Literary Editor, New
MassesSimmerman, Mrs. Hattie Simmons, Marcia - McIntosh and Otis Simmons, Walter L. - University of Rhode Island Simms, Netti Hill Simon and Schuster Simon, Jean Simon, John J. - World Publishing Company Simon, Rodolpho Simonson, Harry Simpson, Alice B. Simpson, John M. Simpson, Lola Jean - Associate Editor, Parents' MagazineSimpson, Mildred Sims, D.P. Sinclair, F.H. (Neckyoke Jones) Sinclair, Lola and Howard Sinen, Kathleen Sioux County, Nebraska Sizer, Robert L. Skelly, Calhlean S. Skillman, Cleon B. Skillman, Gertrude Skinkle, James - Chadron City Schools, Superintendent Skinner, F.C. - Inspector of Foreign Dividends, England Slaughter, Mrs. Harry Slevens, Leslie C. Sloan, Danny Sloan, Stanley Sloane, ___________________ Sloane, Mrs. ____________________ Sloane, Lucille and Allan Slogum HouseSloman, Cornelia Slote, Bernice - University of Nebraska Slotkowski, Leonard P. Small, J.A. - True WestSmart, Charles Allen "The Smart Man" Smart SetSmeak, Maude A. Smedley, Agnes Smiley, David E. - Editor, North American Newspaper, Alliance,
Nebraska Smith, _____________ -- Credit Manager, Gold and Company,
Lincoln, Nebraska Smith, Mrs. ______________________Smith, Alice E. -- Wisconsin
State Historical Society Smith, Arthur Smith, Bernard - Alfred A. Knopf Smith, Blanche Lee Smith, Clara J. Smith, Clarissa Bucklin Smith, Constance - Harold Ober, Inc. Smith, Cynthia -- West Virginia Folklore Society Smith, Doris Smith, Dorothy K. -- American Library Association Smith, E. Arline Smith, Eddie Smith, Edith Dumont Smith, Elizabeth M. Smith, Elsdon C. -- American Name Society Smith, Elwood (WPA) Smith, Elwood -- WPA Smith, Emma W. Smith, Esther G. Smith, Ferry -- Insurance Smith, Florence Smith, Mrs. George W. Smith, Greg Smith, H.C. Smith, Harrison -- Saturday Review of
LiteratureSmith, Hazle H. Smith, Henry S. Smith, Herbert Smith, J.L. Smith, Mrs. James W. Smith, Jane F. -- National Archives Smith, Joe Smith, John G. Smith, Laurence L. -- University of Wyoming Smith, Leon O. -- Assistant Superintendent, Omaha Public
Schools Smith, Linus Burr Smith, Mrs. Margaret Chase -- U.S. Senate Smith, Mary M. Smith, Paline Smith, Phil Smith, Pruden Smith, Mrs. Purcelle Peck Smith, Purcelle Peck -- American Journal
of NursingSmith, Ralph -- Omaha World
HeraldSmith, Robert Smith, Ruth Smith, S.W. Smith, Stanley C. Smith, Thomas V. Smith, Thurman A. -- Editor, Taylor
ClarionSmith, W.J. Smithsonian Institution Snajdr, Robert V. Snapp, Delos V. Snapp, Louise Snoberger, Bertha Van Trump Snor, Marie Snow, Myrtle Musser -- Chadron Womens Club Snyder, A.D. So Hou ?, R.T. Society of American Authors Society of Midland Authors Society of Women Geographers Sohus, Maxine Selover Solomon, Jerry -- Alliance, Nebraska, Chamber of Commerce Solon, John J. -- University of Wisconsin Press Sophris, Robley Freeman Sopris, William Robert Soreng, E.M. Sorensen, Mrs. C.A. (Annis Chaikin) -- Native Sons &
Daughters of Nebraska Sorensen, Virginia Sorenson, Frank E. -- University of Nebraska Sorenson, Marge & Bob Soss, Marcia -- McIntosh and Otis Soukup, Evelyn South, Roscoe C. Southern Review -- Louisiana
State University Southgate, Mary (Mrs. George T.) Southwest Literary Clipping Service Spacht, C.W. Spahr, Paula Spangler, R.J. Sparks, D.H. Spaulding, Homer Spectvrsky, A.C. Speers, H.A. Speiglman, Sidney Spence, Karl L. Spence, Mrs. L.D. Spence, Rebecca Spence, Tom Spencer, Vera B. Spies, Mrs. B.D. Spies, Geihard Speillissi, Mary G. Spillman, Mrs. H.J. Spindler, Myra Spindler, Will Spitzer, J. Spoken Words Sprague, Marshall Spring, Agnes Wright Springer, Robert G. Sproul, G.P. Sprunk, Gladys Stachowiak, Edward Stacht, Grace Staffanson, Robert Stafford, Earle Stagg, Carolyn Willyoung -- Alfred A. Knopf Stahl, B.F. Stallings, Jeannine R. Stalnaker, Paul R. Stalte, Amy Standard, Louise Standling Bear, Henry -- Chief, Sioux Tribes Stands in Timber, John Stanford University Stanley, Edward Stanley, George Stanley, Ruth Moore -- University of Oklahoma Stanoyevich, B.S. -- Associate Editor, North American ReviewStarbird, Charles E. Starnhort, John W. Starr, N.J. Starzl, Dorothy Starzl, Mrs. Joe Staton, Marcia Stauffer, C.O. Stearn, Hazel Stearns, Robert -- University of Colorado Stebbins, Hazel S. (Mrs. Harold Pierre) Steele, Mrs. John C. (Olga E.) Stefan, Karl -- U.S. Representative Steffing, Ruth -- Minnesota Library Association Steger, Evan Evans (Ozark Evan) Steger, Evan & Maggie Steger, Maggie Stegman, Mr. Stegner, Louise Stegner, Wallace Stegner, Wallace and Mary Stein, Hal Steinbeck, John Steinway, Mr. Theodore Stemp's Stepanek, _____________________ Stepanek, Ola Stepanek, Orin and Ola Stepanek, Orin Stepansson, Vilhjalmur Stephan, John Stephan, Ruth -- Tiger's EyeStephens College, Book Club Stephens, Ray -- Iowa Education Association Stephenson, Geneva Stephenson, O.B. Sterling, Chandler Sterling, Pan Stern Brothers Steuber, William F., Jr. Steuber, William F., Jr. and Marie Steurm, Frank -- American Society for Friendship with
Switzerland Stevens, A.W. -- Little, Brown and Company Stevens, Alden Stevens, Betty Stevens, George -- Managing Editor, Saturday ReviewStevens, James Stevens, Lennie Alcorn Stevens, Mrs. Lennie Alcorn Stevens, Admiral Leslie C. Stevens, Robley Durham Stevenson, Fern Schollenberg Stevenson, Wendell Stewart, Claudia Stewart, Donald E. -- Encyclopedia
BritannicaStewart, Edgar I. Stewart, Evelyn Stewart, Grace Bliss Stewart, Grace Bliss and Paradis, Marjorie B. Stewart, Harold A. Stewart, J.T., Jr. Stewart, Margaret Kay Stewart, Ruth Stewart, Mrs. W.W. Steyn, Mary T. Stickney, Edith P. -- Nebraska Library Association Still Bayrd -- New York University Stilwell, Susan Stilwell, William Stinnett, Caskie Stocker, John Stockmen's Bank, Rushville, Nebraska Stoddard, Lee Stokes, Janet Stolley, W.A. Stolpe, Bert -- Des Moines Register
& TribuneStone, Ivan M. -- Beloit College Stone, Janice Shrimpton (?) Stork, Alfred Storms, Eva E. Story, Isabelle -- Society of Women Geographers Story Magazine Stough, Dale P. Stout, _______________________ Stout, Rex -- Chairman, Writers' War Board, Authors League of
America Stout, Wesley Winans -- Editor, Saturday
Evening PostStovger, Enid (?) Stover, Lee Stowe, Leland -- Reader's DigestStraight, Michael Straka, Elmer D. Stranaham, F.E. Strasburger, Mrs. Robert (Norma) Strasser, Rebecca H. -- President, Denver Woman's Press Club Stratford Company Publishers Stratford MagazineStratton, Lillian -- Wyoming State Archives and Historical
Department Strauss, Harold -- Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Strayer, Juanita Strayer, Wintie F. Street, Dick Streeter, F.B. Streeter, Thomas W. -- New York Historical Society Strnad, Vojtech Strode, Hudson Strohm, Mrs. Bernard (La Vonne) Strong, Frances W. Strong, Mabel Stroud, David H., Jr Stroud, G.T., Jr. Stroud, Losi and Rowe, Marjorie Strouse, Norman H. Srout, Ruth French Stuart, Jesse Stuart, Kenneth Stuart, Mrs. R.L. Students of the Garrett City Schools (Indians) Studin, Charles H. Stuff, Frederick Stuff, Marjorie Stuhr, Mrs. H. Stungo, Connie Sturgeon, C.B. Sturgeon, Elmer E. Sturgeon, Mrs. Elmer E. Suchy, Irma Sugden, P. Sukern, Julia Sullivan, Hazel (Mrs. James J.) Sullivan, Jean Sullivan, Lucille -- Annie Laurie Williams Incorporated Sullivan Transfer and Storage Company Sulzberger, Arthur Ochs Summey, George, Jr. Sunbeam Calyx Garden Club Sunday Magazine Editor, St. Louis Post-DispatchSunset House Superintendent of Building Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Printing Office Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. Superintendent of Public Documents Susskind, David Sutton Sutton, Mr. _______________________ Sutton, E.D. Sutton, E.E. Sutton, Everett S. Sutton, Everett S. & Hazel Sutton, Mary Frances -- HolidaySutton, Mary W. (Towner) Sutton, Richard L. Sutton's Svenson, Dorothy (Mrs. A.L.) Swallow, Alan Swanson, Budington Swanson, Dawn Swanson, Leata Markwell Swanson, W.O. Swantek, John Swayne, Eleanor Sweem, Glenn S.O. Sweet, J.H. Sweet, Mary Sweet, Nell Sweet, Nello Sweetzer, ________________________ Swenson, Eric P. -- W.W. Norton Swift, Grace H. Swift, Mike Swiss Benevolent Society of New York Switalski, John Switzer, Dorothy Nott Sykes, Jim -- Colorado College Sykes, Velma West Syler, Pauline Szymanski, Michalina T. |